Showing posts with label Papua New Guinea minimum wage 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Papua New Guinea minimum wage 2014. Show all posts

2024 Census Data Collector Recruitment: NSO PNG

The National Statistical Office (NSO PNG) is seeking enthusiastic and qualified Papua New Guineans to join the vital team of Data Collectors for the upcoming 2024 National Population Census! This is your chance to be a part of history and contribute directly to shaping the future of PNG.

NSO PNG - 2024 PNG Census Data Collectors Application form PDF download NSO

PNG Fires Service is also recruiting nationwide - click here to find out.

What is the Role of a Data Collector at NSO PNG?

As a Data Collector, also known as a Field Enumerator, you will be responsible for collecting crucial population data within your designated local area (Ward/LLG) during June 2024. Check out the actual dates for the 2024 National Census on PNG Insight.

Equipped with an Android tablet, you will be entrusted with the task of accurately recording information provided by households in your community.

The NSO is looking for individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • Age: 18 to 45 years old
  • Education: Minimum Grade 10 qualification or higher
  • Physical Fitness: Must be physically fit and healthy with no vision impairment or speech disorders
  • Communication Skills: Excellent public speaking and interpersonal skills are essential
  • Technical Skills: Must be comfortable operating an Android phone or tablet
  • Financial Information: Must possess a valid existing bank account
  • Experience (Bonus): Prior experience in data collection, particularly census or surveys, is a valuable asset

How to Apply

Ready to make a difference? Here's how to get started:

  • 1. Download the application form: Visit the National Statistical Office website for more information ( or head to your provincial or district headquarters to pick up a physical form.
  • 2. Complete the application: Fill out the application form thoroughly and attach your updated CV.
  • 3. Submit your application:  Deliver your completed application and CV to the Provincial Census Coordinator or the Provincial Recruitment Coordinator at your provincial headquarters office.

How to Obtain 2024 Census Data Collector Application Form - NSP PNG?

The recruitment drive will be done in all the provinces by their respective Provincial Census Coordinators (PCCs) and LLG Census Coordinators (LLGCCs).

If you are interested to participate in, visit your Provincial Census Office for more information or send an email to NSO PNG

Don't miss out! The application window closes on April 19th, 2024. 

NSO PNG Census Data Collector application form pdf - National Statistics Office

IMPORTANT: DO NOT PAY ANY BRIBE TO THE LOCAL CENSUS COORDINATORS (Provincial Census Coordinator or the Provincial Recruitment Coordinator). This is a community service and it should be done for FREE and on a MERIT basis ONLY

By becoming a Data Collector, you'll play a vital role in ensuring an accurate and successful census. This data is crucial for national development, shaping the future allocation of resources in healthcare, education, infrastructure, and more. More information is available here.

Minimum Wage: Have Companies And Businesses Ignored 2014 Increase of K1.00 For Low Income Earners?

 Minimum Wage was raised from K2.20 to K3.20 in 2014. The increase was recommended by Employers Federation and Salary Commission and endorsed by a Parliamentary Working Committee on wages and salaries. Every employer must comply with the parliamentary directive as of 2014.  

There is also little known about employees’ benefits and how those benefits tie in with minimum wages. Unless employees are made aware of this by their employers, there is no reason why employees would get less than recommended minimum wage or salary.

If you are an adult, working fulltime (or Part-time) and know that you are among the minimum wage earners you should make sure that your hourly pay is NOT less than K3.20. Here is a table to help you.

In 2014 the Employers Federation and Salary Commission (EF&SC) conducted a 7-month investigation into wages and salaries of middle (to low) income earners in Papua New Guinea. They made several recommendations. One of the recommendations was to increase the minimum wage from K2.20 to K3.20

The EF&SC (who made the recommendation) or Employers Federation of Papua New Guinea (EFoPNG – who are supposed to inspect and ensure minimum wage is paid to workers) came out trumpeting that the increase must be complied with ‘immediately’ at the time of the announcement. 

