Showing posts with label Prime minister #PNG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prime minister #PNG. Show all posts

Brief Biography of Sir Michael Somare - "Father of the Nation"

Sir Michael Thomas Somare was born on 9 April 1936 in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea. He was of Papuan cultural heritage and was raised in a Catholic household. He received his education at the Administrative College in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

Biography of Sir Michael Somare

"Father of the nation"

Sir Michael Somare was a prominent Papua New Guinean politician who played a crucial role in the country's journey to independence from Australia. 

He was widely known as the "father of the nation" and served as Papua New Guinea's first Prime Minister after independence in 1975.

He held the office of Prime Minister for a total of 17 years over three separate (non-consecutive) terms:

  • from 1975 to 1980; 
  • from 1982 to 1985; and 
  • from 2002 to 2011, 
Making him the longest-serving Prime Minister in the history of Papua New Guinea.

Read about Sir Julius Chan, here.

Sir Michael Somare's positions of power

Throughout his political career, Sir Michael Somare held various positions, including Minister of Foreign Affairs, Leader of the Opposition, and Governor of East Sepik Province. 

He was a founding member of the Pangu Party, which led Papua New Guinea into independence, but later resigned from the party and became an independent politician in 1988. 

He rejoined the Pangu Party in 1994 but was eventually sacked as a leader in the following year.

He was then asked to join and lead the National Alliance Party.

Sir Michael Somare awards

Apart from his political achievements, Sir Michael Somare was also recognized with several awards, including the 

  • Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George,
  • Knight of the Order of St Gregory the Great, 
  • Grand Companion of the Order of Logohu, and 
  • Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun (Japan).

Sir Michael Somare passed away on 26 February 2021 at the age of 84 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, due to pancreatic cancer. 

He left a significant legacy as a respected leader and statesman who played a pivotal role in shaping the history of Papua New Guinea.

MUST WATCH: Find out about the PNG prime ministers, past and present.

PNG Politicians On Recruiting Cheap Labour From Melanesian Spearhead Group Of Countries

Recruiting Pacific Neighbours to Fill Skill Shortage: Universities, Technical Colleges and other colleges in PNG collectively take in only 4500 Grade 12 graduates annually. Out of 21 000 plus Year 12 graduates, over 80% are ejected from mainstream institutions.


Are there jobs in PNG job-market? The answer is YES.

Instead of recruiting from the Melanesian Spearhead Group of countries, PNG government (MPs Peter O’Neill and Richard Maru) should talk about expanding spaces at universities and college; technical colleges, business colleges, agriculture colleges and teachers colleges.

They should talk about apprenticeship opportunities with oil and mining companies. Their priorities should be to develop a generation of skillful people. This is what true and clever leaders do - have vision for their people.

Is this an example of a stupid plan? YES. Producing skilled labour was in National Education Plan 2005 - 2014. After 10 years and politicians are talking about recruiting labour from outside. That is not alright as there are over 19000 Grade 12 students dropouts, let alone how many at Grade 8 and 10.

Why not tap into our large pool of retired people? Are they not good enough? Why not prepare those 19000+ dropouts for future?

If (for e.g.) PNG #LNG lifespan is 30 years, it is not late to do just that. Forward planning is about having vision for the country you are running now!

Vaki, Pala, Paraka and O'Neill: Why Have Their Lawyers Not Tested The Evidence In Sam Koim's Affidavit?

This is what should have happened - PM, Vaki and Ano should test the validity of evidence contained in Sam Koim and the Police Lawyer's affidavits that led to the WoA on Peter O'Neill. They NEVER did!

Instead, they fought (and are fighting) the justice system. It would be good to see those evidence tested at the National Court. Vaki's lawyer must argue the evidence contained in Sam Koim's affidavit is wrong.

For the sake of those who have forgotten here is what the lawyer would have to argue for and against:

1. O'Neill knew the letter containing his official signature existed since 24th of January 2012.

2. O'Neill signed the letter when he was F & T Minister under Somare.

3. O'Neill denied signing the letter when he is Prime Minister.

4. O'Neill LIED whilst in the PM's seat5. O'Neill confirmed he lied.

6. O'Neill gave directive to release K80 million to Paraka forthwith.

7. O'Neill and Paraka consciously collaborated in illegal and fraudulent payments.

8.  Payments were made without consent from Department of Justice.

9. O'Neill did his mate a favour - he had a bank overdraft of over K8 million at the time of the letter

10. Forensic investigators CONFIRMED the signature on the letter was Peter O'Neill's. 

Prove to courts that those were baseless allegation and the work of TFS is a sham. PM, Vaki & Pala and those laywers representing them have to prove to the contrary the evidence contained therein Sam Koim's Affidavit! Why isn't that happening?!


