Showing posts with label PNG College Application Info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PNG College Application Info. Show all posts

PNG Police Recruitment 2025 - Applications Now Open

The Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) now accepts applications for the 2025 recruitment drive. This is your chance to join the force and serve your community. All applications must be submitted online. Only 500 recruits are selected each year, and you could be one of them! See below for requirements and how to apply. 

Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) - Regular Recruitment 2025

Application Deadline: 21 February 2025 
Link to Online Application - Apply Now!
Link to RPNGC Website

PNG Police recruitment online application 2025

Key Eligibility Criteria:

  • Citizenship: Must be a Papua New Guinea citizen. 
  • Age: Between 20 - 30 years. 
  • Education: Evidence of a Grade 12 certificate from a government-certified educational institution. Minimum "C" grades in English and Maths. 
  • Criminal Record: No criminal record or prior dismissal from RPNGC. 
  • Fitness: Physically and medically fit. Fitness tests and a medical assessment will be required. 
  • Height: Minimum height of 158 cm for females and 160 cm for males. 
  • Language Skills: Proficiency in speaking and writing English. 

Required Application Materials: 

  • Current Resume/CV 
  • Copies of NID Card or Birth Certificate 
  • Copies of both original Grade 10 and 12 certificates 
How to apply for PNG Police Recruitment 2025 via - This online application take care of all the need - but 404 error, get contacts

Who Should Apply: 

  • Grade 12 school leavers from the past five years. 
  • Individuals looking to change professions (referees required). 

Please note: Hard copy applications will not be accepted.

Pacific Regional Institute 2024 Courses, Fees and Selection Info

Check out the diploma and certificate courses offered at the Pacific Regional Institute, Port Moresby. If you want more information, contact the training institute directly. The contact details are the end of this information.

Pacific Regional Institute Courses, Fees, Selection List 2024

Pacific Regional Institute Diploma Programs

  • Accounting and Financial Management 
  • Economic Management and Public Policy
  • Banking and Finance
  • Management and Business Studies 
  • Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Sports and Events Management
  • Human Resource Management 
  • Retail/ Sales & Marketing
  • Project Management 
  • Strategic Management 
  • Procurement and Supply Chain Management 
  • Maritime Management 
  • Journalism & Media Studies
  • Commercial and International Law 
  • Counselling and Leadership

Pacific Regional Institute Certificate Courses

Banking and Finance

  • Economic Management and Public Policy 
  • Banking and Finance
  • Management and Business Studies
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Events and Sports Management
  • Sales/ Retail and Marketing 
  • Human Resource  Management
  • Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Supply Chain Management 
  • Information Technology.
  • Environment Science and Climate Change
  • Sustainable Development and Planning.

Pacific Regional Institute Course Info

The new institute is accepting Grade 12 school leavers and non-school leavers. If you want more information on Pacific Regional Institute selection 2024, courses and fees, contact the institution via phone numbers and emails.


Lot 16, Section 264, Gagauna Street. Gerehu., Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Ph: +675 7335 3373 or +675 70271951


Balob Teachers College Application 2025 and Selection Info and Updates

Balob Teachers College offers a diploma in primary teaching and enrols 600-700 students every year, about half of them female students. If you want to apply for college or get information about courses and selections, this article will help you.

Find out how to apply as a non-school leaver or school leaver - use the tips below to contact Balob Teachers College.

Download the School Leavers (New Intakes) Selection Lists PDF for your teachers college.

Balob Teachers College Application Form 2024, Selections 2025 and Accpetance List PDF

How to apply to  Balob Teachers College?

There are two ways to apply to Balob Teachers College: as a school leaver and a non-school leaver.

Apply as a non-school leaver

Balob Teachers College does not have a website or social media account where you can get information on courses, applications and selections. The college relies on the media to disseminate information to new students. 

The best way to get a Balob Teachers College application form for 2025 is to get it from the college.

