Cummins Apprentice Program 2024 - Expressions of Interest Open

Cummins is now accepting expressions of interest for its 2024 Apprentice Program in Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea. The program provides apprentices with the opportunity to train as Mechanical, Electrical, or Parts Interpreting Technicians in a state-of-the-art learning environment.

2024 Cummins Apprentice Program

What is Cummins Apprentice Program 2024?

Cummins offers a number of benefits to its apprentices, including:

  • A nationally recognized trade qualification
  • Workshop starter toolkit, company laptop, and full PPE
  • All TAFE fees paid for eligible apprentices
  • 8 x Cummins Technical product training courses
  • Access to a range of employee benefits

To be eligible for the Cummins Apprentice Program, applicants must be:

  • Currently enrolled in Year 12, or have completed Year 12 (highly regarded but not essential)
  • Have completed a pre-apprenticeship certificate (or expected completion prior to Jan 2024)
  • Have relevant work experience or vocational training
  • Be a mature-age applicant, female, Indigenous candidate, or person with disabilities (encouraged to apply)
  • Have similar industry experience with transferable skills

New updates:  Cummins Apprentice Program 2024

  • The commencement date for the 2024 Apprentice Program is February 2024.
  • The company is also now accepting expressions of interest for Parts Interpreting apprentices.
  • Cummins is an equal opportunity employer dedicated to diversity in the workplace.

How to apply:

Register your expression of interest today. Once the opportunities are open, Cummins will email you with further information on those apprenticeships that meet your preferences.

To be eligible, applicants will be required to complete and be available for all stages of the recruitment process. This includes an online application, completing online aptitude testing, an interview, a pre-employment medical, and police and background checks.

To apply, please visit the following link:

For Graduate Development Programs and Apprenticeship Trainings, click here.

Google AdSense Announces Two Key Changes for 2024

Google AdSense, a platform designed to help publishers monetize their websites, is set to undergo significant changes in 2024. These changes, announced by Dan Taylor, Vice President of Global Ads, aim to enhance consistency and transparency for publishers without negatively impacting their earnings.

Per-Impression Payments

The first major change involves shifting from the current "per click" payment model to "per impression." Dan Taylor emphasized that this transition aligns AdSense with the industry standard for display ads, including banners and boxes. 

Per-impression payments offer a more uniform method for compensating publishers, making it easier for them to compare earnings across various technology providers, including Google's products and third-party platforms. 

Importantly, this alteration will not affect the type or quantity of ads publishers can display on their websites. In essence, it's about how publishers are compensated for displaying ads, not what ads they can display.

Google AdSense's 2024 updates: Per-Impression payments & revenue share changes for more consistency and transparency, without impacting earnings.

Restructuring AdSense Revenue Share

The second key change involves restructuring the AdSense revenue share model. Until now, fees were processed as a single transaction, but Google is introducing a separation of rates for the buy-side and sell-side. 

Under the new structure, publishers who display ads with AdSense for content will receive 80% of the revenue after the advertiser platform deducts its fee. This includes Google's buy-side and third-party platforms. 

Despite this change, Dan Taylor assured publishers that they will continue to keep approximately 68% of the revenue, which aligns with previous rates.

For example, when Google Ads purchases display ads on AdSense, Google Ads will, on average, retain 15% of the advertiser spend. It's worth noting that variations can occur because Google Ads' fees are not fixed; they depend on user actions, such as clicks or conversions.

AdSense Changes for 2024

These two pivotal changes are scheduled to be implemented in the early part of 2024. The good news for publishers is that they don't need to take any specific action in response to these updates.

Also, Google has conducted tests and expects that the changes will not significantly impact publishers' earnings.

Enhance Consistency and Transparency for Publishers

In conclusion, the AdSense changes for 2024, as outlined by Dan Taylor, are designed to provide publishers with a more consistent and transparent monetization experience, all while maintaining their earnings. 

The shift to per-impression payments and the restructuring of the revenue share structure are set to enhance the AdSense platform's user experience without affecting the type or quantity of ads publishers can showcase.



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