Take a look at what Sam Koim has to say after disbanding of Investigative Task Force Sweep

*Here is the latest on Supreme Court's ruling on the Warrant of Arrest on Peter O'Neill as discussed in Facebook group Sharp Talk.

What Prominient Papua New Guineans Say About Peter O'Neill's

These are 7 Quotations by Senior Citizens about Peter O'Neill former Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea during the 2014 legal debuckle that cost the state and taxpayers millions of Kina.
Peter O'Neill former Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea


"If the Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill had submitted to the rule of law, his innocence would have been proven three weeks ago. But instead, he had engaged his lawyers – to stay the warrant of arrest,’’ he said. [Archbishop Clyde Igara]


 "It is politicians that have created this unnecessary misdemeanour. They are cherry pickers who are here today and gone tomorrow. The police force is here to stay and police officers will give a lifetime upholding the rule of law and the constitution." [Clemence Kanau]


"He should shut his mouth and swallow his temporary pride," Mr Kanau said of Mr Isikiel.


Police Commissioner Geoffrey Vaki now has no legal discretion but to arrest Prime Minister Peter O’Neill. [Kerenga Kua]


"I find this submission to be speculative and without proper evidentiary basis,” Judge Ere Kariko said when refusing submissions by the prime minister’s lawyer regarding a "rift" in the ranks of the police force.


"Courts can only interfere when there is a clear case of abuse," [Nerrie Eliakim explanation on Vaki’s application to discontinue the warrant of arrest on Peter O’Neill]


"When our leaders raised wild allegations and branded us as politically compromised, I did not respond because that would be seen as self-preservation. I waited for the competent authority to vindicate us which the court had done." [Sam Koim ]

The Hunter Hunted

A Story From Hausman....

A hunter on his hunting trip went straight into a trap. It wasn’t an ordinary trap. A large snake ‘the Moran’ - hoping to catch Wild Pigs in their tracks - caught the hunter.

 REACTION: any wild pig would have squealed, oinked and wrestled with the snake until it can fight no more. But the expert hunter did the opposite. He didn’t make a noise or move one bit. He held his breath and played dead.

The Moran’s strong muscles contracted and with every tight grip the hunter’s bones snapped. In fact, it was NOT the hunter’s bones that broke but his bow and arrows.

Satisfied that the hunter was dead, the Moran went to the nearest creek to wet his mouth before swallowing his catch only to reappear and realise it was gone.

 Here are the characters: Moran (The System- Law and Justice), Wild Pigs (Those protesting their innocence and waving their rights about), Hunter (Men & Women who are sacked, suspended...for earning honest living)

MORAL: The harder one fights the evidence (& Public Opinion) the harder it fastens around him. It suffocates him and it defeats him.

New police commissioner is fast losing trust, a dangerous trend within the force.

