Showing posts with label PNG Opposition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PNG Opposition. Show all posts

Revised Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates Failed to Get MPs Support

Press Release 02/06/2016[Source: Legend FM News]

The Registry of Political Parties is gravely concern about the lack of interest by the Government to table the Revised Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates (OLIPPAC) in Parliament. The Revised OLIPPAC was approved by the National Executive Council (NEC) in March 2014 but still waiting to be tabled in Parliament. The Registry of Political Parties Dr Alphonse Gelu is concerned about the lack of interest and foresight to pass this law.

The Revised OLIPPAC was gazetted and distributed amongst the MPs since 2014 but this had somewhat failed to get any support from any MPs on the floor of Parliament. In 2015, the Registrar developed a survey question on the Revised OLIPPAC which was distributed to 52 MPs to answer and return to the Registry, out of this only 3 MPs responded. However from the questionnaire not all the questions were answered. This lack of interest shown in this survey by the MPs clearly show the lack of interest by our MPs in any issue and laws that are generated to address certain situations in the country.

MPs must know their responsibilities as MPs and Leaders. They do not only represent their electorates in Parliament but are also required to take part in important policy processes such as that initiated by the Registry of Political Parties. As MPs and Leaders they should be smart and knowledgeable about issues facing the country. As Leaders they are obliged to participate in many other activities and as responsible leaders they must accept such invitations and give all they have to such initiatives and not to act as irresponsible individuals.

The Registry has been awaiting any response or indication from the NEC, Acting Clerk of Parliament, Leader of Government Business and the Prime Minister to inform the Registry where the Revised OLIPPAC is now. When can the Registry get any indications from these responsible offices and individuals? It is so disheartening for the Registry to put all its efforts into the Revised OLIPPAC, get it twice to NEC and then to wait this long.

As the Registry has explained many times, the Revised OLIPPAC is very much influenced by two factors, the first is the Supreme Court decision of 2010 that nullified certain provisions of the law to be unconstitutional and secondly, the experiences of the Registry since 2002 in implementing the OLIPPAC. In other words the Revised OLIPPAC is an improvement to the current law by strengthening provisions that were weak and at the same time to patch the law from those provisions that were declared unconstitutional.

The focus of the Revised OLIPPAC is the political party. This is in sharp contrast to the current OLIPPAC who focuses on the behaviour of MPs but was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. The activities of the Registry are now based on strengthening political parties in the country.

The Revised OLIPPAC comes with 6 constitutional amendments. These amendments have genuine justifications in improving democracy and the operations of Parliament as well as the political parties. Some critics have suggested that certain amendments are unconstitutional however if they look at the bigger picture and what the Registry wants to achieve then they would come to realise and appreciate what has been suggested to these amendments.

The Registry has started work on strengthening political parties by looking ahead to the 2017 national election. The Registry has identified various activities build around the concept of strengthening political parties. One of these activities which is based around the strengthening of political parties is the theme for 2016 and 2017 which is “Know Your Party” “Vote Your Party”.
The Registry has published posters that have been printed in the daily newspapers in the months of March and April 2016. The Registry would do a follow up of this with posters of parties with their party leaders and four of their main policies for the 2017 national election. A TV advertisement will be launched soon on promoting political parties in the country.

In promoting political parties, the Registry has even suggested to change the voting system and adopt one that would give prominence to parties rather than candidates. The Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission has been progressive enough to have taken this suggestion on and will put it on its agenda after the 2017 national elections.

From these activities the Registry has already started the process of promoting political parties but need the Revised OLIPPAC to be passed in order to give legitimacy to what it has started by promoting political parties.

It is therefore in the interest of everyone including the Registry and the MPs to respond to this urgently as the Registry needed the Revised OLIPPAC to support its activities. The Revised OLIPPAC is for Papua New Guinea and not for only one group or person or party. To suggest otherwise is irresponsible.

The Registrar Dr Gelu therefore call on all the MPs whether in government or the opposition to support this proposed law and have it tabled in Parliament. The Registrar even called upon those sensible and good thinking MPs to raise this matter on the floor of Parliament. At the moment the Registry is kept away from knowing where the Revised OLIPPAC is now and the important questions on when it will be tabled on the floor of Parliament and why it has not been tabled in Parliament.