Question of ‘compliance’ must be answered clearly. This can be done by government organisations responsible for ensuring workers are paid what they deserved. Right now there is a need to determine if companies have complied with government’s directive. But, who is going to do it?

If the Workers’ Union president is looking for something better to do, here is one thing he can do: call on EFoPNG to do its job. The employers’ federation has 22 inspectors stationed in every province. Have they done what they are supposed to do yet? 

What is the Department of Internal Revenue and Taxation done to make sure the K1.00 increase is paid to the low income earners? Their audit has to show how many minimum wage earners are employed by each company and how much they are paying them. 

Statutory organisations, who are supposed to put the interest of low income earners first, have got to do their jobs and continue to do it right. Companies and businesses who have not complied with the Minimum Wage increase must be reminded to remain true to their workers – pay them accordingly.  

Organisations like the Workers Union, Employers Federation of Papua New Guinea, Employers Federation and Salary Commission, Internal Revenue Commission and Department of Internal Revenue and Taxation MUST do what is right. 

It would be criminal – it is criminal, on both the government organisations and companies, if they failed to enforce the new minimum wage or failed to comply with it. Responsible authorities must follow up and ensure the minimum wage (K3.20) set in 2014 is paid to every eligible earner in the country. 


PNG MPs Continue to Receive Massive Salary Increases Since Sir Michael Somare's Time

Over the years, politicians in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have been receiving staggering pay increases, with no signs of slowing down. 

Sir Michael Somare's time as Prime Minister

The trend started during Sir Michael Somare's time as Prime Minister, and within just seven years, parliamentarians would be enjoying an astounding 82% increase in their salaries alone.

It all began in November 2010 when Sir Michael Somare's government unanimously approved a whopping 52% pay rise, just before the Christmas holidays. 

This unprecedented increase set a new standard for politicians' salaries in PNG.

PNG MPS pay increase

Increase for politicians' salaries in PNG

The trend continued in November 2013, when Puka Temu, the then Public Service Minister in Peter O'Neill's government, announced another pay raise of 7%, which was backdated to January 1, 2013, and paid to every Member of Parliament just before their Christmas holiday. 

But that's not all - the minister also declared a separate increase of 7.5% and 2.5% to be paid from 2014 to 2016 to every public sector worker, including the MPs.

To clarify, the 2013 increases were in three parts: 
  • a one-time payment of 7%,
  • a 3-year increase of 7.5% of the actual gross salary, and
  • a 2.5% of the average salary. 
The average salary is calculated by dividing the combined salaries of all earners by the number of earners.

Staggering 30% Spike in MPs Pay

The increase means that every public servant, including MPs, would receive a 7.5%/2.5% increase in instalments over a 3-year period from 2014 to 2016. 

If the government stays true to its promise, public servants would have seen a staggering 30% spike in their annual pay by 2016, equivalent to a 10% increment every year.

The impact of these increases is significant. 

By the end of 2016, the annual salaries of PNG's politicians would have nearly doubled compared to what they earned in 2010.

PNG MPs Salaries

  • Prime Minister earns over K364,000
  • Speaker of Parliament earns over K296,000
  • Deputy Prime Minister earns over K271,000
  • Opposition Leader earns over K271,000 (same as Deputy Prime Minister)
  • Government Ministers earn over K211,000
  • Other MPs earn over K106,000
  • Provincial Governors earn over K74,000

These amounts are exorbitant and raise questions about the morality of such increments. 

The salaries earned by politicians are more than enough to live with their people and serve their constituencies. 

However, it appears that they want even more to sustain a lifestyle elsewhere, away from their localities.

The trend of massive pay increases for politicians in PNG, which started during Sir Michael Somare's time as Prime Minister, continues to persist. 

These unprecedented raises have resulted in exorbitant salaries for politicians, raising concerns about the moral implications of such increments. 

In conclusion, as the salaries of politicians skyrocket, it's crucial to ensure that public funds are being used responsibly and in the best interest of the people of Papua New Guinea.

