12 PNG MPs and Statesmen Passed On in the Last 3 Years

An unusually high number of PNG MPs, Statesmen and Public Figures passed on from 2019 to 2021. But, note that many have passed on due to old age and illnesses. 

Six serving Members of Parliament (MPs), 6 Statesmen and Sirs, and 5 former MPs passed on. It was an end-of-an-era for nearly 20 PNG public figures in the last 3 years.

6 Serving PNG MPs Passed On

1. Sam Akotai (serving MP, December 2021)

2. Johnny Ananias Alonk (Serving MP, November 2021)

3. Roy Biyama (Serving MP, September 2021)

4. Richard Mendani (Serving MP, March 2021)

5. Sir Mekere Morauta (Serving MP, December 2020)

6. Thomas Pelika (Serving MP, October 2019)

6 Senior Statesmen Passed On

1. Sir Paulus Matane (Senior Statesman, December 2021)

2. Sir Dannis William Dux (Businessman, December 2021)

3. Justice Danajo Koeget (Senior Judge, December 2021)

4. Sir Peter Lus (Former MP and Senior Stateman, October 2021)

5. Sir Silas Atopare (Former PNG Governor-General, September 2021)

6. Sir Michael Somare (Retired, Founding Father of Papua New Guinea, February 2021)

Businessmen and Former MPs Who Passed On 2019 - 2021

1. Amkat Mai (Former MP, November 2021)

2. Mafuk Gainda (Former MP and Deputy Governor, March 2021)

3. Mal Kela Smith (Businessman and former MP, April 2021)

4. Steven Koimanrea (Former MP, November 2019)

5. Vincent Auali (Former MP, June 2019)

If you know of any Statesmen or women, MPs or local heroes who are NOT mentioned and you thought should be recorded in this segment, please comment below. 

A record of PNG's history 

Lest we forget, this is a collection of names that will surely go down in the history of Papua New Guinea. 

PNG Insight hopes that the mainline news media can do something similar but go into detail and really nail this part of PNG's HISTORY that is gone so that the future generation know who they are and how they live and die.

How Does 2024 Grade 11 Selection Take Place?

We received a lot of questions about the 2024 Grade 11 Selection so this article will help you understand what is actually happening. PNG Insight provides some insights into how the Grade 11 selection takes place over the years. 

Note that the times are based on past writer's experiences and observations - they may change depending on the education department's present circumstances.

Do you think the Education Department should include the dates for the publication of Grade 10 and 12 examination results and Grade 11 selection on the Education Department Calendar? Let us know what you think here.

2024 Grade 11 selection list PDF www.education.gov.pg selection list 2024 pdf

How Grade 11 Selection Happens 

The yearly grade 11 selections take place in four stages. The selections start in the provinces after the Grade 10 examinations and culminate in Port Moresby where the results come out to students, parents, schools and stakeholders.

Stage 1: Release of Grade 10 Exam Results

The Measurement Services Division (Education Department) releases the Grade 10 results to the members of the provincial and national Grade 11 selection committee.

Stage 2: Grade 11 selection in Port Moresby & Provinces

The selection committee takes about two weeks to select Grade 11 students for National High and Secondary Schools. 

This provincial Grade 11 selection committee works with the General Education Services of the Education Department to do the selection in the provinces.

This year's selection dates for National Schools of Excellence and Secondary Schools are here.

Stage 3: Education Secretary Sights the Selection List

GES takes the list to the Education Secretary to sight and sign. This can take a couple of days to a week

Stage 4: GES/ICT division publishes Grade 11 selection list

The GES works with the ICT Division to upload the file onto the Education Department website. This is a one-day work but can take up to a week to complete.

The selection committee and three divisions (MSD, GES and ICT) of the Education Department work together to bring the Grade 11 selection list to you. 

So, there you have it. 

2024 Grade 11 selection process and selection list PDF

When will the 2023 Grade 11 Selection list come out?

The General Education Services (GES) of the National Department of Education and Education Secretary will give you the answer to the question.

The Measurement Services Division will release the Exam Results for Grade 10 to the GES and Grade 11 selectors, usually on the first week of December every year. 

This is Stage 1 of the 2024 Grade 11 selection.

From past experience, the actual selection can take two weeks - as we mentioned in this article.  This is Stage 2 of Selection where the selectors meet in Port Moresby and finalise the Grade 11 Lists. 

By stage 2, your principals and provincial education officers should have the name list of their respective schools.

Last year's selections (2023 Grade 11 Selection List) came out on the 19th of December 2022. There was a delay of 1 week.

Expect the 2024 Grade 11 Selection List for all regions to be published around the same time. Here are the past release dates that you might want to see if you want to get ideas about the release of the 2024 Grade 11 selection list, PDF.

How will the Education Dept Publish the Grade 11 List 2024?

The General Education Services and ICT Divisions normally make the Grade 11 selection list available in PDF according to the Regions and Schools. 

Since last year, GES/ICT Divisions have attempted to try a *LOGIN* system but they did not carry it through due to a lack of technical capacity, we believe. 

Neither GES nor ICT said anything about it, so you just have to wait and see what happens this year.

What's Happening Right Now

Right now, we believe the Grade 11 Selection Committee is finalising the selection lists.

Parents, guardians and students will have to wait till the secretary sights and signs the Grade 11 listings for 2024 (mentioned in Stage 3); and for GES and ICT to publish the list online (Stage 4). 

You know the stages and how long it takes for selection to take place. 

We hope that answers some of your questions. 

If you need more information, check out the links we provide in this article. You can also leave a comment below and let us know what you think.

Have you used the PNG Insight Maths Resource website?

Do you know you can download the Grade 11 and Grade 12 Mathematics (General and Advanced Maths) Exam Papers and all the Topics? 

Yes. PNG Insight has over 10 years of collections of Exam Papers and resources for both teachers and students. 

Check out our Maths Exam Resources get a copy of the topics and download the Exam Papers.

Grade 11 selection lists 2023

How to enrol at FODE?

If you want to upgrade your marks at FODE or at any University Open and Distance Learning Centres, here is some information that you'll find useful. Click on the link to read more. 

Read about PNG Insight's *NEW* maths exam resources website for Grades 12, 10 and 8 students in Papua New Guinea. (Plus, lots of student and teacher maths resources, free to download)



Download University of Goroka Application Forms PDF

Download University of Goroka Application Forms PDF