Upskill Grades 8, 10 and 12 Dropouts: Apprenticeship Training in PNG 2024

The recent opposition statement about developing a skilled workforce in Papua New Guinea is a timely one, given that over 80% of Grade 12 students are unable to secure a place in tertiary institutions.

The opposition prior to the 2022 national election planned to invest K3.7 billion in skill development, with a focus on apprenticeship programs. This would be a welcome move, as apprenticeship schemes are the best way for students to learn from experts and gain practical experience.

Unfortunately, this is all a talk and no action has taken place.

apprenticeship training in png 2024

Click here to find out more about the latest Apprenticeship Schemes and Graduate Development Programs in PNG.

Apprenticeship Scheme for Dropouts 

There are a number of ways that the government could create incentives for companies to take on apprentices. For example, the government could provide subsidies to companies that hire apprentices, or offer tax breaks. The government could also work with companies to develop apprenticeship programs that are tailored to the needs of the industry.

An apprenticeship scheme for dropouts would be a particularly valuable initiative. Many dropouts have the potential to be skilled workers, but they lack the opportunities and support they need to reach their full potential. An apprenticeship scheme would give dropouts the chance to learn a trade and earn a good living.

PNG Government-Private Partnership - Apprenticeship Training in PNG 2024

Any government-private partnership that aims to develop skills in those age groups would be a step in the right direction. The opposition's plan is a good starting point, and the government should work with the private sector to develop a workable platform for companies to take on dropouts.

The opposition's plan to develop skills in PNG is a welcome one. By investing in apprenticeship programs and creating incentives for companies to take on apprentices, the government can help to create a more skilled workforce and provide opportunities for dropouts.

You can find out about the SANTOS Apprenticeship Scheme here. 

Vote of No Confidence in PNG Prime Minister -- Updates

Since Alotau Accord, the prime minister of Papua New Guinea has enjoyed unprecedented support from government Members. This is cemented by the allocation of funds and privileges enjoyed by MPs supporting the government.

Check out the analysis on the latest on VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE HERE

Lately, an EMTV report cited that 10 MPs are planning a move to opposition boosting its numbers from 8 to 18. This is short of the original 25 opposition members. Most of them – 22 altogether – have moved to join the Government when they knew they would not receive their District Service Improvement Funds if they had remained with the Opposition.

Many thought that these MPs have compromised their ability to think and act as leaders when they were lured by money. Three men remained standing: Belden Namah, Sam Basil and Allan Marat. They did not trade their leadership status and their people for money.

On the other hand, politicians have the right to practise what they perceived to be in the best interest of their people. Who are we to judge?

It has been twenty-seven months of smooth sailing for Peter O’Neill when compared to previous governments, where power struggles and government instability were major issues. But, lots of things have happened during the O’Neill-Dion rule, both good and bad: loans from Exim Bank and UBS, Infrastructure developments, completion of PNG LNG project, sacking of Attorney General and Treasurer, Task Force Sweep Warrant of Arrest on Peter O’Neill, his latest referral to a Leadership Tribunal and many more.

It is important to note that the prime minister in the 9th parliament has his work cut out to remain for the full 30 months. The signing of the Alotau Accord and the extension of the grace period from 18 to 30 months has made it possible. Unless this period is tested and proven to be illegal by the Courts, Peter O’Neill will remain prime minister whether one likes it or not.

So, how long can PNC and its coalition partners enjoy the grace period? Sadly not long. O’Neill-Dion government has only 3 months before a vote of no confidence it called. That means that a motion of vote of no confidence on Peter O’Neill is likely to happen in February or March next year, 2015.

The government is not concerned at the moment as it is enjoying stability from within PNC and coalition partners. This remains to be seen in just 3 months. Meanwhile, Peter O’Neill may have to keep his friends close, but his enemies closer.

Vote of No Confidence in PNG Prime Minister -- Updates 2023



Public Holidays in PNG 2025

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