Showing posts with label Lae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lae. Show all posts

Lae Unitech Habitat Big Crocodile Called Agro

This little corner of UNITECH in Lae is a nice place for both children and adults to enjoy. It is such a lovely place to take school children for excursions or day trips. Regardless of the state, the facility is in, the animals are in an amazing condition.

Lae UNITECH’s Habitat Large Crocodile 

In comparison to the two parks in Port Moresby (the Adventure Park and Nature Park), UNITECH’s Habitat is small in size. But, it boasts a variety of animal species and is unique in its own right. 

'Agro' the giant crocodile is a sight to be reckoned with. He is, I guess, the biggest crocodile in captive in PNG compared to the ones at Port Moresby’s Adventure Park. Another highlight is the variety of birds you can see at the Habitat. Kokies (the cockatoos) can actually talk to you. If you do not believe me, there is only one way to find out – go there and see them!

Lae Unitech Habitat Needs Renovation 

Having visited the Habitat, almost every year, I am saddened to have released that the facility has been left to rot away. There is little or no maintenance done to it, let alone make improvements. I do understand that the Habitat sucks up a lot of money compared to UNITECH’s other facilities like the Butterfly Farm at Bulolo.

However, the Habitat has come to a stage where immediate attention is required to give it a facelift. It is about time for business houses and sponsors to step in and help. In fact, what sponsors have done at the Port Moresby Nature Park in reassuring. 

Several years go the Nature Park was in a similar condition as that UNITECH Habitat: rotting boardwalks, unmaintained footpaths and nettings, disgusting toilets, unsecured, limited marketing, etc.

Today, the Nature Park next to the University of Papua New Guinea is a world-class facility to be enjoyed by everyone. I only wish that the University of Technology Habitat in Lae is given the treatment it needs, too. 

 Fun places to visit in Port Moresby 

  • Port Moresby Adventure Park
  • Sunset Lodge
  • Loloata Island Resort
  • Koitaki Country Club
  • Varirata Natioanl Park
  • Kokoda Track Memorial
  • Bomana War Cemetry
  • Tutu Beach

About PNG Insight

PNG Insight is an education blog. It aims to highlight the key developments in the education sector in Papua New Guinea. Started in 2014 on Google's blogger (now self-hosted on WordPress), PNG Insight strives to be a platform for critical thinking and discussions; and a source of information.

Leave a comment and let us know about your visit. 

Lae School Fights III: Fighting Bad Habits Vs Fighting Bad Students

This is part III of Fight Against School Fights series. 

The article is about identifying and dealing with students’ bad behaviour in schools. Many school administrators do fear students’ reprisal when dealing with students. 

Fear lingers mainly because admins and school boards tend to fight students instead of their behaviours. Students' way of doing things against guided principles - negative students culture -  when not monitored and corrected can lead to other chronic bad behaviours. The key word is chronic as such is contagious and spreads among students. 

But, how does a one-off bad act becomes chronic? I will discuss how to correct one bad act and contain it before it established tentacles among students. 

Below are five ambiguous areas where school administrators can exploit to contain bad students’ habits effectively.

Adapted: EMTV 

I am going to use the words act, habit and character. To make readers understand them, I am putting them into context below.

Plant a thought, reap an act

Plant the act, reap a habit

Plant the habit, reap a character

The character determines a destination

1.      Discipline Vs Behaviour

Discipline is about moulding students’ behaviour. It is not the end, it is always the beginning of a process. Every student who enters a classroom whether they are from the street, village, middle class or upper class has to be seen equal by teachers and school admin.

Educators often identify students’ abilities by academic capabilities (bright and not-so-bright), leadership roles and behaviour. What is important here is the fact that regardless of the student, school has a responsibility to develop every student to live a happy and fulfilling life – many call it the integral development.

Schools are there as institutions for moulding and shaping minds and hearts of young people,  hence systemic discipline is a vital element.

2.      Home Discipline Vs School Discipline

Many have a preconceived idea that discipline starts at home. A line must be drawn between discipline at home and at school. Discipline always starts at home. This is true for those who have decent family upbringing where parents are there to drill into their children good habits.

Starting to learn about the world at home is always effective (for sure) and that is where discipline starts by default. But, this can be a ‘dead argument’ for students who do not have a place call home. What about student living with 'wantoks, or students from broken and violent homes? And what about students who have good homes, but are influenced by peers on the streets?

As long as students are in the school, school takes responsibility on all matters pertaining to shaping good habits. School as learning institution must instil good attitude in young men and women. School has the ultimate duty to ensure this happens.

