How to Register Company with IPA Online (Investment Promotion Authority)

This is an extract of frequently ask questions for registering a business in Papua New Guinea with the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA). The information first appeared in the Post Courier and we share it here for our readers. 

In this info-article, you'll find out about the different companies you can register; how to register a business either offline (in person) or online; the cost of registering a business what to do when you've applied to register a business. 

How to register a Limited Company with IPA PNG

How do I register a business? 

There are a number of differences which one can register:

  1. A Limited Company,
  2. Business Name, 
  3. Association, 
  4. Business Group and 
  5. Foreign Enterprise
Upon registration, one can receive a registration certificate under the entity type they register.

How do I go on obtaining an IPA Certificate?

The IPA Certificate is given to foreign entities that are after company registration is required to lodge a foreign enterprise application.

How do I obtain this important document? 

One can obtain extracts or certificates of business entities, from IPA Website. However, at the IPA front counters, IPA does not provide soft-copy searches or printed extracts.

How to register business offline?

  • 1. Business name registration fee offline is K200.00
  • 2. You must submit the completed business name Form 1 to the Registrar of companies, via post if you are outside of Port Moresby or at our public front counter at Konedobu.
  • 3. The IPA postal addresses are; PO Box 1281, Port Moresby, NCD or PO Box 5053, Boroko, NCD, Attention: Registrar of Companies.
  • 4. In relation to payment, IPA does not accept cash, hence, fees can be paid via bank cheque, Eftpos on-site or direct deposit using IPA’s customized deposit form.
  • 5. If using the normal bank deposit form, please remember to attach the original deposit butt to the application form.
  • 7. Bank: WESTPAC Acc#: 295283 | BSP Acc#: 1001323865 | KINA Acc#: 1150909

How to register a business online?

You also have an option to register your business name and pay fees online using a visa/credit card or by registering yourself as a Deposit Account (prepaid) user on the IPA website. 

The filing fee to register your business name online is K150.00.


In order to use IPA Online Registry System (ORS) to access services other than conducting entity searches, one must first register an ONLINE USER account.

To register an online user account, follow steps 1-6 below. 

(If you are already a registered user, please skip to PART B).

  • 1. Enter the IPA website address as in 
  • 2. Click Register account 
  • 3. Enter your personal details 
  • 4. Enter a username
  • 5. Enter a password 
  • 6. Click ‘create’ to be automatically registered as a registered user. A dashboard automatically appears on the successful completion of this process.

Note: Ensure to record your username and password lest you forget.


The first step towards applying for any entity registration including Business Names is to make sure that the name you are proposing to register is available (or is not already registered by someone else). 

Follow Steps 1-6 below: Click Online Services from the tab as in below

IPA Online company Search


  • 1. Again, from your dashboard click Online Services 
  • 2. Click on Register Business Name 
  • 3. Fully complete all tabs as in below and click ‘Submit’
IPA Online company Search
  • 4. Once the Fee Payment screen appears complete details in full and click ‘Continue’. A follow-on payment screen will appear. 
  • 5. Fill in the details of your CREDIT or DEBIT CARD. 
  • 6. Click ‘Continue’ to complete the process.


  • WHAT TO EXPECT: Once the above process is complete, the application is queued in the internal work queue and can be processed imminently.
  • ESTIMATED TURNAROUND TIME: Approximate processing time for applications submitted online is 2 working days. Follow-ups may be staged after 2 working days.
  • ONLINE FEE: Online application/registration fee applicable for Business Names is K150.
  • PAYMENT METHOD: For any online submission, a fee is to be made by either CREDIT CARD or DEBIT CARD
  • FOREIGN ENTERPRISE CERTIFICATION: After completing the registration process as above, entities having foreign involvements will need to apply for what is called a Foreign Enterprise Certification. For this, refer to the information sheet titled ‘Using Online Registry System – Foreign Certification Process.
  • EMAIL CONTACT: The email address to be used for online queries is

Source: This article originally appeared in the Post Courier 

(24 December 2021)

When will DHERST Publish 2022 Grade 12 Selection Lists for 2023 HEIs?

