Air Niugini Online Booking Domestic Secial Fares Flight Cancellation

Before Independence day, the Christmas period or the school holidays, Air Niugini must stop cancelling flights. In fact, the cancellation of flights can be described as a wound that Air Niugini needs to find a remedy for. 

Often, the reason for Air Niugini schedule cancellations is either not made known to the customers or communicated to them prior to arrival at check-in. Apparently, the sad norm is many customers turned up at check-in to find out that their flight is cancelled.

online booking domestic special fares

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Air Niugini must put the interest of customers first

Air Niugini must put the interest of customers before its aim to make money.  For example, if there are two or three passengers to pick up at Lae Nazab Airport,  the company must make every effort to fly them on schedule.

It must not cancel a flight just to create a backlog so that it will relieve the backlog on the next flights. This is about business ethics and the ethics of the operations managers to stay true to schedule unless it is really necessary to cancel a flight.

It is also sad that many passengers are normally sent away to cater for themselves during a flight cancellation. 

Understandably, if/when Air Niugini cancels a flight it has a duty of care to provide accommodation and transportation for ALL delayed passengers,  not just a few. For example, if you leave Simbu and travel to Goroka to catch a flight and it's delayed, you'll have to travel back to Simbu or stay the night with wantoks at Goroka.

Only the affected customers who may have produced a hotel receipt will probably be accommodated. 

It is a question of business ethics and responsibility to customers - regardless of their status - who are supposed to be on the cancelled plane. All delayed customers must be provided with accommodation, meals and transport.  This is the right thing to do!

PNG Air Niugini's scheduled cancellations

Understandably flight cancellation happens under respectable situations.  But PNG Air Niugini's schedule cancellations have been regular and are fast becoming a norm. The management must now look at ways to stop cancelling flights at regular intervals. The management must fly its passengers to their destinations on schedule.

The two issues:
  • Firstly, Air Niugini's flight cancellations are now a norm and widely accepted or ignored or expected by many.  It's a problem that needed addressing immediately.  
  • Secondly, many delayed passengers are not always accommodated. The company has a duty of care to all passengers who may have been delayed due to the company's decision to cancel a flight.

These are serious issues that bring Air Niugini's business and management ethics into question and it's time the company does something about it.

The Air Niugini Bird of Paradise taxing to stop at Nazab Airport outside Lae Morobe Province. This was a flight after a cancellation the day before.

PNG Workers Taxed 34%, MPs Only 5%

With the economy nose-diving, the country drowning in debt and O'Neill Government facing a serious cashflow crisis, many Papua New Guineans are struggling to survive.

Article by Bryan Krammer.

Tax in PNG: Workers Pay 34% in Tax

Many PNG workers have questioned why they are taxed so much? I explained taxes are necessary to ensure essential services are provided to the people. 

For example, policing, judiciary, correctional services, hospitals, and education to name a few, are all funded by tax collections.

Real Problem is Corrupt Politicians

The real problem is that corrupt politicians only end up mismanaging and misusing (stealing) these funds to enrich themselves and their cronies. 

They become overnight millionaires on the people's hard-earned tax money.

MPs Pay Only 5% in Tax

However, after making inquiries into just how much salary and wages tax Members of Parliament pay versus ordinary workers, I was shocked to discover that workers pay up to 34% in wages tax while a Government Minister is taxed as low as 5%.

For instance, let's say a worker's gross wage is K400 a fortnight where his employer provides him a company vehicle and medium-cost housing.

Their wages would be calculated as follows:
  • Gross Wage K400.00
  • Add Taxable Vehicle Allowance K125.00
  • Add Taxable Housing Allowance K400.00
  • Total taxable salary & wages = K925.00
  • Tax on K925.00 = K135.20

Their net take-home pay would be K264.80 (actual pay K400 less tax K135.19).

Average PNG Worker Pays Over 40%, GST Included

What is alarming is that the average Papua New Guinean worker whose gross pay is over K900 can expect to lose up to 30% of his pay in taxes. 

Not to mention a further 10% GST when he spends it at the store on goods and services.

Meanwhile, Members of Parliament, Government Ministers, and the Prime Minister are paid tens of thousands every fortnight and only pay between 5%-13% tax.

Members of Parliament Pay

Gross fortnight pay K14,600 
Less K1,280 tax and K668 retirement benefit
Net take-home pay K12,600. (Wage Tax represents only 8%.)

Government Ministers Gross fortnight pay is K25,400
Less K1,300 tax and K1,330 retirement benefits
Net take-home pay K20,100.

Where the tax represents only 5%.

  • Prime Minister Gross fortnight pay K38,000
  • Less K5,100 tax and K2,000 retirement benefits, 
  • Net take-home pay K30,900.

What is shocking is this is nothing compared to what corrupt Members of Parliament steal in DSIP and Development Funds annually.

It is interesting to hear Union leaders who have close associations with Government Ministers publicly announce they do not support the one-day boycott on Friday, yet very silent about their workers' welfare.

What is absurd is that these Union leaders feed from the workers' contributions just like Politicians are paid by taxpayers' money only to end up stealing from them.

As a Member of Parliament, it would be one thing to be paid well if we actually earned our wages by running the country properly.

MPs Proposed Pay Increase

I have received information that the O'Neill Government is proposing to increase MPs wages and backdate the increase to 2016

The justification is the sharp increase in the cost of living (CPI). 

What is absurd is that the O'Neill Government is responsible for the sharp increase in the cost of goods, so Members of Parliament may give ourselves a pay rise but what about the rest of the country who essentially pays for our wages.

Post and image: Facebook/Bryan Kramar
An article by B. KRAMAR outlining the high tax paid by PNG workers in October 2018 - was reposted.