Showing posts with label MPs Salaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MPs Salaries. Show all posts

PNG MPs Salaries 2010 to 2022: How much is your MP Earning In Gross Pay and Allowance?

Here is a compilation of Papua New Guinea MPs Salaries from 2010 to 2022, calculated. We know from past experiences (2011 & 2016) that PNG MPs normally give themselves massive pay increases before the election. Either that or they somehow conjure some excuse to get ridiculous increases.

(In case, you see any witchcraft happening, here is what you should know.) Take a look at how much each of these MPs is receiving and if they are, actually, worth the money!
  • Prime Minister
  • Speaker
  • DPM
  • Opposition Leader
  • Govt Minister
  • Non-govt MPs
  • Governors
  • Assembly Members

Margin of error

Calculated - these salaries are correct to the nearest 100 kinas, which means that the figures may not be the exact received by all the MPS as some MPs received more, others less.

However, we followed the increases in 2010/11 (see the article links below) and are confident that the GROSS Salaries are accurate to the thousands received annually.

PNG MPs' Salaries

There were several adjustments to make this calculation relevant;
  • first, the figures published in the National Newspaper in December 2010 and the PNG Insight's calculations in 2011 based on those figures;
  • second, the exact Ordinary MPs pay published by Madang MP Bryan Krammer on his Facebook wall in 2017 and
  • third, the recent (2019) leaked Salary Advice Slip for PNG Parliament Speaker.

PNG MPs Allowances

We know that the MPs' salaries to allowances ratio is 31.6 to 68.4 split. They earn an unusually ridiculous allowance. This work EXCLUDES overseas/travel allowances.

On overseas travels, the MPs including the PM get over US$500 per day as their travel duty allowance. Read more about it in the Post Courier article here.

All in all, it gives us an accurate representation of the MPs' salaries. SOURCE LINKS
1) 2010 increases:
3) Madang MP Salary, Facebook

Additional info
  • Salary to allowance ratio 31.6: 68.4
  • *adjustments 2011, 2017 and 2019 base/gross salaries
What do you think? Leave a comment. See more election data on PNG Insight YouTube Channel

PNG Workers Taxed 34%, MPs Only 5%

With the economy nose-diving, the country drowning in debt and O'Neill Government facing a serious cashflow crisis, many Papua New Guineans are struggling to survive.

Article by Bryan Krammer.

Tax in PNG: Workers Pay 34% in Tax

Many PNG workers have questioned why they are taxed so much? I explained taxes are necessary to ensure essential services are provided to the people. 

For example, policing, judiciary, correctional services, hospitals, and education to name a few, are all funded by tax collections.

Real Problem is Corrupt Politicians

The real problem is that corrupt politicians only end up mismanaging and misusing (stealing) these funds to enrich themselves and their cronies. 

They become overnight millionaires on the people's hard-earned tax money.

MPs Pay Only 5% in Tax

However, after making inquiries into just how much salary and wages tax Members of Parliament pay versus ordinary workers, I was shocked to discover that workers pay up to 34% in wages tax while a Government Minister is taxed as low as 5%.

For instance, let's say a worker's gross wage is K400 a fortnight where his employer provides him a company vehicle and medium-cost housing.

Their wages would be calculated as follows:
  • Gross Wage K400.00
  • Add Taxable Vehicle Allowance K125.00
  • Add Taxable Housing Allowance K400.00
  • Total taxable salary & wages = K925.00
  • Tax on K925.00 = K135.20

Their net take-home pay would be K264.80 (actual pay K400 less tax K135.19).

Average PNG Worker Pays Over 40%, GST Included

What is alarming is that the average Papua New Guinean worker whose gross pay is over K900 can expect to lose up to 30% of his pay in taxes. 

Not to mention a further 10% GST when he spends it at the store on goods and services.

Meanwhile, Members of Parliament, Government Ministers, and the Prime Minister are paid tens of thousands every fortnight and only pay between 5%-13% tax.

Members of Parliament Pay

Gross fortnight pay K14,600 
Less K1,280 tax and K668 retirement benefit
Net take-home pay K12,600. (Wage Tax represents only 8%.)

Government Ministers Gross fortnight pay is K25,400
Less K1,300 tax and K1,330 retirement benefits
Net take-home pay K20,100.

Where the tax represents only 5%.

  • Prime Minister Gross fortnight pay K38,000
  • Less K5,100 tax and K2,000 retirement benefits, 
  • Net take-home pay K30,900.

What is shocking is this is nothing compared to what corrupt Members of Parliament steal in DSIP and Development Funds annually.

It is interesting to hear Union leaders who have close associations with Government Ministers publicly announce they do not support the one-day boycott on Friday, yet very silent about their workers' welfare.