But, what can you do if you are not in Lae or anywhere nearby? The college often asks for proof of ID before issuing new application forms. This can be hard - here are some suggestions to help you - see below for non-school leavers' application timeframe.

Here are 5 ways to get an application form, even if you're not in LAE.

  • 1) Call a family member/friend you know personally to get it for you.
  • 2) Call the college and ask for the latest application form and fees.
  • 3) Travel there yourself to get it - this can be an expensive exercise. 
  • 4) Ask a Facebook/social media friend you know to send it to you.
  • 5) Ask a current student to help you out.

The five ways above are practical ways to get the BalobTeachers College non-school leaver's application form 2025. 

Apply as a school leaver (Grade 12)

 Balob Teachers College option for Grade 12 students who want to become teachers. 

All you have to do is to put it down as one of your options when you complete the National Online Application Form on the DHERST website.

The best tip here is to make it your first or second choice so that you have a higher chance of getting in. You can do that at school with the help of your deputy principal.

If you do not make that choice yet, do not worry. You can make adjustments to your final choice during the Grace Period DHERST gives you.

GPA for entering Balob Teachers College PNG

Each college in PNG selects the best students. That means that they choose students with high GPAs. 

Read about GPA for PNG teachers' colleges.

DHERST (Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology) sets a GPA threshold of 2. Some institutions have raised it to 2.25.

Generally, you must have a GPA higher than 2 to get selected. Inversely, you must maintain a GPA higher than 2 to remain a student at Balob Teachers' College to get relegated.

For registration purposes, PNG Education Department requires that teachers' college graduates should have a GPA of 2.4. (see the report here)

Taking all GPAs into consideration, you should maintain a bare minimum of 2.4 to remain competitive in during selections.

Contact  Balob Teachers College

You can contact the principal and admin office for information on school leavers and non-school leavers.

Balob Teachers' College
P O Box 2127
Lae, Morobe Province
Ph 4724311 / 4724355

Contact person/s
Mr Jack Hawap (Deputy Principal, Admin)

When does Balob Teachers' College NSL application open?

For the last two years, Balob Teachers' College non-school leavers' application forms come out in May. If you are planning to apply for next year, make sure you are in Lae in May to get the NSL application form. 

The application closes at the end of June. 

You will have a month to complete the application and hand it in.

Balob Teachers' College Acceptance List 2025

The acceptance list for Balob Teachers' College for non-school leavers and school leavers will come out before the academic year starts. 

The non-school leavers who applied straight to Balob Teachers College will have to check the college for the non-school leavers acceptance list 2025.

As for the Grade 12 school leavers who applied through the National Online Application System (NOAS), check the higher education website for the DHERST Acceptance List 2025.

If you have any questions, check out this link for information on selection dates and acceptance lists for tertiary institutions in PNG.

About Balob Teachers College 

Balob Teachers College is located in Lae, Morobe Province and is run by the Lutheran Church. 

The college has been training primary school teachers for nearly 60 years. It offers diploma in primary teaching and enrols 600-700 students every year, about half of them are female students.

Port Moresby Technical College: TVET Courses, Admission and Selection

Port Moresby Technical College is a public technical in Papua New Guinea. The college was established in 1947 as a Technical Training Centre. Today Port Moresby Technical College is one of the eight technical colleges in the country specializing in ten trade areas.

Port Moresby Technical College Courses Changes

In the 1980s the main course program offering was the Pre-Employment Technical Training (PETT) Certificate Course. 

Then in the 1990s, the Technical Training Certificate (TTC) course was introduced to replace the PETT Course.

Also, the National Certificate Course concurrently ran with the TTC course and eventually phased out the TTC Course.

Courses offered at Port Moresby Technical College

Courses that are currently offered at Port Moresby Technical College cover all technical and engineering courses at four levels of study. 