The higher education department (DHERST) will launch the Grade 12 National Online Selection on the 21st of December 2023. So what does the launching mean; and when will DHERST publish the 2023 Grade 12 Selections Lists for the 2024 academic year in the country?

Here are 5 points that students, parents and guardians should know as they check their names on National Online Selection System (NOAS). 

Check NOAS Selection Status (1)

Students can view their selection STATUS through their individual National Online Application Accounts. The 2023 Grade 12 students should use their NOAS login details to access their accounts and confirm their selection status for the 2024 academic year.

For the latest on key dates released by DHERST, check this article.

In fact, this is the final outcome of your School Leaver's Choice on the National Online Application System. 

The selection status on DHERST National Online Selection System is 'provisional' only. That means two things: 

  • first, the HEI will send you an offer letter, also called the acceptance letter, to confirm your placement with the institution; and
  • second, DHERST will formally publish your name on the 2023 Grade 12 selection list PDF on its website.

What should you do if you are selected? (2)

Congratulations if you are selected to continue to a tertiary institution in 2024. There are several things that you should find out. 
  • Are you on TESAS (AES, HECAS)?
  • Will you be a SELF-SPONSORED student?
  • When are you likely to see your name on the 2023 DHERST selection list?
  • Should you inform your institution that you've accepted that offer?
At least, try to find out the answer to the 5 questions as you prepare to go to your new school. 

Here is an article that can help you prepare for registration and orientation week. It gives details to documents you need to present at registration, fees and what to do to get yourself prepared for the new academic year. 

2022 DHERST Selection list PDF - Study Online in PNG

DHERST new Grade 12 data (3)

Note that there are ONLY 16,171 spaces available at the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Papua New Guinea according to DHERST's new data

For the 2022 Academic Year, there were 

  • 31, 817 students were nominated to sit the exams; 
  • 26,544 students certified;
  • 16,171 total HEI quota ; 
  • 10,373 Grade 12 students will NOT be selected for 2022 HEI studies.

Many Grade 12 students, like in the past years, will not get an HEI placement though they may have really good grades.

If you have secured a placement, you should be proud of yourself!

Important Announcement from DHERST 2023 (4)

DHERST and HEIs will use Grade 12 students' data in the National Online Application System (NOAS) to confirm their selections. Here is what DHERST has to say:
  • Your (Grade 12 Students) data from the MyNOAS data field has been forwarded to the Higher Education Institution that selected you.  The HEI will communicate directly with you to inform you about the specific details of the institution, including how to accept your offer. 
  • Note that the response contained therein (in the NOSS) is not an admission confirmation. You should expect to receive official notice through an admissions offer letter directly from your Higher Education Institution (HEI).
Many Grade 12 students will NOT be selected for 2024 HEI studies. If you feel that you have made the Grade, but missed out, here is a story that will inspire you. 

Read about Sharlyne's story. She completed Grade 12 at Marianville Secondary School. Her Grade Point Average (GPA) was above the cut-off mark for entry into UPNG, but she missed out on the selection.

Grade 12 selection list - Study Online in PNG

When will DHERST Publish 2023 Grade 12 Selections Lists for HEIs?

DHERST  launched the Grade 12 selection List on the 21st of December 2023.

Here are the important dates for Grade 12 students.



Students apply for tertiary programmes

Monday 28th August- Friday 08th December, 2023

Grade 12 national examinations

Monday 16th – Friday 20th October, 2023 (DONE)

NOAS Grace Period

 Tuesday 12th December- Friday 15th December, 2023

Launching of 2022 selection for 2023 academic year

Thursday 21st December, 2023

Check out the latest information on 2022 Grade 12 and 10 Exam Results and Selection Dates.

How to enrol at FODE?

If you want to upgrade your marks at FODE or at any University Open and Distance Learning Centres, here is some information that you'll find useful. Click on the link to read more. 

We hope this gives you an idea about what to expect between now and then. Share this with your friends and family and let them know about this information, too.

All the best in 2024!



Public Holidays in PNG 2025

Public Holidays in PNG 2025