Annual report of the Department of Education for the year 2022 (No Child is Left Behind)

Executive Summary:

In his address to the National Parliament on the 1st of August, 2023, the Papua New Guinea Education Minister highlighted the significant achievements, challenges, and policy interventions undertaken by the Department of Education in the 2022 Academic Year. 

The minister expressed gratitude to the Marape-Rosso government and various stakeholders for their unwavering support and outlined six critical areas, including the successful transition to the standard-based curriculum, strategic reforms in education, the establishment of Schools of Excellence, decentralisation initiatives, the effective implementation of tuition fee subsidies, and efforts to address infrastructure needs. 

He emphasised the government's commitment to ensuring no child is left behind and underscored the pivotal role of education in nation-building. The comprehensive report, spanning 122 pages, provides valuable insights into the department's endeavours and sets the stage for continued collaboration and support in the academic year 2023.

Education Department Annual Report

See the budget breakdown for education here.

Minister's Statement:

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am grateful for the opportunity to present the annual report of the Department of Education for the year 2022. I would like to express my appreciation to the honourable members of parliament for granting me leave to make this statement in connection with the reports.

Mr. Speaker, education holds a paramount place in our society, and it is with great honour that I present the 2022 annual report for the Department of Education to the National Parliament. Our department has consistently presented its annual report to this esteemed house, underscoring the significance of education for every citizen.

Before delving into the highlights of the report, I would like to extend, on behalf of the 2.3 million children and numerous parents, our sincere gratitude to the Marape-Rosso government. Despite the economic challenges facing our nation, the government has accorded the highest priority to education. I would also like to acknowledge the unwavering support of every governor and Member of Parliament in advancing the cause of education.

Mr. Speaker, education is the key that unlocks knowledge, talent, skills, and development, fostering prosperity for a nation. It is the common denominator, the foundation upon which societies and nations are built. Therefore, it is our duty to ensure that no child is left behind, irrespective of space, gender, religion, ethnicity, or disability. Every child has the right to education from elementary to grade 12, and we are obligated to provide that.

The Department's 2022 annual report, a comprehensive document spanning 122 pages, offers insights into the performances, achievements, and challenges encountered while implementing policies during the 2022 Academic Year. I urge every minister to peruse the report at their convenience.

In the interest of time, I will highlight six critical policies, achievements, and challenges outlined in the report:

  • 1. Successful transition from the outcome-based curriculum to the standard-based curriculum (SBC), with the completion of the phasing-in of SBC into the education system in 2022. The development phase of the SBC syllabus and teacher guides for all subjects and grades is also complete.
  • 2. Significant progress in the five-year strategic plan for education reform and expansion, with notable increases in enrollments, particularly in secondary schools.
  • 3. Establishment of Schools of Excellence to cater to highly talented students, with a focus on STEM education. A total of 220 STEM students graduated in 2022.
  • 4. Decentralisation of functions and activities to provincial governments, including education laws, payroll, and salary management.
  • 5. Successful government tuition fee subsidy implementation, with a total disbursement of 792 million Kina in 2022.
  • 6. Addressing infrastructure needs and responsibilities at various school levels, emphasising the need for clarity in roles and responsibilities.

In conclusion, I express gratitude to the Marape-Rosso government, members of parliament, governors, partners, stakeholders, and the dedicated team at the Department of Education. Your continued support ensures the success of the education sector. I look forward to ongoing collaboration in the academic year 2023. May God bless you all, and thank you for your attention to government business.

Final remarks:

In closing, the Minister's talk about the Department of Education's yearly report for 2022 highlights how important education is for our country to grow. The report talks about what went well, what challenges were faced, and the plans made to make sure every child gets a good education. 

The Minister said thank you to the government, members of parliament, governors, partners, and everyone in the education team for working together to make education better.

DHERST Online Form: What is "My Back Up Programmes" and "My Eligible Programmes"

The DHERST online form is the 'doorway' for Grade 12 school leavers to enter higher education in Papua New Guinea. Amidst the application process, two terms often elicit confusion and require clarification: "My Back Up Programmes" and "My Eligible Programmes." This article aims to clarify the complexities of these terms and empower applicants to make informed decisions.

If you are a Grade 12 students in the Admission Pool, here is what you need to know.

DHERST Online Form: What is "My Back Up Programmes" and "My Eligible Programmes"

1. "My Back Up Programmes" on DHERST Online Form

"My Back Up Programmes" serves as a strategic safety net, providing applicants with a list of alternative program options in the event that their top choices are not attainable. 

These programs should align with both academic capabilities and personal interests, ensuring a sense of security and flexibility in the application process.

The Significance of Back-Up Programmes:

1. Enhanced Admission Chances: By including Back Up Programmes, applicants significantly increase their likelihood of securing a place in a tertiary institution, expanding their opportunities beyond their initial preferences.

2. Adaptability and Exploration: Back Up programmes offer adaptability in case academic performance or priorities shift. They also provide a platform for exploring diverse fields of study and potential career paths.

Choosing Back Up Programmes

1. Academic Alignment: Ensure that your subject combinations meet the minimum requirements for your Back Up Programmes, maintaining academic feasibility.

2. Personal Interests and Career Aspirations: Align Back Up Programmes with your interests and career goals, even if they are not your primary choices, fostering a sense of fulfilment and purpose.

3. Thorough Research and Exploration:** Conduct in-depth research on the programs and institutions, gaining valuable insights and making informed decisions.

2.  My Eligible Programmes"

"My Eligible Programmes" presents a comprehensive list of programs tailored to applicants' academic profiles, considering their performance and subject combinations.

These programs represent a suitable fit for their academic capabilities and aspirations.

Accessing Eligible Programmes:

1. DHERST NOAS Portal Access: Log in to the DHERST NOAS portal using your designated credentials.

2. Navigating to "My Eligible Programme": Seamlessly navigate to the "My Eligible Programme" interface within the portal.

3. Reviewing Program Requirements: Carefully review the list of programs and their respective requirements, ensuring a thorough understanding of expectations.

The Value of Eligible Programmes:

1. Focused Application Efforts: Eligible Programmes guide applicants towards programs that match their academic strengths, optimising their application strategy.

2. Realistic Expectations: They prevent applicants from applying to programs that exceed their current academic capabilities, setting realistic expectations and avoiding potential disappointment.

If you do not agree with your Grade 12 marks, here is how to ask for Re-marking and re-checking. (Click on the Image)

Grade 12 exam results 2023

3. Additional Tips for DHERST Program Applications

  • Diligent Program Requirements Review: Dedicate ample time to understanding the requirements for each program listed in "My Eligible Programme."
  • Seeking Guidance and Advice: Engage in discussions with the school deputy principal, class patron or teachers to gain valuable insights and recommendations regarding program choices.
  • Prioritisation Based on Interests and Strengths: Rank programs according to your interests and academic strengths, ensuring a balanced approach to decision-making.
  • Attentive Form Completion: Complete the online application form with utmost care and attention, ensuring accuracy and timely submission.
  • Regular Portal Updates: Regularly check the DHERST NOAS portal for important announcements and updates, staying informed throughout the application process.
  • Exam Results & Grace Period: Take note of the release of the Grade 12 exam results and the duration of the Grace Period when aligning your choices with the institutions' expectations.

Conclusion (DHERST Online Form)

By knowing the differences between "My Back Up Programmes" and "My Eligible Programmes," applicants can navigate the DHERST online form with confidence, making informed decisions that align with their academic capabilities, personal interests, and career aspirations. 

Remember to seek guidance, and approach the application process with a strategic mindset. Best of luck in your pursuit of higher education!



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