Here is the list of courses:

  • Basic Trade Certificate (BTC), National Certificate 1&2 (NC), 
  • Technical Trade Certificate 1&2 (TTC) and 
  • Apprenticeship Courses (Extension Courses). 
Check out the info pages for other colleges in Papua New Guinea


Technical Jobs in PNG

It starts at Port Moresby Technical College if you are after a new job, a pay rise or just need to upgrade your skills. 

With major redevelopment projects in the country, Port Moresby Technical College is the leading quality trade training college.

Moresby Technical College National Certificate Pathway

candidates must complete Grade 10 to enrol for the National Certificate 1 (NC1). This is where every new technical school enrolment starts at Port Moresby Technical College. After completing NC1, students can apply to work, to apprenticeships or continue to National Certificate 2. 

Students who gain NC1 and NC2 with work experience can re-enrol for NC3 and NC4.

Download the course information PDF

tvet scholarship png 2024 application form

Diploma Courses

Diploma in Electrical Engineering – POWER

Diploma in Electrical Engineering – ELECTRONICS

Diploma of Printing Technology & Multimedia Production

Diploma in Automotive Engineering

Diploma of Mechanical Engineering

Diploma of Building & Construction

Diploma of Business Management & Accounting

Port Moresby Technical College Application PDF

If you wish to enrol at Port Moresby Technical College you must download the application form PDF, complete it in full, attach the required documents and send it to the college. 

But before you complete the application form, ensure that you read the course information so that you know what you are going to study. Even if you have made up your mind, it is important to know what the college is offering before applying.

Download the application form

Pom Tech Acceptance List 2024 PDF

The acceptance list for Pom Tech (Port Moresby Technical College) for non-school leavers and school leavers will come out before the academic year starts. 

The non-school leavers who applied straight to Pom Tech will have to check the college for that non-school leavers acceptance list 2024.

As for the Grade 12 school leavers who applied through the National Online Application System (NOAS), check the higher education website for the DHERST Acceptance List 2024.

If you have any questions, check out this link for information on selections and acceptance lists for tertiary institutions in PNG.

2024 UNRE Application: Part-time Degree and Certificate Bridging Courses Open

UNRE (the University of Natural Resources and Environment), previously called the Vudal Agriculture College in Rabaul, has called for interested students to submit applications for the bridging programs for 2024. 

PNG UNRE's Centre for Self-Education (CFSE) is running an Off-season intensive learning program for students who have passed through the institution or other agriculture and fishery institution in PNG with a diploma. It calls it the Taubar Session. Read on to find out how to apply.

2024 UNRE Application Form PDF

About UNRE Taubar Session

The Taubar session is an off-season (part-time) intensive learning program designed to externalize mainstream graduate programs that the university offers to its undergraduate full-time students. 

The program runs through a 12-weeks period using a modular block approach and can be completed over a period of 2 - 4 years, depending on how the block courses are scheduled for a particular year.

What is the aim of the program?

The intensive part-time program is aimed at providing learning opportunities for potential students who are unable to take up full-time studies at the university. 

The program is facilitated by PNG UNRE CFSE. It starts early in January 2024. 

Part-time intensive Degree and Certificate program

UNRE Taubar Session will have 5 programs running concurrently. 

  1. Bridging to Bachelor Degree in Marine and Fisheries
  2. Bridging to Bachelor Degree in Sustainable Tropical Agriculture (majoring in Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship)
  3. Bridging to Bachelor Degree in Sustainable Tropical Agriculture (majoring in Fundamentals of Para Veterinary Technology)
  4. Certificate in Fundamentals of Para Veterinary Technology
  5. Certificate in Fundamentals of Statistics Research/Experimentation 

2024 UNRE Entry Requirements for part-time programs

  • All applicants to the Bridging to Degree Programs shall possess a diploma (in Tropical Agriculture/Fishery) from PNG UNRE or other recognised institutions. 
  • All applicants to the Certificate in Fundamentals of Para Veterinary Technology shall possess a Bachelor in Tropical Agriculture from PNG UNRE, Bachelor of Agriculture Science and or two years of work experience in a related field. 
  • Certificate in Fundamentals of Statistics Research/Experimentation shall possess work experience.

