PNG Universities' Continuing Students List and TESAS (HECAS and AES) List for 2025
PNG Higher Education Scholarships: What Are TESAS, AES, HECAS and HELP?
The Papua New Guinea government offers scholarships to help talented students pursue higher education. The TESAS and HELP programs provide financial assistance to deserving individuals, regardless of their academic background or financial situation. These scholarships offer a gateway to academic success and career opportunities for PNG students.
PNG Higher Education Scholarships Two Key Components
The three key components of the Tertiary Education Student Assistance Scheme (TESAS) are the:
- Academic Excellence Scholarships (AES) and
- Higher Education Contribution Assistance Scheme (HECAS).
These scholarships, collectively known as the TESAS, aim to support academically brilliant students and facilitate their academic development.
AES: Recognising Academic Excellence (1)
The AES is awarded to students with exceptional academic performance throughout their studies, typically with a high GPA. These scholarships provide a full tuition waiver, accommodation allowance, and a modest living allowance.
By recognising and rewarding academic excellence, AES empowers students to pursue their passions and contribute positively to PNG's future.
HECAS: Addressing Financial Burdens (2)
The HECAS, on the other hand, is designed to assist students who may face financial constraints while pursuing higher education. These scholarships cover a portion of tuition fees, reducing the financial burden on students and their families.
HECAS ensures that financial limitations do not hinder students from pursuing their academic aspirations.
Here is a guide for Self-sponsored students to secure TESAS, click here to get more information.
Gender Equity Scholarships (3)
The Gender Equity Scholarship was created to promote gender balance in higher education. It encourages women who have completed high school to pursue bachelor's degrees in fields where they are currently underrepresented.
This merit-based scholarship is only open to women who have been accepted into an approved bachelor's degree program. The scholarship is only for the first year of bachelor's degree studies, but successful recipients will be considered for AES or HECAS scholarships in subsequent years.
Only 50 scholarships are awarded each year, and the eligible fields and programs are announced in October.
Benefits of TESAS Scholarships
The TESAS scholarships offer a multitude of benefits to PNG students:
1. Financial Support: Scholarship recipients receive financial assistance, easing the financial burden and allowing them to focus on their studies.
2. Scholarly Excellence: AES recipients are recognised for their academic achievements, fostering a culture of excellence and motivation among students.
3. Access to Higher Education: Both AES and HECAS provide opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds to access higher education, regardless of their financial circumstances.
4. Career Advancement: By providing a strong educational foundation, TESAS scholarships empower students to pursue careers that contribute to PNG's socioeconomic development.
Guiding Principles for TESAS Scholarships
The PNG Higher Education Ministry through DHERST upholds several guiding principles when administering TESAS scholarships:
1. Merit-Based Evaluation: Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, ensuring that deserving students receive recognition and support.
2. Transparency and Accountability: The scholarship process is transparent and accountable, ensuring fairness and adherence to established guidelines.
3. Continuous Improvement: The TESAS program is constantly evaluated and refined to ensure its effectiveness in supporting students and fostering educational excellence.
The Role of HELP Studentship Program
In addition to TESAS, the PNG government introduced the HELP Student Loan Program (Higher Education Student Loan Program) to further support students pursuing higher education.
This loan program provides financial assistance to students who do not qualify for TESAS scholarships. The HELP program aims to bridge the financial gap and ensure qualified students are allowed the opportunity to pursue higher education.
The HELP student loan program is:
- a new student loan program that offers interest-free loans to students who are enrolled in a higher education institution in Papua New Guinea.
- designed to be more affordable and manageable than standard loans, and it offers a repayment grace period after graduation.
- a great way for students to start building their credit history.
- a valuable resource for students who need financial assistance to attend college or university.
TESAS, AES, HECAS, and HELP are the PNG government's initiatives to empower PNG's youth to pursue their academic aspirations and contribute to the nation's development.
These programs play an important role in fostering a well-educated and skilled workforce, laying the foundation for PNG's continued progress and prosperity.
This is an UPDATE of the article that first appeared here.
DHERST Acceptance List PDF: PNG Universities and Colleges HECAS LIST for 2025
Several readers have contacted us regarding the Acceptance Lists for PNG Universities, particularly the 2025 HECAS List for Non-School Leavers, School Leavers, and Continuing Students. This article aims to answer some of the most frequently asked questions, giving you a clearer picture of what to expect between now and early February 2025.
So, whether you're a non-school leaver, school leaver, or continuing student, read on and prepare yourself!
We've also included recommended blue links throughout this article, providing detailed information on pressing questions currently on the minds of many students and parents.
- NSL: The 2025 HECAS Lists for Non-School Leavers, Re-enrolled Students and Continuing Students will first appear on the university's website or in the newspapers before being shared through social media channels and other websites. This also includes Online Students. Therefore, checking the official university website or the newspapers remains crucial for Non-School Leavers, Re-enrolled Students Continuing Students and students enrolled on online studies.
- SL: Grade 12 School Leavers Selection Lists published on the DHERST website will show HECAS Status (That also includes AES status for top Students). DHERST has scheduled the launching of the 2025 School Leaver Acceptance on the 18 of December 2024. Students can check their NOAS accounts to verify their selection status. The actual publication of the 2025 Grade 12 Acceptance and Admission Lists (and 2025 HECAS Lists PDF) will take place after 18 December 2024. The date has not been released by DHERST yet.
