Showing posts with label Two-Six-Six. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Two-Six-Six. Show all posts

Papua New Guinea Education System: A System Battered Since Tuition Free Policy, No Plan Of Action

The National Department of Education has seen many changes. Dr Joseph Pagalio, Dr Musawe Sinebare and Dr Michael Tapo were at the helm and saw the changes through. They can attest to the fact changes are not bad.

But it is ominous PNG’s education system is undergoing four changes since Tuition Free Fee policy was introduced without clear guidelines. This is a recipe for disaster. It is better to avoid repeating mistakes encountered when implementing Outcome Based Education (OBE). This is a generational change. It must be thought through properly.

Lack of planning was obvious before school started. First, Papua New Guinea did not have a 10 year education plan to date. National Education Plan 2005 – 2014 (NEP 2005 – 2014) lapsed last year. If there was a committee working on it, why was it not out?

A 10-year plan is crucial. It puts in perspective a working plan for all stakeholders to follow. It would be better if NEP 2015 – 2024 was made available to everyone sooner rather than later.

The second change is the change is structure, Two-Six-Six: two years of elementary school, six years of primary school and six years of secondary school. I highlighted differences between new and old structures in an earlier post.

The education system is expecting a structural readjustment – just how this will happen is as important as when it will happen. The education minister mentioned that structural change will take effect next year, 2016. However, it would be better if he stated how NDoE would roll it out nationwide.

The third change is the change is curriculum. Make no mistake, reverting to Standard Based Curriculum (from Outcome Based Curriculum) is change in educational curriculum. It is about changing educational instruction – the way works is done. So, what kind of instruction is changing? What unit (or topic, or objective, etc.) is changing? What makes it different to OBE? How can stakeholders, including teachers, compare and contrast OBE to SBE? It is better to give answers to those questions to clarify misunderstanding, is it not?

The final change that needs taking place is implementation of 12 recommendations made by Parliamentary Referral Committee on Education (PRCE) on teachers’ welfare.  Ganim report cannot be left to gather dust. The education minister has to table this report. Parliament must deliberate on it findings. There is never a better time to hear our teachers’ cries than now.

All in all, since the government’s Tuition Free Fee policy started, the education system has got its fair share of battering. It is time to put in motion a clear plan of action and reward our teachers properly.

Education 'Two-Six-Six' Reform to be Implemented in 2016

Education Minister, Nick Kuman today told parliament that the ‘two-six-six’ reform will be fully implemented next year.

The two-six-six reform decrees two years in elementary, six years in primary, and six years in secondary education.

Once the reform is in effect, a child entering the education system will leave the system after 18 years. However, parliament house was told that the department does not have any plans to change the curriculum.

The matter was brought up, in answer to a question raised by Central Province Governor, Kila Haoda.

Governor Haoda wanted to know the status of national high schools; seeing that the introduction of the 'two-six-six' reform would eventuate in national high schools in Papua New Guinea, becoming obsolete. 

Minister Kuman responded, saying that the status of national high schools are to be reviewed, prior to the two-six-six reform being fully implemented in 2016. Before this policy is implemented, all national high schools will retain their school of excellence statuses.

A supplementary question was raised by the member for Anglimp South Waghi, Komun Joe Koim, on whether the government had any plans to introduce a new curriculum, to accompany the reform.

In response, Minister Kuman asked members of parliament to partner with the department to deliver quality education. He said the new policy is to address the increasing number of dropouts each year.

The minister said, this year there were 19,000 grade 12 dropouts, who did not secure places at tertiary institutions.

EMTV report Wednesday, 18 Feb 2015 by Michelle Amba, Port Moresby



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