UNRE Application and Admission Contact

If you have any questions about UNRE 2024 application form or any other queries relating to this part-time intensive program, contact the program facilitators directly. 

Ms Stephenie Tringin
Director, Centre for Self Education 
P- 987 1342 / 987 1343 / 987 1344 / 987 1200

2024 PNG colleges and universities application info

Check this link (PNG Universities) and this link (PNG Colleges) for 2024 application requirements, and the selection and admission information.

Online Application for Unversities and Colleges in PNG 2023/2024

2023/2024 Online Application for Universities: Several Papua New Guinea universities are accepting online applications for postgraduates, non-school leavers and discontinuing students. 

Over the years, many students have had difficulty getting a Non-School Leavers Application Form. Let alone applying to universities and colleges in time. This can be a thing of the past as several universities in PNG have gone online.

upng online application form 2023 | uog application form 2023
Check out the link to the online application for 3 PNG Unis

In this article, we provide a snapshot of the Online Application for Universities and NSL application for colleges in PNG.

2023 Online Application for Universities

In the last 4 years, 3 universities are facilitating online applications for their new postgraduates and non-school leavers' intake. 

There is a significant improvement in the design and implementation of the PNG Universities' websites, too. Notably, the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) and the University of Technology (Unitech). 

Here is a list of PNG universities that offer online applications for postgrads and non-school leavers. 


Manual NSL Application Forms

We understand that the other universities and all colleges in PNG are still accepting manual applications. 

If you want more info about application and admission to the universities, click on the links provided: 
  • University of Goroka (UoG)
  • Divine Word Universit (DWU
  • Western Pacific University (WPU)
  • Pacific Adventist University (PAU)
  • University of Natural Resources and Environment (UNRE)
  • PNG Colleges Application information for new students (Sl and NSL)

 NSL application for colleges in PNG

We researched the information provided by universities and colleges for  Non-school leavers (NSL) and put them here. In fact,

Check this link (PNG Universities) and this link (PNG Colleges) for 2023 application requirements, and the selection and admission information.

Our observation over the year has shown that there is a  demand for students to have the latest information when applying to universities and colleges in PNG. The information provided by most universities and colleges can be coordinated properly. That way the new students/applicants can find it easier to access application forms and apply with ease.

Having said that, several universities in PNG (mentioned) have done a fantastic job with their websites and social media messages.

About us

We are an education blog. We strive to point you in the right direction as you are researching your university or college to study in PNG next year. 

Leave a comment and let us know what you think about the application and admission process of your university or college 

We wish you nothing, but the best in your application!

Lae School of Nursing Application 2024 and Admission Info

Non-school leavers who want to apply to the Lae School of Nursing for 2024, the application is NOW ONLINE. PNG Insight understands that in the past the nursing college used to accept the application form in PDF. However, the Lae School of Nursing is now going online. They have a brand new website and are accepting applications online.

The best thing to do is to apply online.

How to apply to Lae School of Nursing for 2024?

The information below is all you need to know to apply successfully as a non-school leaver (NSL). Read on to find out.

Check out the information on GPA for Lae School of Nursing, click here

Lae School of Nursing Acceptance list 2023- lae school of nursing application form 2023 pdf

To apply to Lae School of Nursing:

  • Visit this URL (It will take to you the college's website)
  • Click on the 'Apply Now' Button
  • Fill in the Google Form & complete the application for 2024.
Check out all the colleges and university information for non-school leavers applying to study next year.

Requirements to Apply online to Lae School of Nursing

  • All applicants are required to have a Gmail account in order to access the online application. You can create one if you don't already have one. This is so we can automate immediate confirmation notifications to your Gmail account as well as store your data for future reference concerning applications. If you are not already signed in to your Gmail account, you will be asked to before you can fill in your online application
  • You will only be allowed a single application per Gmail account. After you submit it, you will not be able to submit another application.
  • However, you will be able to edit your submitted application for the remainder of the application duration. Meaning that when the application closes, you will not be able to do any edits to your application

The Closing Date of the Online Application is usually in July. 

