Showing posts with label PNGDF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PNGDF. Show all posts

PNG Defence Force: Passout Paves the Way for New Recruitment

The Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) is preparing for the graduation of its first batch of 2023 recruits. After undergoing a rigorous training program at Goldie River Training Depot outside Port Moresby, these new soldiers are expected to pass out next month (April 2024). 

Papua New Guinea Defence Force Recruitment 2024
📸Papua New Guinea Defence Force/Facebook

This graduation ceremony marks a significant achievement for the recruits and signifies their official entry into the PNGDF. While details on the next PNGDF recruitment drive haven't been officially announced, it's traditionally held after the passout ceremony for the current batch.

In the meantime, the 2021 intake of 90 recruits, who resumed training in January 2024, are also nearing the end of their program and are expected to finish by April.

Therefore, aspiring soldiers who are eager to serve their country should keep an eye on official PNGDF channels and news outlets. 

Information regarding the 2024 PNGDF recruitment, including eligibility requirements and application procedures, will likely be released following the successful passout of the current recruits. 

PNGDF Military Cadet Programme 2024 Recruitment

Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) Commander Major-General Mark Goina says his administration is looking to reintroduce the school military cadet programme. The PNGDF Military Cadet Programme Recruitment is now awaiting the approval of the PNG government.

If you are a non-school leaver wanting to apply to the PNGDF recruitment, click here to get more information about how to apply. You can also see the 2024 notice of application for PNG Fire Service here.

Here is a brief overview of the programme.

PNGDF Military Cadet Programme 2024 Recruitment for 2024 - png defence force application form 2023
PNGDF Commander Major-General Mark Goina (insert)

(Want to work as a Data Collector in the 2024 National Census nationwide? Here is how to apply)


The PNG Defence Force Commander said the PNGDF Military Cadet Programme existed in pre-Independence, in the 1960s and early 1970s, in schools. 

The Marape Government was keen on reintroducing the programme.

Importance of PNGDF Cadet Programme

The PNGDF Military Cadet Programme is vital for instilling discipline and command and building good character among the younger generation.

“PNGDF will play a supporting role in this programme that would be headed by the reserve force legislation.” PNG Force (PNGDF) Commander Major-General Mark Goina.  


PNGDF Military Cadet Programme

The PNGDF Cadet programme will come in three stages

  1. Reserve force, 
  2. Youth programme and
  3. School cadet programme.

The youth programme had started, run by the PNGDF’s reserves, capability and development branch.

The intent is to allow the youths to go through a programme in collaboration with the National Youth Services and other government agencies and departments that deal with youths.

Awaiting PNG Government Approval

The PNG Defence Force made a submission to the PNG government and is awaiting approval from the National Executive Council (NEC). 

PNGDF is hoping that the submission will go through Parliament and be enacted into law.

The PNGDF Reserve Force Branch is ready to roll out the PNGDF Cadet Programme when the government gives the approval.

PNGDF Recruitment - DHERST

The PNGDF will recruit new intakes next year in collaboration with the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST).

“Going in 2023 onwards, all applicants will come through the school leavers’ form, we have established a collaboration with the higher education department to assist and screen through our requirements.” PNG Force (PNGDF) Commander Major-General Mark Goina.

If the applicants are successful they will be recruiting with the PNG Defence Force as early as next year.

How to apply for PNGDF Military Cadet Programme Recruitment?

It is still early, but we know that the PNGDF cadet programme will be run by the PNGDF under the reserve force umbrella programme.

Selection will be done by the higher education department. That means that the Grade 12 students must apply through the National Online Application System (NOAS).

In fact, this is a better way to do the selection and run the programme as it cuts out the 'middle-man' in the selection process.
The RPNGC police recruitment has taken its 2022 recruitment online to ease the process of selection and recruitment.
The PNGDF Cadet programme will be directly supported by the PNG Government under the TESAS (HECAS & AES) scholarship scheme if/when the students are selected through NOAS. Also, students can enter as non-school leavers and get selected as self-sponsored students. This remains to be seen for now.

Meanwhile, if you are a 2023/2024 Grade 12 school leaver, ask your school for that latest information as you fill in your online school leavers form this year. 

School Leavers DHERST selection

The selection through the DHERST's NOAS is the best way forward for PNGDF. 

This education blog hopes that the RPNGC (Police) and CIS (Warder) also follow the same selection and recruitment channel.

Select the Grade 12 school leavers through DHERST's NOAS, recruit them into the programmes and train them to be better citizens.



Public Holidays in PNG 2025

Public Holidays in PNG 2025