TACTICIAN AT WORK AGAIN: In a matter of few hours after the Court handed down its decision Garry Vaki is confirmed new Police Commissioner – not acting anymore. Every policeman and woman regardless of who they are or how long they serve in police force must now comply with his instruction. He is THE Police Commissioner appointed by O’Neill/NEC to serve the government.
Post Courier puts it nicely: What suspended assistant police commissioner Thomas Eluh and Simon Kauba have investigated including disbanded Taskforce Sweep is under threat of being swept under the carpet. […]. If this happens (which is unlikely) those who want to see Rule of Law takes its course are shunned.
Refraining from submitting to police request for questioning is a clear example of ‘when you fight corruption, it fights back. The prime minister has every government resource at his disposal (including money) to ‘fight to the last breath’ - no doubt. As long as he remains in PM’s seat he can tactfully fight the system and for as long as he wants.
Peter O’Neill knew that the only way to get him is through the office of Police Commissioner. So, is O’Neill putting Vaki in this strategic position to squash the WoA on him? No, not yet. Is the Rule of Law politically compromised? Yes. Vaki’s appointment came at a desperate time.
Peter O’Neill said he will go for questioning if the police ask him AGAIN as reported in the Post Courier. He will go in, but (if he does) this time with his main man on the inside. What happened in Court is happening again where we see all parties (PO Lawyer, QC Police Lawyer), Paraka Lawyer) ALL fought for one man, O’Neill. This is a blatant use of resource against the system by very people who are supposed to protect and nourish it.
O’Neill’s team lost and justice is once again delayed. The same tactic is applied within the police force. Like the Court, sections/divisions within the police force are impartial. Will Gari Vaki dismiss, enforce or shelf the WoA? Every eye on the land is anticipating his move, including his peers’.
GARRY VAKI WILL NOT DISMISS THE WoA: He has to differentiate between his duty to the Constabulary and those to the government. Unlike every ordinary citizen Vaki is a policeman, vowed to uphold and ENFORCE the Law without fear or favour. To uphold the Law means protecting it from external or political interference. Enforcing the law is to execute police commissioner’s roles diligently. Garry Vaki has to protect the integrity of police commissioner and the police force – that’s his number one duty. Serving the prime minister – in this case - is second.
In fact, Vaki’s reasonings are far weaker against strong evidence presented by TFS and suspended officers Sam Koim, Thomas Eluh and Simon Kauba. Any attempt to counter-argue or find fault in issuance of warrant of arrest on O’Neill will not hold water.
Mr Eluh was right when he said the rule of law is at stake. Cancelling the warrant will set a bad precedence as far enforcing the ‘Rule of Law’ is concerned.
In retrospect if Mr Vaki wishes to refrain from arresting Peter O’Neill and charge him, he MUST state why. Failure to do so will undermine judgment of the 3 law enforcing bodies (TFS, Police and Chief Magistrate); and, if he states his reasons convincingly he may restore some integrity and loyalty within the police hierarchy.  
Having said that if 3 separate bodies within the Law Enforcers saw strong evidence to call the prime minister in for questioning, who is Garry Vaki to dispute it and how convening can he be?
EARN LOYALTY or DEMAND LOYALTY: His deputy police commissioners and high ranking officers are not going to take his decision at face value as demonstrated by the suspended Assistant Police Commissioner Thomas Eluh. There are questions about his appointment not only from within, but also from the Ombudsmen Commission. He cannot demand that every police personal are loyal to his commands. He has to earn by doing the right thing.
Every action and decision at this stage will not go unnoticed. The Wheels of Justice has Turned [Sam Koim]. Who in his protest of innocence can stop it?
TOK PIKSA: How a Moran Choked Wild Pigs
A hunter on his hunting trip went straight into a trap. It wasn’t an ordinary trap. A large snake ‘the Moran’ - hoping to catch Wild Pigs in their tracks - caught the hunter.
REACTION: any wild pig would have squealed, oinked and wrestled with the snake until it can fight no more. But the expert hunter did the opposite. He didn’t make a noise or move one bit. He held his breath and played dead.
The Moran’s strong muscles contracted and with every tight grip the hunter’s bones snapped. In fact, it was NOT the hunter’s bones that broke but his bow and arrows.
Satisfied that the hunter was dead, the Moran went to the nearest creek to wet his mouth only to reappear and realise his prized catch was gone.
Here are the characters: Moran, Wild Pigs, Hunter
MORAL: The harder one fights the evidence the harder it fastens around him. It suffocates him and it defeats him.

Peter O’Neill evades the warrant of arrest on him

As much as he would like to remain prime minister, Peter O’Neill has never thought his action to evade the warrant of arrest on him would take this long. Let alone the unfolding events.
Also, O’Neill would not want the people of Simbu to block the nation’s highway. Leaving on the other side of a blocked road is not pleasant. Inland provinces (Jiwaka, WHP, Enga, SHP including parts of Simbu) will be at the receiving end of this goes ahead.
prime minister of png peter oneil arrest

Peter O’Neill evades the warrant of arrest on him

For those who may not know: parts of Okuk Highway runs from Kumul to Wara Simbu 3-2-1 in Sinasina Yongomugl district-  a distance of about 15 kilometres. Policing this section of Okuk highway will be a challenging task. I do not think any leader would want their people to take matters into their own hands.
Reported in the Post Courier [], the PM was given an ultimatum of 48 hours (ends Friday afternoon) by pressure group the Voice of Simbu for him to respond to their petition.
1. Calling for PM to resign or step aside and to allow police to question him
2. Reinstating Sir Tom Kulunga, Simon Kauba, Kerenga Kua, Thomas Eluh and Sam Koim, and re-establish Task Force Sweep.
What the people of Simbu do this Friday depends NOT only on O’Neill’s call, but also the work of lawyers.
Lawyers are playing ‘marbles’ with judiciary (as it seems). Since Monday the 16th brakes were out on warrant of arrest on the PM. Now there are attempts to strike out the warrant [].