Nursing Program at Lae School of Nursing 

The Lae School of Nursing offers three (3) year's Diploma in General Nursing. 

The course curriculum is based on PNG Nursing competency standards as a benchmark which a student must achieve in the following areas of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

During the first two (years) of training, year one and two students are sent to urban clinics, Angau Hospital and rural communities to gain clinical experiences.

In the third year of study, students do their clinical practices at Angau Memorial General Hospital and Lae urban clinics. For rural block practicums, students are usually sent to rural health facilities in Morobe, Madang and Highlands Provinces for 8 weeks.

The academic program in a year has two semesters. Semester 1 begins in February and ends in June and 2nd semester begins in July and ends in November. 

Course fees

lae school of nursing course application form and fees 2023

Teaching and learning facilities

The campus has teaching and learning facilities which have, two-story buildings; one located on the southern end caters for, on the 2nd floor has three lecture rooms and the ground floor has two practical laboratories and a tutorial room. 

The second academic building, on the 2nd floor, caters for a library, ICT, conference room and post-graduate midwifery course practical and lecture rooms and academic staff office. 

On the ground floor, it has a kitchen & dining hall, administration office and academic staff office.

Lae School of Nursing Acceptance list

The acceptance list for Lae School of Nursing for non-school leavers and school leavers will come out before the academic year starts. 

  • The non-school leavers who applied straight to the Lae School of Nursing will have to check the institution for the non-school leavers' acceptance list 2024. This list will also be published by DHERST on its website together with the final TESAS list before the academic year starts
  • As for the Grade 12 school leavers who applied through the National Online Application System (NOAS), check the higher education website for the DHERST Acceptance List 2024.

If you have any questions, check out this link for information on selection dates and acceptance lists for tertiary institutions in PNG.

About Lae School of Nursing

The Lae School of Nursing is an affiliated college with the PNG University of Technology. It was established by the Australian Government under the Ministry of Health in 1964. 

From 1965 up to 1980, it ran several different nursing programs: 
  • Nurse Aid Training and Hospital nursing, 
  • Community health nursing,
  • Community health worker training, and 
  • Certificate in General Nursing. 

The GN certificate program was upgraded to the Diploma of Nursing in 2001. The first intake for the Diploma of General Nursing was in 2002.

In 2004, the course program was transferred to PNG Unitech and the first Graduates were in 2005 after the Students successfully completed three years of studies. The Diploma of General Nursing qualification was conferred by PNG University of Technology Lae.

The school is situated 30 meters away from the main town shopping Centre and 30km from the Nazab airport (Lae) and three minutes walk down steps to Angau Memorial Hospital.

This information is compiled for non-school leavers wanting to study at Lae Nursing College next year. For more information please visit the college's website. 

Study at DODL UoT 2024 Application Form, admission and course information

 DODL Application UoT Pathway: The Department of Distance Learning (DODL) at the University of Technology (UoT/Unitech) is an important partway for Non-school leavers who want to pursue a study at UNITECH.

DODL application form 2024

UoT/Unitech Non-school leavers & DODL selections

The grade 12 students and undergraduates selections fall into three main categories of applications: 

  • Grade 12 School Leavers, 
  • Matriculation/DODL, and 
  • Non-school leavers

The School Leavers are the Grade 12 students whose selection is done by DHERST (Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology) and passed onto UoT. 

The non-school leaver's applications are through UoT and done by the university. So, if you are a DODL, students you'll find it easy to apply given that there is a clear pathway to get into a first-year program. 

The Grade 12 school leavers (and non-school leavers) selections for UNITECH happen (around November) of each year based on the result of the Grade 12 national examinations (in October). 

DODL Matriculants Apply to UoT 2024

For the DODL students, apply to Unitech or other tertiary institutions in the country before the due date. Usually, the Grade 12 students' selection takes precedence. (See the links for information about Unitech DODL).

