Graduate Development Program PNG Ports

2022/2023 Graduate development program

If you are interested to find out about the program, please contact the Development Programmes Coordinator on telephone number 675 308 4200 or email at

The Graduate Development Program (GDP) is part of the workforce planning interventions through the Human Capital Department to: 
  • Recruit, 
  • develop, and
  • maintain a highly competitive workforce to provide the edge it requires to be an efficient and profitable company.

Graduate Development Program PNG Ports

PNG Ports is looking at developing young graduates whose ideas, ambitions, and leadership potentials will help shape the future of PNG Ports and are essential for the growth, success, and sustainability of the company, and resolve current and future labour market shortages, and address the impending workforce shortages as a result of the ageing workforce.  

The graduate development program usually runs for a length of 18 months and/or as determined by the Human Capital Department and the complexity of the discipline. Intake of the GDP program will be on an annual basis and will much depend on the need of respective ports and or departments.

All Graduates engaged under the GDP will undergo a process of a formal induction, formal training, rotations and finally job placements.

PNG Ports commitment is to;

Building its human resource capacity to keep pace with social, economic, and technological changes. Provide employment opportunity for fresh graduates. Help students develop professionally in their respective careers. Contribute to human resource development in PNG

Eligibility Criteria

Graduates eligible to participate under the GDP must:

  • Be between the ages of 18 and 25 years,
  • Be citizens of PNG,
  • Have completed a degree program within the last two years or who are eligible to graduate at a recognized university within PNG or overseas,
  • Be existing employees who have completed a degree program within the last two years or who are eligible to graduate at a university within PNG or overseas,
  • Have excellent academic results,
  • Have not been convicted of any summary or criminal offence,
  • Have clean disciplinary records,
  • Have good character reference.

If you're thinking of developing a career with a dynamic organization in the following disciplines:

  • Business Management
  • Engineering
  • Accounting
  • Media & Communications
  • Human Resources
  • Operations

Then our Graduate Development Programme may be a path to the career you've been dreaming of. The 18 months programme encompasses training and skills development, mentorship by successful national and expatriate professionals and possible permanent employment with attractive remuneration and benefits.

If you are keen on joining our Winning Team, contact the Development Programmes Coordinator on telephone number 675 308 4200 or email at

PNG Passport Application Form, Fee and PNGICA Offices You Should Know

The information provided here is for citizens applying for PNG Passports. The three pieces of information are for PNG citizens wanting to:
  •  apply for a PNG passport/travel document  from anywhere in PNG other than Port Moresby, 
  • get a child's birth registration certificate (registration of a Child born overseas), and
  • know the four (4) requirements for a new PNG Passport application.
If you renew a child's passport or yours, the info provided in the recommended read below will be helpful.

Recommended read: 

PNG Passport Application Form Completion Guide for Passport Renewal

PNG passport  application at your nearest provincial office

passport application form png

Passport applicants do not need to travel to Port Moresby to lodge your PNG Passport application. The applicants can now lodge at one of our provincial offices near one of the centres nearest to you.

PNG Immigration and Citizenship Authority offices are located in border provinces and in some main towns. PNGICA staff in provincial and border posts can assist you with your passport needs.

PNGICA has offices in
  • Daru,
  • Port Moresby,
  • Alotau, 
  • Lae,
  • Mt Hagen,
  • Vanimo,
  • Wutung
  • Tokua (Kokopo) and 
  • Buka.

PNGICA will soon have a new passport lodgement office at Koitachi Haus in Gordons, Port Moresby to meet our clients’ needs.

Registration of Overseas Birth – PNG Citizens

Application form online - png passport application form

If your child is born overseas, you MUST register the child for the purpose of PNG Citizenship. This must be undertaken within 12 months of the child’s birth. 

This also applies to legally adopted children.

If your child is older than 12 months but younger than 18 years, you have to attach a detailed statement of facts. If you have convincing reasons, the Minister for Immigration may allow your application.

The application must be completed by a parent who is a PNG Citizen. Ensure to fill and attach all documents. Registration is free, no fee applies.

Email for more info. Download the Overseas Birth Registration Form through this link (FORM C1 PDF)

PNG Passport information

To download the PNG passport application form (PDF Fillable), click here

png passport application form PDF

Applications should be completed at least three (3) weeks before you leave the country. A passport is a travel document that certifies the identity and nationality of its holder mainly for the purpose of international travel.

Here are the requirements for a new PNG Passport application.
1. Fill out the PNG Passport Application Form
2. Attach two (2) current Passport size photos
3. Attach a copy of your NID Issued Birth Certificate, &
4. Receipt of payment - only K100.

Note: For fast processing, a fee of K300 is charged and you’ll get your passport within 48 hours.

You can download the Passport Application form through this link (Application for Travel Document, PDF)

Source: Image and info reposted from PNG Immigration and Citizenship Authority social media account. 

If you have any questions, leave a comment below.