A Contrarian View of Sustainable Development in Papua New Guinea in the Next 50 Years

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a developing country with a young and growing population. The economy is largely resource-based, with mining, oil, and gas accounting for a significant share of GDP. However, the country also faces a number of challenges, including poverty, inequality, and corruption.

This article presents a contrarian view of development in PNG, with politics at the centre of the discussion. It argues that the country needs a fresh perspective on development, one that is driven by visionary and humble leadership.

Sustainable Development in Papua New Guinea in the Next 50 Years

Highlights and Lows of the Past 50 Years

The first two decades (1960s - 1980s) of PNG's independence showed immense promise. The economy was booming, and the Kina stood at par with the US dollar. 

Roads, infrastructure, and essential services were being built. However, from the mid-1980s to 1990s, the country's trajectory took a sharp turn as certain political leaders deviated from the development path, plunging PNG into a downward spiral.

Politicians Leading with Humility

One glaring issue that has plagued PNG's development is the stark contrast between the privileges enjoyed by politicians and the struggles faced by ordinary citizens. Politicians often seek medical treatment and education abroad, perceiving local facilities as inferior. This attitude needs to change.

To drive a contrarian approach to development, politicians should attend local hospitals, send their children to provincial high schools, and invest in the development of local facilities. This would demonstrate a commitment to public service and send a powerful message to the people.

Power to Transform

To bridge the gap between political privilege and public hardship, legislation must be enacted to ensure that lawmakers, who hold the power to use public funds wisely, lead by example.

Lawmakers need to realise that they can provide the best health and education services in PNG without going overseas. When they build it at home, everyone can enjoy its benefits.

In the next 50 years, one significant change that should take place is that politicians must "feel powerless." This may sound counterintuitive, but it means that they should operate within the bounds of the law and the judiciary, free from a sense of entitlement or immunity. This shift towards accountability and responsibility is essential for sustainable development.

Sustainable Development in Papua New Guinea in the Next 50 Years

Service Over Wealth: The Humble Path to Progress

To serve the people effectively, politicians must be driven by a deep love for their constituents. This entails sacrificing personal wealth and humbling themselves to prioritise the welfare of the nation over personal gain.

A modest salary relative to doctors, nurses, and teachers reflects a commitment to public service. Politicians can lead by example and prioritize the welfare of the people by:

  • Using local services, such as hospitals and schools.
  • Empowering law enforcement bodies to hold them accountable.
  • Accepting a salary that is comparable to other essential workers.
  • Respecting the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary.
  • Putting the needs of the people ahead of their own personal interests.

Remember that a higher pay packet does not equate to serving the people well. By taking these actions, politicians can make a real difference in the lives of their constituents and help to build a better future for their country.


As Papua New Guinea looks back on 50 years of independence and ahead to the next half-century, it is evident that a fresh perspective on development is urgently needed. Politicians must lead by example, focusing on building local infrastructure, feeling accountable to the law, and prioritising the welfare of the people. 

It is only by taking this contrarian approach that PNG can embark on a more sustainable and equitable path to development.

Study Online at Papua New Guinea University of Technology

The Papua New Guinea University of Technology (PNGUOT) is offering online studies for the 2024 Academic Year. This is a great opportunity for students who want to study at a prestigious university without having to relocate to Papua New Guinea.

This information is from PNGUOT, reposted here for PNG Insight readers. Follow the links to the university's website for more information.

Papua New Guinea University of Technology UNITECH ONLINE APPLICATION FORM

Online Courses Offered

PNGUOT offers a variety of online courses, including:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication for Development
  • Bachelor of Business in Accountancy
  • Bachelor of Business in Applied Economics
  • Bachelor of Business in Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Business in Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics
  • Bachelor of Property Studies
  • Bachelor of Construction Management

Note these courses are offered online only!

Benefits of Studying Online

There are many benefits to studying online, including:

  • Flexibility: You can study at your own pace and on your own schedule. 
  • Affordability: Online tuition is often less expensive than traditional tuition.
  • Accessibility: You can study from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
  • Quality: PNGUOT is a highly respected university, and its online programs are just as rigorous as its on-campus programs.

How to Apply

To apply for online studies at PNGUOT, you will need to visit the university's website and create an account. Once you have created an account, you will be able to access the online application form.

  • ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for online studies at PNGUOT, you must have a Grade 12 Higher School Certificate or equivalent with minimum required grades. 

Entry requirements are the same for online students as for on-campus students.

For fee information, click here.

Documents Required for Applying

  • Recent passport size photo that is clear (scanned in .pdf format). Applications lacking photos or with poor ones will be rejected.
  • Application payment receipt (scanned).
  • Academic record transcripts/certificates that show grades/achievements (high school, college/university studies, vocational training, distance/open learning courses).
  • All these documents must be officially certified within the current year (2022-2023) by a registered COMMISSIONER OF OATHS employed by government (including district court houses). 
  • Statutory Declaration Form are NOT accepted. Your entire application will be rejected if those assessments are not officially stamped by the Commissioner or if you use a Commissioner not employed directly by government.
  • Find two referees who are willing to fill out the form attached below. Referees must be established adults who are not close relatives but who know you and your capabilities well. Evaluations must be less than 2 years old. Referee‟s name and signature must be officially witnessed by a professional colleague from the same organisation and its seal/stamp inserted to officially certify the reference forms.
  • Any document/s produce after the application been submitted will NOT be accepted.
  • Comply with instructions given on this form because appeals will NOT be accepted if your application is rejected.
Unitech online application

Apply Now

If you are interested in studying online at PNGUOT, please visit the university's website and create an account. Once you have created an account, you will be able to access the online application form.

Here are some additional tips for applying for online studies at PNGUOT:

  • Make sure that you have all of the required documents before you start the application process.
  • Take your time and complete the application carefully.
  • Be sure to proofread your application before submitting it.
  • If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the PNGUOT Online Admissions Office.


Any false, misleading, or altered information found on your application or attachments (we double-check with source schools) will PERMANENTLY BLACK-LIST you from ever studying at the PNG University of Technology.



Download University of Goroka Application Forms PDF

Download University of Goroka Application Forms PDF