What is absurd is that these Union leaders feed from the workers' contributions just like Politicians are paid by taxpayers' money only to end up stealing from them.

As a Member of Parliament, it would be one thing to be paid well if we actually earned our wages by running the country properly.

MPs Proposed Pay Increase

I have received information that the O'Neill Government is proposing to increase MPs wages and backdate the increase to 2016

The justification is the sharp increase in the cost of living (CPI). 

What is absurd is that the O'Neill Government is responsible for the sharp increase in the cost of goods, so Members of Parliament may give ourselves a pay rise but what about the rest of the country who essentially pays for our wages.

Post and image: Facebook/Bryan Kramar
An article by B. KRAMAR outlining the high tax paid by PNG workers in October 2018 - was reposted.

Revealing the Fortnightly Earnings of Papua New Guinea MPs: How Much Are They Getting?

Papua New Guineans are eager to know how much their Members of Parliament (MPs) are earning every fortnight, as taxpayers who fund their salaries. 

Two articles on MPs' annual salary have gained significant attention on PNG Insight, with one dating back to December 2014 and the other to January 2015. 

These articles took into account all the pay increments from the Somare government's 52% increase in November 2010 to the O'Neill government's 30% increase from November 2013 to 2016. 

PNG MPs Salary Increases

Are MPs the highest-paid public servants?

It is well known that MPs in Papua New Guinea are among the highest-paid public servants, along with other well-to-do officials like the Chief Justice and Chief Secretary. 

Here, you'll find the base pay of MPs and calculate see much each MP would have earned every fortnight, based on the 2010 base pay and the over 80% increments over six years until 2016. 

It's important to note that this calculation does not include allowances, perks, and privileges that MPs are entitled to, and only reflects their base salary.

Do PNG MPs need another pay increase? 

So, the question arises: do MPs really need another pay increase? Let's examine the figures in the table below, which speak volumes:

The 111 MPs in Papua New Guinea share over K15 million (Kina) every year, which amounts to over half a million Kina every fortnight.

The Prime Minister earns the highest salary among MPs, making them likely the highest-paid public servant in the country, surpassing even the Chief Justice.

Provincial governors are at the bottom of the MPs' pay scale, earning five times less than the Prime Minister, at nearly K3000.00 every two weeks.

PNG Deputy Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader Salaries

The Deputy Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader earn approximately the same base pay. Nearly half (47.53%) of the total pay goes to the 33 government ministers.

At the current salary rate, over K75 million will be paid to these 111 MPs in the next five years.

This information sheds light on the significant earnings of Papua New Guinea MPs and raises the question of whether they truly need another pay increase. 

It's worth considering whether these earnings are justifiable, especially in comparison to other public servants and the overall financial situation of the country.

PNG MPs Salaries increase with allowances and benefits

The information presented here only reflects the base salary of MPs, without accounting for the many allowances and benefits they receive as part of their roles. 

While it's important to consider the work and responsibilities of MPs, it's also important to weigh their earnings against the overall financial situation of the country and the needs of its citizens.

The data presented here clearly show that MPs in Papua New Guinea are some of the highest-paid public servants in the country, with the Prime Minister earning the most. 

Provincial governors, on the other hand, earn the least, which raises questions about the equity of pay distribution among MPs.

SomePNG MPs are significantly more valued than others

Nearly half of the total pay goes to government ministers, which suggests that some MPs are significantly more valued than the rest.

It's worth considering whether this pay distribution is fair and equitable, or whether it reinforces existing power structures and hierarchies within the government.

Final words...

In conclusion, this information provides valuable insight into the earnings of MPs in Papua New Guinea and raises important questions about pay distribution, equity, and the overall financial situation of the country. 

As taxpayers, it's important for citizens to stay informed about how their money is being spent and to hold their elected officials accountable for their decisions.

PNG MPs Continue to Receive Massive Salary Increases Since Sir Michael Somare's Time

Over the years, politicians in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have been receiving staggering pay increases, with no signs of slowing down. 

Sir Michael Somare's time as Prime Minister

The trend started during Sir Michael Somare's time as Prime Minister, and within just seven years, parliamentarians would be enjoying an astounding 82% increase in their salaries alone.

It all began in November 2010 when Sir Michael Somare's government unanimously approved a whopping 52% pay rise, just before the Christmas holidays. 

This unprecedented increase set a new standard for politicians' salaries in PNG.

PNG MPS pay increase

Increase for politicians' salaries in PNG

The trend continued in November 2013, when Puka Temu, the then Public Service Minister in Peter O'Neill's government, announced another pay raise of 7%, which was backdated to January 1, 2013, and paid to every Member of Parliament just before their Christmas holiday. 

But that's not all - the minister also declared a separate increase of 7.5% and 2.5% to be paid from 2014 to 2016 to every public sector worker, including the MPs.