Peter O'Neill seeks judicial interpretation

In retrospect, it is PO’s individual right to seek judicial interpretation on this matter. These are attempts by the PM's group to fight for his right. There is no wrong in doing so. But, how long can this last?
All these adjournments – as Judge Kariko said rightly - "It’s (are) to do with lawyers, change of lawyers, lawyers not ready to proceed, it’s very disappointing to say the least," the judge said.
NO MORE: Do your job and do it right. You don’t need 21 days. You have until 1.30 pm, Friday. Or face the music.

State of Origin Game Two and Political Turmoil in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister Peter O’Neill faces legal challenges in court while two key players in the government have been sidelined. As the country gears up for the State of Origin game, the political turmoil continues to dominate the headlines.

Game Two of State of Origin at 6:00 pm

The State of Origin game is scheduled for 6:00 pm and fans are gearing up for an exciting match. However, amidst the excitement, political turmoil continues to loom over Papua New Guinea.

Legal Challenges Against Peter O’Neill

At 9:30 am today, a lawyer representing Prime Minister Peter O’Neill will be fighting it out in court. 

The legal challenge is related to findings by the TFS (Task Force Sweep) and it remains to be seen how the case will unfold.

Sidelining of Two Key Players

Two key players in the government have been sidelined in recent days. Attorney General Kerenga Kua, who was praised by O’Neill just a few weeks ago, has been removed from his position. 

Additionally, the chairman of the TSF (Task Force Sweep), Sam Koim, has been stood down and the TSF has been disbanded. These actions have raised questions about the government’s commitment to fighting corruption.

Amendment of Section 145 of the Constitution

O’Neill has less than 9 months left in his term but intends to serve a full 5-year term. He has proposed amending Section 145 of the Constitution to end any vote of no confidence, which would give him absolute power to rule. 

This move has been criticized by some as a threat to democracy.

The Future of Papua New Guinea

As the country grapples with political turmoil, many are wondering what the future holds for Papua New Guinea. 

Will O’Neill’s actions ultimately undermine the country’s democratic institutions? The answer remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – the people of Papua New Guinea will be closely watching the developments in the coming months.

State of Origin: Game Two and Political Turmoil in Papua New Guinea 2023

Another Stay Order for 1 week granted: Anticipation Turns to Anger

TACTICIAN AT WORK: The PM is well aware of the dangers of going down to Konedobu. He is fighting at two fronts, yet he chooses Waigani as his battle field.
Strategy One:

 Send the lawyer in. Let her buy some time. He knows pretty well he is fighting a losing battle on the judicial front as evidence is mounting against him. Not only his signature was authenticated but he also told a blatant lie to cover any involvement in Parakagate.
The lawyer is studying Sam Koim’s affidavit. She will defend her main man. No doubt. But, here are 10 truths she’ll come across:
1. O'Neill knew the letter existed since 24th of January 2012.
2. O'Neill signed the letter when he was F & T Minister under Somare
3. O'Neill denied signing the letter whilst Prime Minister
4. O'Neill told a blatant LIE whilst serving as Prime Minister
5. O'Neill confirmed he lied
6. O'Neill gave conscious directive for release of K80 million to Paraka forthwith
7. O'Neill and Paraka willingly collaborated in illegal and fraudulent payments
8.  Payments were made without consent from Department of Justice.
9. O'Neill did his mate a favour - he had a bank overdraft of over K8 million at the time of the letter
10. Forensic investigators CONFIRMED the signature on the letter was Peter O'Neill's.
All these are staggering against the PM. He will destabilise TFS findings – that is for sure. But, how? 
Strategy Two
POLITICAL MANOEUVRING: I made point 8 before hearing about removal of Attorney General [his removal has just surfaced in the last 4 hours – unconfirmed reports via social media]. The people of Sinasina Yogomugl will not be pleased if this is true. They hold Kerenga Kua in high esteem. Is it because he knows the big fish in the little pond is not Don Polye or Paul Tiensten? Or, O’Neill wanted a PNC man as AG, instead of a strong NA man?
O’Neill is moving his puppets around so they dance to his tune. He has also called for a fresh Commission of Inquiry into the findings of TSF. Ano Pala can do hula to O’Neill’s tune. There is no course for concern. The truth is out.
However, there is some confidence in the new PC – his duty to serve as a policeman cannot be questioned. PNG can rely on him to enforce the law without fear or favour.
BUYING TIME: CoI into the finding of TSF can be frustrating: it will cost money, demand resource and take up time. The later gives Peter O’Neill space to ply his trade. He knows he can buy time by simply commissioning another inquiry. This stupid tactic (as it seems) works best (for the Govt).
Police will anticipate what transpires at 9.30 am tomorrow (Wednesday) at Court House. Warrant of Arrest for Peter O’Neill has been stayed twice: one Monday, another today. No one expects another stay order tomorrow (Wednesday).
END: Judiciary will put the interest of the nation above a particular government. No political strategy to remain in power must deter investigative work of TFS.