ExxonMobil-PNG To Take Defensive Measures By Cutting PNG Jobs Amidst Energy Price Collapse?

The tumbling oil price has forced major oil and gas companies to slash cost. FTSE 100 Oil and gas major, Tullow Oil, has cut back US$2.3 billion on expenses. Other companies in the energy sector are also cutting back as they are hit by over 60% drop in the Energy price in just seven months – Brent Crude Oil for example, has fallen by nearly 50% from US$110 a barrel to US$48 a barrel.

So, where does the huge fall (and continual dip in price) leave Papua New Guinea’s much-talked-about gas development led by ExxonMobil-PNG?

The PNGLNG development has moved onto production since April 2014. That meant that it has completed exploration and development phases of the initial project. To date, over 50 shipments have left the country.

At the peak of energy price, the Prime Minister of PNG (in a response to the Opposition questions) said one shipment was valued at, an average of, US$50 million – yes that is 50 million US Dollars. If price fluctuated at US$50 million ExxonMobil-PNG would have recovered the development cost in less than five years. This also means that if the company continues production at current rate, the time it takes to recover development cost would double. Would ExxonMobil-PNG want to recover US$19 billion development cost in 10 years, instead of 5 years?

The prime minister gave his response to the Opposition MPs when Energy price was at record US$110 a barrel. The price has, since, dropped to US$48 a barrel. Here is what ExxonMobil-PNG’s accountants would have worked out by now – value of a shipment would have averaged at US$25 million.

There is prediction that the price is likely to fall even further based on the fact that Opec countries have not slowed down on production to spike energy price. Major Oil and Gas producing countries like Russia, USA, Venezuela, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Libya, etc. have not reacted at all.

What can ExxonMobil-PNG do? 

Apart from shelving any plans for exploration and further development, one thing is for sure – ExxonMobil-PNG does not have to cut down on production. The company must produce at full capacity. This has to be done as the Opec group of countries are not cutting down on production, either. Their economies are dependent on oil and reducing production would have drastic consequences on government’s revenue. Russia, for example, whose economy is very much dependent on Oil has considered its options.  

A BBC report indicated that many oil and gas dependant countries have not cut down on production to spike Energy price. If they had cut-back on production their economy would have been shaken to the ground.

There are two defensive measures ExxonMobil-PNG can (has to) contemplate on doing. Look within its structure and readjust main expenditures. That would imply that ExxonMobil-PNG would have to either make adjustment to its expanses or increase production (and increase revenue).

Here is one option.

First, ExxonMobil-PNG would have to reconsider its employees’ remuneration and benefit. Many top level employees may have to take a pay cut or agree to some in-house cost cutting measures, like halting fly-in-fly out arrangements.

Second, casual employees the company has used during (and in) exploration and development phases will have to be laid off. This also applies to apprentices, interns and others on the job training exercises. This could, probably, affect their awareness and charity programs too. 

Third, the project developer would have to evaluate performance of contractors. Those who have been given chance to partake in contracts awarded by the company will have to prove their worth to remain with it. 

Another option would be to increase production like what many Opec counties are doing by producing at full capacity - even increase production capacity. By doing this the company does not have to take the three measures highlighted above, but expand on each area.

This will create more opportunities and increase production – a win-win situation for the company, PNG government and every stakeholder who participates in this project.

All in all, it is eminent ExxonMobil-PNG takes defensive measures now by finding areas where cost can be minimised. But, any cost cutting measure taken in the name of maximising revenue for the company must not compromise Papua New Guinean jobs.

PNG MPs Salary: Why Are MPs Getting Raises While Lower-Level Public Servants Struggle?

In Papua New Guinea (PNG), there have been many reforms taking place in various government departments, such as health and education, which have placed a significant burden on the implementers, including teachers. 

While there have been pay increases for teachers in recent years, the same cannot be said for Members of Parliament (MPs), who seem to be getting raises almost every year. 

This article aims to explore the issue of MPs' salaries in PNG and question the need for frequent increases while lower-level public servants struggle.

