2025 Grade 11 Selection List PDF Download for Highlands, Southern, Momase and NGI Regions

Do you want to know when the Grade 11 selection lists for the 2025 academic year, particularly for the intake in the Highlands, Southern, Momase, and NGI Regions? In previous years, we accurately predicted that the Grade 11 selection list would be unveiled in mid-December based on Past years' dates. True to our prediction, last year the education department officially released the list on 20th December.

Past Year Grade 11 Selection Release Dates

PNG Insight has gathered historical release dates, revealing a consistent pattern of mid-December releases each year. This article has information for 2019, 2020 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

PNG Insight anticipates that if all goes well this year (2024), the release of the 2025 Grade 11 selection lists for Highlands, Southern, Momase, and NGI Regions will be in mid-December. 

Education Department Grade 11 Selection 2025

The education department has not released the actual date for the release of the selection list PDF file on the department's website. PNG Insight understands that the exam results will be released to the principals and provincial selection committee early in December 2024. The Grade 11 online selection will take less than a week unlike in past where it took 2 weeks only for the selection.

The department will upload the selection list on its website. Stay updated by following PNG Insight for the latest information on our website via the REGIONAL links below or our YouTube channel.

How to Download 2025 Grade 11 Selection Lists PDF

Here is a quick info on where to download the PDF file. (Note that in 2023, the Education Department has upgraded its website. The menu may be at a different place.)

1. Check the education department website

www.education.gov.pg 2025 Grade 11 Selection List PDF Download


2. Click on the 'Selection List' tab

There, you'll find the following PDF files. (Note: the lists are compiled by the General Education Services Division of the NDOE)

Education department website png Grade 11 selection list SCREENSHOT PDF
Selection List Tab

3. Click the direct links above

Select your region and National Schools of Excellence listed in bullet points under '2025 Grade 11 selection list for National High and Secondary Schools in PNG'. See above.

Upgrade Your Marks at FODE

If you want to upgrade your marks at FODE or at any University Open and Distance Learning Centres, here is some information that you'll find useful. Click on the link to read more.

Last Year's Grade 11 Selection List PDF Links

You can also access and download the PDF list for NGI, Southern, Momase and Highlands regions via the links (Check out the links below for the selection lists for your region).

We hope you have a fulfilling holiday. 
Stay Blessed

2024/2025 UPNG Non-school leavers and school leavers acceptance (Info)

The information presented below is a compilation of news and instructions from the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) website. The information is for non-school leavers (who have applied to UPNG) and school leavers who applied through DHERST's NOAS (National Online Application System). 

The Grade 12 School Leavers ONLINE Selection started in 2018. It is the best thing that happens. The online selection helps DHERST, the government and stakeholders know exactly how many Grade 12 students are selected for universities and colleges. 

In a recent media statement, DHERST resorted to also bringing the NON-SCHOOL LEAVERS Selection ONLINE. Universities and colleges are not going to make the selections. So, what does that mean for you as a non-school leaver applicant? Find out here

2025 Acceptance list Study Online in PNG


Important selections note

If you are a non-school leaver and have applied to UPNG, the university (UPNG) will inform you when you are accepted into a program. 

For example, if you submitted the 2025 UPNG non-school leaver application, you'll hear directly from UPNG - not from DHERST.

The university will directly inform you via the acceptance letter and/or by publishing the acceptance list on its website. Then, you must accept the Offer Letter and let the UPNG know about your intention to take up the offer immediately.

RELATED ARTICLE: PNG Universities and Colleges Last Year's Acceptance List Info, TESAS, HELP Loan and Registration and Orientation - ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.

UPNG Acceptance Lists for 2025

The University of Papua New Guinea offers Diploma, Bachelor, Bachelor (Professional), Bachelor (Honours), Post-Graduate Diploma, Master, PhD and D.B.A. programs.

UPNG accepts School Leavers and Non-School leavers for admission into its Diploma, Bachelor and Bachelor (Professional) programs.

Here is what SL and NSL mean:
  • School leavers - Grade 12 school leavers seeking admission in the next immediate year
  • Non-School leavers - Prospecting students who completed Grade 12 in the last 5 years, including FODE and DODL students and international students.

Non-school Leavers Acceptance List

Due to limited space and resources, the University can only admit a limited number of new students into various programmes of study. As a result, competition is very high and priority is given to those with higher GPAs. 

Those seeking enrolment must satisfy the UPNG admission requirement.

The Non-School Leavers are selected based on their application in response to the University’s advertisement every year. The university does the selection and informs the students by publishing the 2025 non-school leavers acceptance list on each university's website. 

If you have a question about the 2025 Grade 12 selection process, PDF list, etc., please leave a comment below or check out this latest update on PNG Universities Non-School Leavers Selection.

School Leavers Acceptance List

School leavers are selected based on the options provided by the Department of Higher Education. DHERST does the selection online and informs the students of their AES or TESAS statuses.

The 2025 school leavers' selection list will be published on the DHERST website like it did in the past unless things have changed. However, it seems that the selection will continue as normal this year. 

So, check this blog post here or the DHERST website for the latest info in regards to the 2025 school leavers online selection list.

UPNG postgraduate programs

The University advertises for postgraduate programs such as Bachelor (Honours), Post-Graduate Diploma, Master, PhD and D.B.A. programs. Candidates with a good Bachelors degree are eligible to apply for Bachelor (Honours), Post-Graduate Diploma and Master programs. 

Candidates with a good Master degree are eligible to apply for the PhD program and D.B.A. program. The University selects the candidates for these programs from among those who apply against its advertisement every year.

Acceptance letters

The University sends offer/acceptance letters to all candidates selected for various programs in addition to advertising the names of selected candidates for various programs in the prominent newspapers in the Country. 

The candidates who accept the offer letters are requested to pay the relevant yearly fee in full and register themselves for the program for which they are accepted usually in February of the year concerned. 

The process of admission ends with the registration of the students for the program for which they are accepted.

If you have any questions about the 2025 Grade 12 selection process, PDF list, etc., please leave a comment below or check out this latest update on PNG Universities Non-School Leavers Selection.



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