PNG UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY has a limited number of spaces given the availability of learning spaces, boarding and lodging rooms, academic resources, etc. This means that the competition for admission to a program of study is usually very high.

Students aspiring to enter UNITECH through DODL must compete against the Grade 12 school leavers and non-school leavers in the country to secure a space. In order words, DODL students at UNITECH must perform exceptionally well in the national examinations to get a UNITECH placement.

Do prepare well, study hard and apply for further study.

DODL Study Centres in PNG

Currently, DODL has 21  affiliated study centres and Adult Matriculation centres around the country. Check out your location study centres in your province for more information. 

•Bugandi Secondary School •Bulolo Study Centre •Dregerfhen Study Centre •Elison Enterprise •Enga DODL Centre •Gerehu Study Centre •Goroka Secondary School •Hutjena Study Centre•Institute of Continuing and Further Education •Kainantu Study Centre •Kimbe Study Centre •Kundiawa DODL Study Centre •Lae Secondary School •Tusbab DODL Study Centre •Malabunga Secondary School •Malahang Technical High School •Markham Open and Distance Learning Institute •Mogol Secondary School •Mt Hagen Study Centre •Nimamar Franchise University Centre • OTDF Community Education Services •Sepik Matriculation Centre •Port Moresby Institute of Matriculation Studies

Appy to a college in PNG as a non-school leaver - opportunities 

Hope this information helps you to apply to DODL matriculation study centres and complete your education. 

If you are a non-school leaver looking for an opportunity to study in PNG, check out the list of application and admission info.

Here is the page where you can get more information about the 2024 application form. Please, visit the Unitech DODL page here. If you have any questions, leave a comment below. 

How to enrol at FODE?

If you want to upgrade your marks at FODE or at any University Open and Distance Learning Centres, here is some information that you'll find useful. Click on the link to read more. 

Leave a comment and let us know what you think about applying as a non-school leaver or upgrading your marks for next year. 

Study at Simbu Teachers College 2024 Application Form and Admission Info

Simbu Teachers College Application & Program: The college offers are 3-year Diploma in Primary School Teaching. This program is accepting Grade 12 students and non-school leavers who aspire to become Primary School Teachers. Simbu Teachers College (STC) is located near Wara Simbu, and within walking distance to Kundiawa Town. 

Simbu Teachers College Acceptance list 2024

STC Academic programs/strands

The college offers 5 core programs from Year 1 to Year 3. The programs are compulsory for all students, including the teaching practice (practicum). Students must maintain an acceptable Grade Point Average (GPA) to graduate. 

The Academic Programs offered in Simbu Teachers College are delivered through the following five Strands:

  • Professional Development
  • Language Development
  • Social Spiritual Development Studies
  • Mathematics & Science
  • Community Development
School experience and practicum is a vital part of the training for primary school teachers offered at the college. Here is what the STC said about the training and teaching experiences (extract)
We have school experience and teaching practice programs for students to experience teaching environments. During teaching practices and school experiences, the student teachers are given six weeks opportunity to part take in the classroom practices and the school each year for three years. (STC website)

How to get the 2024 application form

The Simbu Teachers College has a standalone website that provides some basic information about how to apply. If you want the 2024 Simbu Teachers College Application Form call or email the college directly. 

Call the admin office on +(675) 725 74707 or write to STC on The Principal, Simbu Teachers College, P.O.Box 158, Kundiawa, Simbu Province.

If you do not get a response, here are some suggestions to get the latest application form.

  • Ask a friend/family in Simbu to go to STC Wara Simbu and get an application form for you.
  • Contact a student of STC on Social Media and ask him/her to help you.
  • Contact a Lecturer, tutor, registrar or an employee of STC to help you out.
  • Visit Simbu TC and get an application form.