PM's case is gaining momentum. It is now not only about obtaining stay order (dismissing PM's warrant of arrest) but also defending a blatant LIE told.

As posted on Sharp Talk, his lawyer appeared briefly this morning. She is going to study Sam Koim's Affidavit. She is likely to find out:

1. O'Neill knew the letter existed since 24th of January 2012.
2. O'Neill signed the letter when he was F & T Minister under Somare
3. O'Neill denied signing the letter when he is Prime Minister
4. O'Neill LIED whilst in the PM's seat
5. O'Neill confirmed he lied
6. O'Neill gave directive to release K80 million to Paraka forthwith
7. O'Neill and Paraka consciously collaborated in illegal and fraudulent payments
8.  Payments were made without consent from Department of Justice.
9. O'Neill did his mate a favour - he had a bank overdraft of over K8 million at the time of the letter
10. Forensic investigators CONFIRMED the signature on the letter was Peter O'Neill's.

The PM and his lawyer return to Court House tomorrow (Wednesday) at 9.30 am.

GLUE: All the evidence hang around Peter O'Neill's directive of 24th January 2012. He can no longer deny nor lie that he did not sign the letter.

The TRUTH is out.

Judge: Return Tomorrow

WHAT IS EXPECTED ON TUESDAY: Lawyers representing the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill have been told to return and make submission to dismiss his warrant of arrest at 10. 00 am PNG time today, Tuesday the 17th.
He was taken by heavy police escort to an 'undisclosed' location yesterday (Monday) after an unsuccessful bid to overturn the warrant.
There is no real reason why he was at the parliament house after returning from Lae? Is he naïve when he wanted heavy police presence? Is there are a real treat from the public that he was escorted to an undisclosed location?
Instead of willingly go down to Konedobu to answer a series of questions at the request of police, the PM saw it fit to remain at Waigani.
PNG politics is frustratingly interesting - follow it closely and you can immediately predict the next move.

TODAY (Tuesday 17th): His lawyers are entering Court House today at 10.00 am. Their main aim is to strike out the warrant. To do that PM's lawyer are going to test the legitimacy of the Police Commissioner's (PC) signature. 
THEIR CASE: Likely his lawyers are going to argue that signature of PC on the warrant is void. They will substantiate their argument by stating that warrant was signed along the same time as when PC was convicted. That means that he is a felon - his position as the PC is compromised hence his signature is null and void. Fair enough, they have a case. PM's lawyers will find ways to hide their man - but even if they come up with one, every eye is watching.
WHAT NEXT? Remember that the PC had not resigned immediately after convicted by the same court, the same judge - he had never resigned during the signing of PM's warrant of arrest. This is where someone with legal knowledge is needed to clarify IF the PM has a strong case.
Can the judge dismiss PM's warrant of arrest sighting the PC's conviction and his position at the time of signing the warrant?

MONDAY 16th June 2014: Peter O'Neill Evade Warrant of Arrest - Parliament House

GAME IS ON: World Cup 2014 began with allegation about bribery and corruption labelled against FIFA executives. The official/s are not going down easy with denial of any wrongdoing.

As I write, the prime minister of PNG in evading police warrant by hiding within the precinct of the house of parliament. He is, for now, protected by parliamentary privilege he enjoys as parliamentarian.

Reason: This warrant of arrest is issued because (I believe) police have reliable evidence to prove PM Peter O'Neill signed the letter authorising release of money to Paul Paraka law firm -  a collaborative effort to fraudulently bill the government from work the firm had not done.

Peter O'Neill denied he signed the letter. He said this letter of authorisation was forged. He called for evidence to prove the signature was his.

Reported in the Sydney Morning Herald [], private investigators have CONFIRMED the signature belongs to the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Peter O'Neill.

This is BIG: he knows his days as the PM are numbered whether he plays his cards well or not.
Meanwhile, the police can do little than waiting for Peter O'Neill to give himself in for questioning. Pity!

From his hideout, he is using government lawyers including govt machinery exclusively to lessen the grip on him. He is looking for a breather.

As a Papua New Guinean, I have the right to ask: why is the Peter O'Neill evading police warrant? What is he afraid of if he has nothing to hide.



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