Here is a compilation of Papua New Guinea MPs Salaries from 2010 to 2022, calculated. We know from past experiences (2011 & 2016) that PNG MPs normally give themselves massive pay increases before the election. Either that or they somehow conjure some excuse to get ridiculous increases.
- Prime Minister
- Speaker
- Opposition Leader
- Govt Minister
- Non-govt MPs
- Governors
- Assembly Members
Margin of error
Calculated - these salaries are correct to the nearest 100 kinas, which means that the figures may not be the exact received by all the MPS as some MPs received more, others less.PNG MPs' Salaries
- first, the figures published in the National Newspaper in December 2010 and the PNG Insight's calculations in 2011 based on those figures;
- second, the exact Ordinary MPs pay published by Madang MP Bryan Krammer on his Facebook wall in 2017 and
- third, the recent (2019) leaked Salary Advice Slip for PNG Parliament Speaker.
PNG MPs Allowances
- Salary to allowance ratio 31.6: 68.4
- *adjustments 2011, 2017 and 2019 base/gross salaries