To clarify, the 2013 increases were in three parts: 
  • a one-time payment of 7%,
  • a 3-year increase of 7.5% of the actual gross salary, and
  • a 2.5% of the average salary. 
The average salary is calculated by dividing the combined salaries of all earners by the number of earners.

Staggering 30% Spike in MPs Pay

The increase means that every public servant, including MPs, would receive a 7.5%/2.5% increase in instalments over a 3-year period from 2014 to 2016. 

If the government stays true to its promise, public servants would have seen a staggering 30% spike in their annual pay by 2016, equivalent to a 10% increment every year.

The impact of these increases is significant. 

By the end of 2016, the annual salaries of PNG's politicians would have nearly doubled compared to what they earned in 2010.

PNG MPs Salaries

  • Prime Minister earns over K364,000
  • Speaker of Parliament earns over K296,000
  • Deputy Prime Minister earns over K271,000
  • Opposition Leader earns over K271,000 (same as Deputy Prime Minister)
  • Government Ministers earn over K211,000
  • Other MPs earn over K106,000
  • Provincial Governors earn over K74,000

These amounts are exorbitant and raise questions about the morality of such increments. 

The salaries earned by politicians are more than enough to live with their people and serve their constituencies. 

However, it appears that they want even more to sustain a lifestyle elsewhere, away from their localities.

The trend of massive pay increases for politicians in PNG, which started during Sir Michael Somare's time as Prime Minister, continues to persist. 

These unprecedented raises have resulted in exorbitant salaries for politicians, raising concerns about the moral implications of such increments. 

In conclusion, as the salaries of politicians skyrocket, it's crucial to ensure that public funds are being used responsibly and in the best interest of the people of Papua New Guinea.

PNG MPs Salary: Why Are MPs Getting Raises While Lower-Level Public Servants Struggle?

In Papua New Guinea (PNG), there have been many reforms taking place in various government departments, such as health and education, which have placed a significant burden on the implementers, including teachers. 

While there have been pay increases for teachers in recent years, the same cannot be said for Members of Parliament (MPs), who seem to be getting raises almost every year. 

This article aims to explore the issue of MPs' salaries in PNG and question the need for frequent increases while lower-level public servants struggle.

Reforms and Burden on Implementers

The reforms in PNG, particularly in the fields of health and education, have been challenging for those tasked with implementing them. 

Teachers, in particular, have been under immense pressure due to limited resources and increased workloads. 

These reforms are aimed at improving the quality of education and healthcare services in the country, but the burden on the implementers cannot be ignored.

Pay Increase for Teachers

In 2013, there was commendable news for teachers as a pay increase was announced by Dr Puka Temu, the Public Service Minister in the government of Peter O'Neill. 

However, this increase was backdated to January 2013 and paid just before Christmas, which raised eyebrows among the public. 

The question then arises: why do MPs get frequent raises while other public servants have to wait for years for an increase?

MPs' Frequent Raises

A closer look at the history of pay increases for MPs in PNG reveals a concerning trend. 

In November 2010, Sir Michael Somare's government unanimously approved a massive 52% pay rise just before Christmas, which was followed by another 7% increase in November 2013, backdated to January 2013. 

These frequent raises for MPs raise questions about their necessity and whether MPs truly deserve such increases.

recent PNG PMs pay increase

Unjustified Increases

It is hard to understand why MPs in PNG receive such frequent raises, especially when lower-level public servants, such as teachers and health workers, struggle with limited salaries. 

The massive increases in MPs' salaries sustain their lavish lifestyles, but do they really need these raises? 

The government has also announced separate increases for public sector workers, including MPs, but it is unclear whether this increase applies to community school teachers and community health workers.

Have a look at what teachers in countries like Fiji are getting compared to PNG teachers.

Comparison of Salaries

A comparison of the salaries of MPs and lower-level public servants in PNG paints a stark picture. 

Prime Minister, Speaker of Parliament, DPM, and Opposition Leader earn significantly higher salaries compared to classroom teachers, government ministers, and provincial governors. 

In fact, the average salary of a PNG classroom teacher is compounded to be only K21,525 for the year 2014, while MPs earn much higher salaries.

PNG MPs Salary latest

Final words...

In conclusion, the issue of MPs' salaries in PNG raises concerns about the frequency of raises and the disparity between the salaries of MPs and lower-level public servants. 

While reforms are taking place in various government departments, and public servants, particularly teachers, are burdened with increased workloads and limited resources, it seems unfair for MPs to receive frequent raises to sustain their lavish lifestyles. 

It is time for the government to reconsider the justification for these raises and ensure that lower-level public servants are also fairly compensated for their hard work.



Public Holidays in PNG 2025

Public Holidays in PNG 2025