How to apply as non-school leavers

STC requires that you apply before the due date. The steps for applying and the requirements will be listed clearly on the application form. So follow the steps and do not leave out are required documents when submitting your application. 

Here are a few things that you should take into consideration when completing your 2024 non-school leavers application from Simbu Teachers College. 

Requirements for S.T.C
  1. Grade 12 certificate with a GPA of 2.4 and above.
  2. Grade 10 certificate.
  3. 3 references from the pastor/teacher/reliable community leader.
  4. Medical report/police clearance.
  5. A passport-size photo of you.
Simbu TC Non-school Leavers Selections List for 2023 - check it here.

Application fee & Current Grade 12 applications

Application Fee: In previous years, STC charged an application fee of K50.00. This fee is non-refundable. If the fee is not stated clearly on the application form, call the college admin and find out before handing in your *completed* application form.

School leavers applications: If you are a present Grade 12, you are a school leaver. You must apply to Simbu Teachers College (STC) through your final school leaver's choices. This is done before the examinations, so see your Guidance Teachers or School Deputy Principal to assist you. If you are successful, your name will come out in the 2024 Simbu Teachers College Selections List

Simbu Teachers College Acceptance List 2024

The acceptance list for Simbu Teachers College for non-school leavers and school leavers will come out before the academic year starts. 

  • The non-school leavers who applied straight to Simbu Teachers College will have to check the college for the non-school leavers acceptance list 2024.
  • As for the Grade 12 school leavers who applied through the National Online Application System (NOAS), check the higher education website for the DHERST Acceptance List 2024.

If you have any questions, check out this link for information on selection dates and acceptance lists for tertiary institutions in PNG.

Appy to a college in PNG as a non-school leaver - opportunities 

Hope this information helps you to apply to Simbu Teachers college. 

If you are a non-school leaver looking for an opportunity to study in PNG, check out the list of application and admission info.
Here is the page where you can get the application form on STC website. If you are unable to get the latest application form, try and contact the college using one of the ways suggested above. 

If you have any questions, leave a comment below. 

Madang Teachers College | 2024 Application Form and Admission Info

Study at Madang Teachers College (MTC): Want to study as a non-school leaver or school leaver at the Madang Teachers College? PNG Insight provides this information to help you plan and submit a successful application to become a primary school teacher. 

This article contains the eligibility criteria,  application attachments, admission info, course programs; and how to contact MTC and get the 2024 application form. Contact details are given below if you have a query or want to request an application form.

madang teachers college application form pdf 2024

Applying to MTC: School Leavers vs non-school leavers

School Leavers and Grade 12 (FODE) Matriculants: The Madang Teachers College does NOT facilitate the application for School Leavers (Grade 12). The selection of Grade 12 school leavers is done in Port Moresby by the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST). 

If you are a student of Matriculation (FODE), you will also have to apply using the School Leavers Form (SLF) like the mainstream Grade 12 students. 

Non-school Leavers: NSL is the group of students who CAN apply DIRECTLY to MTC. If you are a Grade 12 student who left school in the last 3 years, you are an NSL. Or if you are coming through the Open Colleges, you *maybe* classified as an NSL. 

For the open college students and self-sponsored students, please seek further information from your school/college before applying.

Programs of study at Madang Teachers College (MTC)

As mentioned, MTC accepts both school leavers and non-school leavers into their programs. The college offers both a bachelor in Education degree (BEd Primary Education/Teaching) and a Diploma in Teaching (Dipl). You must have a Grade Point Average GPA of 2.4 (with NO FAILS) and above to apply for the Diploma in Teaching program. The Bachelor in Primary Education (Pre-service) requires a GPA of 2.5 (with NO FAILS) or above.

To be eligible for Bachelor in Primary Education (Pre-service) NSL selection 2024, you must have the following prerequisites. The Applicant must:

  • be Grade 12 School Leavers between 2018 and 2020.
  • NOT be a Grade 10 or matriculation student (matriculant).
  • have a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
  • have NO FAIL grades in ANY of the subjects studied at Grade 12.
  • disclose any disability you have in the 2024 application form.
The 5 points are mandatory. Count yourself ineligible, if you do not meet ALL the eligibility criteria. 

