How to Send Credit: Telikom and Bmobile Codes and Videos

Here are quick videos to show you how to send credit from one Telikom mobile number to another Telikom number (or Bmobile to Bmobile number). We used the USSD codes for this popular service and recorded the videos in real-time. Hope it helps.

You can also find out about how to:

  • find your own number,
  • check credits,
  • subscribe to international voice call, and 
  • info about other popular Telikom PNG and Bmobile USSD codes.
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If you love to share photos and short video from your mobile phone, YouTube #Shorts is going to be your thing.

In 2023, YT will monetise those videos - check out how to get into the YouTube Partners Program for Shorts.

Telikom Credit Transfer

Here is how to transfer PNG​ Telikom​ credit from one mobile​ number to another. 


  1. Open the call keypad
  2. Key in *128*
  3. Enter Telikom mobile number - should be 8 digits long
  4. Press #
  5. Press CALL
  6. Follow the prompt
  7. Wait for 'success' notification.

Bmobile Credit Transfer

Transfer credit from bmobile to bmobile is easy. But you have to type fast to make a successful transfer.


  1. Open the call keypad
  2. Key in *128*
  3. Key in 12345*
  4. Enter amount to send
  5. Enter Bmobile number - 8 digits
  6. Press #
  7. Press CALL to send
  8. Follow the prompt
  9. Wait for 'success' notification.

2024 Australia Awards PNG How to Apply

Australia Awards Scholarships, formerly known as Australian Development Scholarships (ADS), provide opportunities for people from developing countries, particularly those countries located in the Indo-Pacific region, to undertake full-time undergraduate or postgraduate study at participating Australian universities and Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutions. application form 2024

Before you apply for Australia Awards 2024

  • Check the opening and closing dates for your country, and select your country of citizenship/residency from the list of participating countries for specific information on eligibility, priority areas and how to apply. See the participating countries page for opening and closing dates.
  • If you intend to apply, you must read the Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook. The handbook provides information including general eligibility requirements, selection processes, entitlements and responsibilities. Note that the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade may revise and update the handbook at any time without notice.
  • Some countries encourage and allow you to apply online while others require hard-copy applications. See your participating country profile for more information.

Applying online  - application 2024

Go to the Online Australia Scholarships Information System (OASIS). When you register online, you will be required to answer some questions to establish your eligibility. You will then be given a unique registration number, username and password.

You do not need to submit your application immediately. You can set up a draft application form and update it, and your supporting documentation, until the designated closing date as on the relevant participating country profile.

Once submitted, your application cannot be changed. We strongly advise applicants applying online to do so well before the closing date. OASIS experiences peak usage in the days leading up to the closing date and applicants may experience delays.

Refer to the Applicant's Online User Manual if you need help.

Applying by mail

If you are unable to submit your application online, you can apply by mail. Please check your participating country profile for contact details to obtain a hardcopy application form and any other templates such as referee reports (if applicable).

Completed hard copy application forms and supporting documentation must be submitted by the deadline specified by your country. See the opening and closing dates for each country.

Supporting documentation

Check your participating country profile to see if your country requires additional supporting documents, such as referee reports (template below).

Source: Australia Awards, dfat. 



Public Holidays in PNG 2025

Public Holidays in PNG 2025