Reforms and Burden on Implementers

The reforms in PNG, particularly in the fields of health and education, have been challenging for those tasked with implementing them. 

Teachers, in particular, have been under immense pressure due to limited resources and increased workloads. 

These reforms are aimed at improving the quality of education and healthcare services in the country, but the burden on the implementers cannot be ignored.

Pay Increase for Teachers

In 2013, there was commendable news for teachers as a pay increase was announced by Dr Puka Temu, the Public Service Minister in the government of Peter O'Neill. 

However, this increase was backdated to January 2013 and paid just before Christmas, which raised eyebrows among the public. 

The question then arises: why do MPs get frequent raises while other public servants have to wait for years for an increase?

MPs' Frequent Raises

A closer look at the history of pay increases for MPs in PNG reveals a concerning trend. 

In November 2010, Sir Michael Somare's government unanimously approved a massive 52% pay rise just before Christmas, which was followed by another 7% increase in November 2013, backdated to January 2013. 

These frequent raises for MPs raise questions about their necessity and whether MPs truly deserve such increases.

recent PNG PMs pay increase

Unjustified Increases

It is hard to understand why MPs in PNG receive such frequent raises, especially when lower-level public servants, such as teachers and health workers, struggle with limited salaries. 

The massive increases in MPs' salaries sustain their lavish lifestyles, but do they really need these raises? 

The government has also announced separate increases for public sector workers, including MPs, but it is unclear whether this increase applies to community school teachers and community health workers.

Have a look at what teachers in countries like Fiji are getting compared to PNG teachers.

Comparison of Salaries

A comparison of the salaries of MPs and lower-level public servants in PNG paints a stark picture. 

Prime Minister, Speaker of Parliament, DPM, and Opposition Leader earn significantly higher salaries compared to classroom teachers, government ministers, and provincial governors. 

In fact, the average salary of a PNG classroom teacher is compounded to be only K21,525 for the year 2014, while MPs earn much higher salaries.

PNG MPs Salary latest

Final words...

In conclusion, the issue of MPs' salaries in PNG raises concerns about the frequency of raises and the disparity between the salaries of MPs and lower-level public servants. 

While reforms are taking place in various government departments, and public servants, particularly teachers, are burdened with increased workloads and limited resources, it seems unfair for MPs to receive frequent raises to sustain their lavish lifestyles. 

It is time for the government to reconsider the justification for these raises and ensure that lower-level public servants are also fairly compensated for their hard work.

PNG: Are You Earning the Minimum Wage - 2014?

New Minimum Wage (K3.20 per hour): Employers Must Comply Starting Now.

 Employers Federation of PNG (EFoPNG) has issued a NEW minimum wage to be complied with immediately. Every employer from Chinese kai bars to security companies and service stations must now increase their employers pay.
Reported on EMTV, 22 inspectors (in each province) from the department of labour and industrial relations will be out to ensure this takes effect.
This is a good call from the EFoPNG (Florence Willie). Many companies have FAILED before. For this to be effective, there are many unanswered questions:

¬What can an employee do if they a not paid the minimum wage?
¬How can they report non-compliant employers?
¬Who are they going to report to?
¬What is the proper channel to make a complaint?
¬What are the steps needed to reach an amicable solution?
¬How are complainant/employee protected from dismissal if they make a complaint?
¬ Who is the provincial inspector, where is the local provincial office for Department of Labour and Industrial Relations?
The EFoPNG and department of labour and industrial relations, CANNOT just slap employers with minimum wage and sit in comfortable offices in POM and expect miracles to happen. They cannot just expect employers to comply in a flick of a finger.
 Again, this is a good call. Please, come up with proper procedures and processes. Make sure employers start paying their workers the Minimum Wage.

 If you are earning minimum wage, take a look at this table. It might be helpful. For example, if you work 6 hour, 5 days week, you fortnight pay MUST not be LESS than K192.00.



Public Holidays in PNG 2025

Public Holidays in PNG 2025