Madang Teachers College application form 2024: ATTACHMENTS

The attachments are the requirements that you should include with the MTC application form 2024. Both the eligibility criteria and attachments will determine whether your application is successful, or not. 

What you attached with your *completed * application form:
  • Copy of Grade 10 and Grade 12 certificates (from MSD).
  • Copy of Grade 10 and Grade 12 'Official Transcripts' (from your school).
  • Two references (from reputable referees).
  • Certified Medical Certificates (from a doctor or medical practitioner).
  • Police Character Check Certificates (see here how to get a Police Check and Clearance Certificate).
  • Recent passport-size photo.
  • Receipt of Application.

Important college admission documents on registration day

The students who are registering must be able to present all the necessary documents that are required of them. 

They are mentioned in the above article and they are as follows: 

  • Upper Secondary School Certificate, 
  • Medical Report, 
  • Acceptance Letter from the college, and 
  • Former school ID.

This article contains the Full Admission Information for New Students. Must read

In most cases, the documents that are required upon registration are usually mentioned in the college acceptance letter to students. The list below puts in perspective the required documents for registering at a college in PNG.

Madang Teachers' College Acceptance List

The acceptance list for Madang Teachers' College for non-school leavers and school leavers will come out before the academic year starts. 

The non-school leavers who applied straight to Madang Teachers College will have to check the college for the non-school leavers acceptance list 2024.

As for the Grade 12 school leavers who applied through the National Online Application System (NOAS), check the higher education website for the DHERST Acceptance List.

If you have any questions, check out this link for information on selection dates and acceptance lists for tertiary institutions in PNG.

Get in touch and ask for MTC application form 2024

Perhaps it is important to get in touch with the Students' Admin and registrar at Madang Teachers College before submitting your application form and attachments.

Contact details:

Madang Teachers College, P O Box 218, Madang, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea

Phone: (675) 422 229 / 852 2539 / 4228082

Mobile : 71411171  / 79792925

If you do not get a response, here are some suggestions to get an application form.
  • Ask a friend/family in Madang to go to MTC and get an application form for you.
  • Contact a student of MTC on Social Media and ask him/her to help you.
  • Contact a Lecturer, tutor, registrar or employee of MTC to help you out.
  • Visit Madang TC and get an application form.

You must use the official application form to apply. Make sure that the form has the recent date and year, college stamp, PNG Education Department Emblem and College Emblem.

General info for school leavers and non-school leavers

Some of this information (contact details, eligibility, attachments, etc) is provided on the application form, but here are five things that you should know. So, ask your Guidance teachers or the college registrar prior to applying to MTC these 5 questions.

  1. What is the CUT-OFF GPA for this year?
  2. Can I submit my college Application Online too?
  3. Who can I contact to know my 2024 Madang Teachers Collection Selection list/status?
  4. From your experience, when will the Madang Teachers College 2024 Non-school Leavers selection list come out?
  5. What can I do if I am not selected?

About Madang Teachers College

The college is within Madang and easy to get to from the town centre. It offers a wide range of student facilities and activities throughout the year. 

Students' amenities are basic but clean. The facilities meet the requirements and standards to offer a 3-year diploma in teaching. 

Recently, MTC offers a 4 years Bachelors in Primary Education. Practical teaching (Practicum) is assessable in the third year. Students are sent to primary schools in Madang and nearby provinces to do their practical teaching. 

The college fees per year range between K5,000 and K10,000 and depending on whether you are on TESAS/HELP or self-sponsored. 

Appy to a college in PNG as a non-school leaver - opportunities 

Hope this information helps you to apply to the Madang Teachers College. 

If you are a non-school leaver looking for an opportunity to study in PNG, check out the list of application and admission info.
If you have any questions, leave a comment below. 



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