Importance of ATAR Results 2024 in Australia's University Admission Process

The Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) is a measure of a student's academic performance in the final years of secondary school. It is used as the primary basis for determining university admission in Australia and is calculated based on a student's results in their final exams.

Importance of ATAR Results 2024 in Australia's University Admissions Process

ATAR Calculation

The calculation of ATAR is based on a student's results in the 10 units of study they complete in their final two years of high school. 

The units are assigned a score between 0 and 100, with the average score being 50. 

The scores are then combined to create a percentile rank, with the highest-performing students receiving an ATAR of 99.95 and the lowest-performing students receiving an ATAR of 30.

ATAR Results

ATAR results have shown a gradual decline in recent years, with the average ATAR score dropping from around 77 in 2017 to around 75 in 2020. This decline is partly due to the increasing number of students taking the final exams and the increasing competition for university places.

The decline in ATAR scores also affects university admission, with some students who would have previously been guaranteed a place at a particular university now facing competition from other applicants. 

However, universities also take other factors into account when making admission decisions, such as the student's performance in individual subjects, extracurricular activities, and personal circumstances.

ATAR and Tertiary Admissions Centre (TAC)

ATAR was introduced in 2009 as a replacement for the Universities Admissions Index (UAI) system, which was in use from 1992-2008. 

It was designed to provide a fairer and more transparent method of determining university admission, as the UAI system was criticized for being too subjective and relying too heavily on school recommendations.

The ATAR system is managed by the Tertiary Admissions Centre (TAC), which is responsible for calculating and distributing ATAR scores to students and universities. 

The TAC also provides support to students and their families in understanding the ATAR and university admission process.

ATAR and university admission

In addition to the ATAR, universities may also consider other factors such as:

  • a student's performance in individual subjects, 
  • extracurricular activities, 
  • work experience, and 
  • personal circumstances. 
This is known as a "holistic" approach to university admission, and is designed to ensure that students with a wide range of skills and experiences are given equal consideration for university places.

It is worth noting that not all universities in Australia use the ATAR system. Some universities, such as the Australian National University (ANU) and the University of Melbourne, have their own admission criteria and may not require an ATAR score for admission.


The ATAR is a critical factor in determining university admission in Australia and has been shown to have a declining trend in recent years. However, it is important to remember that the ATAR is not the only factor considered by universities when making admission decisions. 

Students should focus on doing their best in their final exams and also consider other factors, such as extracurricular activities, that may help improve their chances of being admitted to the university of their choice.

Open Campus UPNG Application Form 2023

The Open Campus UPNG Application Form 2023 is now available online, The applications for 2022 Grade 12 School Leavers intake into the open campus across the country closes in 25 days' time. 

Visit your local open college centres for more information on entry requirements. 

You can also get more information about the courses via the UPNG Open Campus via the links below.

UPNG Application form 2023

UPNG Open Campus Programs 2023

The University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), through its Open Campuses and University Centres in the country, is inviting students who completed Grade 12 to apply for 2023 academic. 

The following programs are offered:

School of Business and Public Policy

  • Business Management Foundation Year (BMFY)

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Bachelor of Arts Foundation (BAF)

School of Natural and Physical Sciences

  • Bachelor of Science Foundation Year (SFY)

How to Get the Open Campus UPNG Application Form 2023?

Prospecting students who completed Grade 12 can apply to study at UPNG Open College in 2023. 

If you are interested in enrolling, download the Application form and fill it in and lodge it at your nearest Open College Centre.

Download the UPNG Open Campus Application Form 2023

To get more information online visit the UPNG website via the links. You can also visit the UPNG Open Campus or University Centre in your province.

Click on the active links to get more information about each of the three courses offered at the open campus.

Open Campus UPNG Application Closing Date

Applications for Grade 12 School Leavers close on Tuesday 31st of January 2023

No Late Applications will be Accepted

Contact UPNG Open Campus

For more information, contact the Executive Director of Open College:

  • Phone: 326 7572 or 326 7110
  • Email: or