Classroom is WHERE a parentless child sits with the privileged. School is where a violent dad does not exist for the day. School and classroom are neutral grounds where character-shaping can take place unobstructed.

3.      Protecting Students

Welfare of every student and teacher within school precinct take precedence. More often many school administrators concentrate on fixing fault instead of proactively building barrier to prevent it.

By this I mean school admin and BoG often overlook a few ‘rotten apples’ in school. That does not means those students are rotten. It is their way of acting contrary to school’s norm and ethos that is rotten.

In order to protect the integrity of school and majority of students who are good, those behaviours have to be clearly IDENTIFIED, MARKED and DEALT with.

4.      Targeting Behaviour Vs Targeting students

I mentioned the difference briefly above. Most school administrators and BoG often target students instead of their behaviour. This is where the problem is!

Bad habits, actions and behaviours are always common year on year in every school. This can be an effective way to discover students because you never tell from students names. Having an idea about bad habits, bad actions and bad behaviours can help to solve students’ behavioural issues forehand.

The point here is to fight the actions and behaviours that are bad, instead of fighting with students. If it means revising school disciplinary policy, by all means, do it!

5.      Discipline Within Classroom Vs Discipline Within School

This is a major challenge for Lae city schools. This is where classroom/subject teachers, class patrons, deputy principals and principals are pivotal in application of discipline.

In behaviour management, there has to be clear communication all throughout the process. Communication with student and parents is the key; starting with verbal warning, referral to deputy principal, punishment, warning letter to parents, facing BoG, etc. Expulsion/termination should ever be considered as the last resort.

Discipline is always the start, not the end. Applying discipline is about reinforcing good habits, getting students into a good school culture and ensuring prudent behaviour exits the first time, every time.

END: Following a clearly outlined disciplinary process is the best way to control and contain bad habit before it takes stronghold in students.

In my next post I will undertake to concentrate on principals and deputy principals as the pillars of discipline and what they should do to foster good school culture ....

Fight Against School Fights In Lae (i): School's Culture Vs Students' Culture

STOP: school fights in Lae city schools

UPDATED 17th December 2018

This is first of five write-up about school fights among Lae city schools. I am going to look at what was wrong, how groups are formed, impacts on students' lives, what Morobe education officials and politicians can do, what can be done and what if what can be done is not done.

School, as an organisation, functions within a culture: school facilitates a way to do things and participants (students and teachers) adhere to it. This then creates vibrant learning atmosphere within which stems adjacent nomenclatures like students' ethos and staff's code of practice.

So he who is at the helm of any learning institution must come up with the ultimate solution. (This is a topic for my other post so keep in check)

It is important to ensure the ethos and codes remain healthy and functional. Apparently, there is more to be desired from schools in Lae - the lae city schools.

To begin with, every stakeholder involving and receiving this vital government service (Education) must first asks ‘What went wrong?!’. This question supersedes when, why, who or how. Only if this can can effectively analysed, then stakeholders and concerned citizens can use it as pointer to fight against school fights. 

So what happened, then? 

A culture (note: I call a culture and not cult) was created by students (students' culture) and it existed parallel to that of the affected schools (established schools' culture). Education psychology dictates that a culture can be negative or positive whether it is schools' or students'. In Lae city schools an unpopular and detrimental students' culture has existed right under the noses to school administrators and local education authorities which seem to have continued unobstructed over the years.

For whatever reason, students' way of doing things in and around schools went undetected (or ignored!). It flourished in schools like Bugandi Secondary School, Bumayong Lutheran Secondary School, Lae Secondary School and Busu Seconday School.

This culture has tentacles in primary schools, too. It has gone from bad to worse - uncontrollable!

Today the culture created by students evidently has prominence because it had an influence on negative behaviours about school. More-so, 'generational' structure into which every student is a subject makes it difficult for him/her to take an independent stand against it. Almost unavoidable!

How are students identified?

What happened among schools in Lae is contrary to good student culture. Students are distinctly identified on two obscure but effective conditions: where and why.

WHERE: This takes precedence. Students from same area mostly attend the same primary school. They know their seniors and their seniors know theirs. They, by default, easily identify themselves with whom they know, hence generation groups takes stronghold.

WHY: Being part of a group is survival instinct many animals display. Due to peer effect within school - to actually survive and thrive in a city school - students have to identify themselves with their peers.

What is bad is the fact that students are absorbed into these groups where the atmosphere is completely opposite to norms of every school. Instead, it promotes rebellion and disobedience. A grave concern when not only practising good character and personality at young ages are vital, but also good academic achievement.

