Frieda River Mine: Sepik River and People More Valuable Than $2.8 Billion

The Frieda River copper and gold mine in Papua New Guinea is scheduled to begin production in 2035, with an estimated cost of $2.8 billion. However, there is growing concern about the potential impacts of the mine on the Sepik River and the people who live along it.

Sepik River: biodiverse river in the world

The Sepik River is one of the most biodiverse rivers in the world, and it is essential to the way of life of the Sepik people. The river provides food, water, transportation, and a source of cultural and spiritual identity.

Frieda River copper and gold mine in Papua New Guinea

Local landowners and NGOs criticize the Frieda River mine's impacts on the mighty Sepik River, arguing that the potential destruction of the river systems, wildlife, and people's way of life will be irreparable.

One cannot ignore the fact that the Sepik River and its natural environment has provided for the people for thousands of years. It is too valuable to justify the mine's economic benefits. 

The risks of water pollution, acid mine drainage, and deforestation, as well as the disruption of the Sepik people's traditional way of life is far greater than the mining's revenue. 

The Sepik River and its people are More Valuable Than PanAust's $2.8 Billion

Mine Developer PanAust

The developer of the mine, PanAust, has committed to regular government and community engagement throughout the project. However, critics argue that PanAust has not adequately addressed their concerns.

In a recent statement, the Save the Sepik campaign said: "The Frieda River mine is a threat to the Sepik River and the people of the Sepik. We call on the Papua New Guinea government to stop the mine and protect our river and our way of life."

The decision of whether or not to proceed with the Frieda River mine is a complex one. There are potential economic benefits to the mine, but there are also significant risks to the environment and the people of the Sepik. The Papua New Guinea government must carefully weigh all of the factors involved before making a decision.

Swire Shipping Launches New Scholarships for Papua New Guinean Students

Swire Shipping, a leading shipping company owned by John Swire and Sons Limited, has recently announced the launch of two new scholarships for Papua New Guinean students: the Swire University Scholarship and the Taikoo College Scholarship. These fully-funded scholarships will support 15 deserving students to pursue their tertiary education, with a total value of up to K275,000 per annum.

scholarships for png students

Swire Scholarship 2023 - 2024


The Swire University Scholarship is open to second, third, and fourth-year students enrolled at government universities in Papua New Guinea, namely Unitech, UPNG, and Divine Word University. 

The Taikoo College Scholarship is available to Grade 12 school leavers who have applied to IEA College of Tafe for technical and vocational education.


The scholarships cover all tuition fees, board and lodging, academic materials, and even airfare for those traveling from outside Port Moresby. This holistic approach aims to empower students to focus on their studies and achieve their educational goals.

Commitment to education

The launch of these scholarships is part of Swire's broader commitment to community engagement and its existing education scholarship program. 

Rupert Bray, the Managing Director for Steamships, emphasized the company's strategic focus on education within its community initiatives. He stated that these scholarships are specifically designed to assist students from disadvantaged backgrounds with strong academic records.

PNG Students Scholarships 2024

The Swire University Scholarship and the Taikoo College Scholarship are a valuable opportunity for young Papua New Guineans to pursue their educational aspirations and contribute to the growth and prosperity of their nation. 

These scholarships provide students with the financial support and resources they need to succeed in their chosen fields, and they demonstrate Swire's commitment to investing in the future of Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinean students who are interested in applying for either of these scholarships should visit the Swire Shipping website for more information.



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