University of Goroka: UoG Non-school Leavers and School Leavers Acceptance 2024 Info Update

University of Goroka (UoG) Student Acceptance 2024 Update: The information presented below summarises recent news and instructions regarding selections for the University of Goroka (UoG). 

This information is intended for both non-school leavers who have applied directly to UoG and school leavers who applied through the DHERST National Online Application System (NOAS).

🛈This article was updated on 12 December 2024. More information on the Non-school Leavers Selection List for 2024 Dates, Releases and TESAS Lists is available here.

2024 University of Goroka Application Form

University of Goroka (UoG) Selections Info Update

If you are a non-school leaver who has applied to UoG, the university will inform you directly of your acceptance into their programme. For example, if you submitted the 2023 UoG non-school leaver application for 2024 studies, you will hear directly from UoG, not from DHERST.

The university will directly inform you of your acceptance via the acceptance letter and/or by publishing the acceptance list on their website. Once you receive your acceptance letter, you must accept the Offer Letter and notify the university of your intention to take up the offer immediately.

In 2020, 2021 and 2022, the university proactively informed Continuing Students of their acceptance status before they left for the holidays. This was a commendable practice, as it reduced the stress on UoG Admin during registration early in the following years.

Acceptance lists for 2024

The University of Goroka offers Diploma, Technical, Bachelor, Bachelor (Professional), Bachelor (Honours), Post-Graduate Diploma, and Masters programs.

Here is what UoG says about its programs:

The University of Goroka offers Specialized Degree, and Diploma Programs in the School of Education, School of Humanities, School of Science and Technology, Institute of Technical Vocational Education and Training, Institute of Post Graduate Studies, Institute of Distance and Flexible Learning, and UOG Enga Campus.

The University accepts the:
  • School leavers (Grade 12 school leavers seeking admission in the next immediate year) and;
  • Non-School Leavers (Grade 12 passed-outs in the last 5 years) for admission into its Diploma, Bachelor and Bachelor (Professional) programs.

UoG selections: Grade 12 students SL vs Non-school Leavers

Please note that UoG collaborates with DHERST in selecting Year 12 students for higher education opportunities. UoG submits its allocated quota to DHERST, which then utilises online school leavers' preferences to select students for the 2024 academic year.

DHERST typically publishes the final selection list. Therefore, if you are a Grade 12 student or classified as a School Leaver, please consult the higher education (DHERST) website for your selection status.

For Non-school Leavers, UoG primarily conducts the selection process. Whether you are applying for a diploma, undergraduate degree, or postgraduate programme, please check the UoG website for your name.

UoG non-school leavers and continuing students, here is an article about the delay in the release of the 2024 lists - read this article.

UoG Non-school Leavers Acceptance List for 2024

Due to limited space and resources, the University of Goroka can only accept a restricted number of new students in its various programmes of study. Consequently, competition is highly intense, and priority is given to those with the highest GPAs.

Those seeking enrolment must fulfil the UoG admission requirements.

Non-School Leavers are selected based on their applications submitted in response to the University's annual advertisement. The University undertakes the selection process and informs successful applicants by publishing the 2024 Non-School Leavers Acceptance List on its website.

Here is some information about the Post Graduate Opportunities at UOG, click here to find out.

University of Goroka UOG Acceptance List 2024 DHERST.GOV.PG

School Leavers Acceptance List

As mentioned earlier, the School leavers (Grade 12 Students) are selected based on their options provided through the Department of Higher Education. DHERST does the selection online and informs the students of their AES or TESAS statuses.

The 2024 school leavers' selection list will be published on the DHERST website like it did in the past unless things have changed. However, it seems that the selection will continue as normal this year. 

Non-school Leavers Acceptance Letters

The University sends offer/acceptance letters to all candidates selected for various programs in addition to advertising the names of selected candidates for various programs in the prominent newspapers in the Country. 

The candidates who accept the offer letters are requested to pay the relevant yearly fee in full and register themselves for the program for which they are accepted usually in February of the year concerned. 

The process of admission ends with the registration of the students for the program for which they are accepted.

You can also find out about the other PNG Universities and their 2024 selections on this information page.

If you have any questions about the 2024 Grade 12 selection process, PDF list, etc., please leave a comment below or check out this latest update on PNG Universities Non-School Leavers Selection.

2022 PNG elections electoral common roll update - TIPNG PRESS RELEASE


With the PNG Electoral Roll Update exercise further deferred to December 2021 and January 2022, Transparency International PNG (TIPNG) is now calling the PNG Electoral Commission (PNGEC) and the 22 Provincial Administrations across PNG to urgently establish active Provincial Election Steering Committees (PESCs). Proper arrangements need to be put in place now to avoid the risk of excluding a large segment of unregistered and first-time voters wanting to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming 2022 National General Elections. 

TIPNG has carried out provincial election awareness and community outreach and when in the various provinces has learned that with only 20 weeks remaining before the scheduled issue of writs for the 2022 National Elections, a majority of provinces have yet to establish functioning PESCs. 

According to Section 3 of the PNGEC terms of reference for Provincial Elections Steering Committees, PESCs are established for the purpose of “building local capacity and coordinating resources across government to assist the PNGEC in planning and delivery of the elections in the province, including electoral roll maintenance and community awareness.” Apart from key government departments within a province, a functioning PESC must also include at least one representative from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Chamber of Commerce, and Churches within the province. 

“The role of effective PESCs within the scope of national election coordination is absolutely crucial. It is very concerning to learn that with only five short months remaining before the issue of writs, many provinces are still a long way from where they need to be in terms of coordination and preparedness. Furthermore, the ongoing delay to the electoral roll update exercise is very concerning. More effective collaboration between government and other key community stakeholders is crucial if we are to deliver a successful election, and the PESC is currently the most effective framework for facilitating this collaboration,” said TIPNG Board Chair, Peter Aitsi. 

The effectiveness of the PESC model has been clearly demonstrated in examples such as the East New Britain (ENB) PESC. Which earlier this year identified the need for additional resources, and made arrangements to provide these resources through the Provincial Administration. ENB has since completed updating its provincial electoral roll and is now ready for the next phase of the National General Elections in 2022. Other provinces such as Milne Bay have now proposed the use of updated ward registry data to speed up the Electoral Roll update exercise within the province. 

“While the timeframe is less than ideal, we (TIPNG) believe that there are ways that we can make a comprehensive roll update possible. PESCs need to be a lot more active in convening and assessing the opportunities available to them in their respective provinces, and acting on these opportunities for the sake of our people. The conduct of the elections is not the sole responsibility of the PNGEC. We must all play our part and take ownership of this democratic process, to ensure a better future for our people and our communities,” Mr. Aitsi said.


PNG electoral roll update 2022
Image @ TIPNG FB page



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