A student by default joins a group or align themselves with one. Other reasons like smoke buddies, alcohol mates, class mates, etc are supplementary as they fall under 'where' and 'why'.

Lae city schools have a situation where negative students' culture exists parallel to schools' culture. It has got to a point when the Lae school administrators, school boards, Morobe Provincial Education board, Provincial Educations Adviser, Morobe Provincial Administrator, Morobe Governor and other Morobe Education officials must not let bad students' culture takes over schools' culture.

Four Impacts Within the Education System

The impacts of negative student's culture on students' lives are many both now or later and whether they are in the village or workplace. Those stated below are impacts on educational strand - what is happening within educational circles.

Rebellion: Students are influenced to develop negative ethos by doing something against school's prescribed norm. Such students' behaviour are to prove that they can do something against school's principles and get away! Call it the test of 'daring'. For example, deliberately disobeying teachers or causing injury to other students or taking drugs. This can lead to other serious incidences like having sex, taking alcohol, skelim boros, involve fights and killings, etc.

High Drop Out: There is likely to be a high rate of students failing their examinations. This is a concern for parents; it is also a concern for those running the school; and a concern for those at the helm of the Education System in Morobe.

Education Gap: The is a lap - a generational gap - where Morobe would have had a population of half educated individuals roaming the streets and villages.

Substandard Secondary Schools: Standard of a school is linked to students' performance. It has been a disgrace for Lae schools as far as students performances is concerned. It is shameful to class a school as 'low standard'. Substandard schools would be appropriate for schools in Lae City.

It is now time to think differently. 

So, what has been done to address this problem? Here is what the Morobe Provincial Education Chairman had to say.

In my next post I’ll explain the roles and responsibilities of School administrators, school board, Morobe Provincial Education board, Provincial Educations Adviser, Provincial Administrator, Morobe Governor; what they must do their school levels.

Another Stay Order for 1 week granted: Anticipation Turns to Anger

TACTICIAN AT WORK: The PM is well aware of the dangers of going down to Konedobu. He is fighting at two fronts, yet he chooses Waigani as his battle field.
Strategy One:

 Send the lawyer in. Let her buy some time. He knows pretty well he is fighting a losing battle on the judicial front as evidence is mounting against him. Not only his signature was authenticated but he also told a blatant lie to cover any involvement in Parakagate.
The lawyer is studying Sam Koim’s affidavit. She will defend her main man. No doubt. But, here are 10 truths she’ll come across:
1. O'Neill knew the letter existed since 24th of January 2012.
2. O'Neill signed the letter when he was F & T Minister under Somare
3. O'Neill denied signing the letter whilst Prime Minister
4. O'Neill told a blatant LIE whilst serving as Prime Minister
5. O'Neill confirmed he lied
6. O'Neill gave conscious directive for release of K80 million to Paraka forthwith
7. O'Neill and Paraka willingly collaborated in illegal and fraudulent payments
8.  Payments were made without consent from Department of Justice.
9. O'Neill did his mate a favour - he had a bank overdraft of over K8 million at the time of the letter
10. Forensic investigators CONFIRMED the signature on the letter was Peter O'Neill's.
All these are staggering against the PM. He will destabilise TFS findings – that is for sure. But, how? 
Strategy Two
POLITICAL MANOEUVRING: I made point 8 before hearing about removal of Attorney General [his removal has just surfaced in the last 4 hours – unconfirmed reports via social media]. The people of Sinasina Yogomugl will not be pleased if this is true. They hold Kerenga Kua in high esteem. Is it because he knows the big fish in the little pond is not Don Polye or Paul Tiensten? Or, O’Neill wanted a PNC man as AG, instead of a strong NA man?
O’Neill is moving his puppets around so they dance to his tune. He has also called for a fresh Commission of Inquiry into the findings of TSF. Ano Pala can do hula to O’Neill’s tune. There is no course for concern. The truth is out.
However, there is some confidence in the new PC – his duty to serve as a policeman cannot be questioned. PNG can rely on him to enforce the law without fear or favour.
BUYING TIME: CoI into the finding of TSF can be frustrating: it will cost money, demand resource and take up time. The later gives Peter O’Neill space to ply his trade. He knows he can buy time by simply commissioning another inquiry. This stupid tactic (as it seems) works best (for the Govt).
Police will anticipate what transpires at 9.30 am tomorrow (Wednesday) at Court House. Warrant of Arrest for Peter O’Neill has been stayed twice: one Monday, another today. No one expects another stay order tomorrow (Wednesday).
END: Judiciary will put the interest of the nation above a particular government. No political strategy to remain in power must deter investigative work of TFS.



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