Non-school Leavers Acceptance List
The Non-School Leavers' Acceptance List (NSL) for 2025 features students who did not graduate from Grade 12 in the last five years. This list also includes foreign students and PNG students applying from overseas schools such as those in the US, NZ, Australia, and Singapore.
Important Note: DHERST does not publish the NSL. Instead, each university you applied to will release its own NSL PDF before the academic year begins. So, check the websites of the universities you applied to for the latest updates.
Top Tip: Check the university websites for past year's NSL selection lists. This will give you a good idea of when to expect the 2025 NSL to be released.
Alternatively, PNG Insight keeps a checklist to help you follow up. You can check IF your university's Non-school Leavers Acceptance List has been released yet.
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2025 Continuing Students Acceptance List
If you are a continuing student, your university will put out the continuing students' acceptance lists at the end of the academic year or over the 2024/2025 Christmas holiday. It is your responsibility to find out your GPA and possible TESAS Status for the academic year 2025.
The best thing to do is to contact the Student Admin or the university or college Registrar and find out if they've released the Continuing Students Acceptance List. And importantly, check to see that your name is on the list.
The University of Goroka (UoG) did well last year by informing its continuing students about their status before they went home for the Christmas holiday. We hope UoG does the same this year because it helps massively with the registration and orientation of its NEW students.
In fact, the other universities and colleges in PNG should do the same by informing the Continuing Students to avoid the long queues and unnecessary delays during the registration week.
2025 School Leavers HECAS List PDF - DHERST
The Grade 12 School Leavers Selections is solely done by DHERST (Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology) through its National Online Application System (NOAS) and National Online Selection System (NOSS).
If you are a 2024 Grade 12 student, your selections and the announcement of your TESAS status will be formally done by DHERST.
When is DHERST HECAS List PDF coming out?
After the launch of NOAS 2024 Grade 12 Selection, school leavers and non-school leavers should know whether they are selected to a University or College, or not.
In fact, the higher education department (DHERST) planned to launch the Grade 12 National Online Selection on the 18 of December 2024.
Both the School Leavers and the non-school leavers, and continuing students (and students in the NATIONAL ADMISSION POOL) will have to wait until ALL the names (quotas from each university and college) have been confirmed, compiled and released to the general public.
Only then, the students should be able to know their confirmed HECAS/AES List PDF and determine their final TESAS STATUS.
Here is a detailed article about when DHERST is likely to release the Acceptance List for PNG Universities and Colleges.
Check out this video info we provided last year - it is still relevant to this year's selections and release of the Acceptance List PDF
Are you on TESAS (AES/HECAS List 2025)?
DHERST used different statuses to indicate the TESAS Awards for selected students.
The awards are based on the PNG government’s yearly sponsorship for students under the AES and HECAS categories, excluding the self-sponsored or corporate and overseas-sponsored students.
Read this article for the meaning of the acronyms (TESAS, AES & HECAS) and what they mean.
So how will the NSLs, Grade 12 SLs and Continuing Students know if you are on TESAS or not? You can CONFIRM your scholarship status (whether you are on TESAS or self-sponsored) through the final (official) Acceptance List released by DHERST.
What to do as a Self-sponsored student?
The best tip is to pay only the required amount, register and apply for the PNG govt's HELP program - read how to apply below.
Secure HELP - PNG Govt Scholarship
What to do if you are on DHERST's NATIONAL Admission Pool?
- 31, 817 students were nominated to sit the exams;
- 26,544 students certified;
- 16,171 total HEI quota for 2021; and
- 10,373 Grade 12 students will NOT be selected for 2022 HEI studies.
Registration and Orientation info for new students
- Are you on TESAS (AES, HECAS)?
- Will you be a SELF-SPONSORED student?
- When are you likely to see your name on the DHERST selection list?
- Should you inform your institution that you've accepted that offer?
Recommended reading for NSL, School Leavers and Continuing Students
Additional information for Non-school Leavers, Continuing Students and Grade 12 School Leavers are provided in the LINKS within this article.
Check out the links if you need more information on TESAS (HECAS & AES), how to get the HELP govt loan or about being a SELF-SPONSORED student.
You can also leave a comment to let us know what you think.
(Follow PNG Insight on YouTube here)
2025 PNG Universities and Colleges Acceptance List: DHERST, Govt, and HEIs Challenges
The opinions are based on our personal experience since the inception of DHERST's online selection systems. We hope that it gives you an understanding of the whole process.
For the status updates of the PNG universities acceptance lists, click here.
Grade 12 Selections to Tertiary Institutions
2021 Acceptance List Release - Case Example
- Acceptance List of School Leavers: formal list of all the students who will be enrolled for the first time at tertiary institutions in the country.
- TESAS Award List 2021: The final list of the students in the 2021 acceptance list including their 'indicated' TESAS Award status.
Why Acceptance List Not Released on Time?
DHERST Acceptance List 2025: Key Points
- (1) Your personal details contained within your application has been forwarded to the Higher Education Institution which has selected you.
- (2) You should expect to receive an admissions offer letter directly from your Higher Education Institution (HEI). The HEI will communicate directly with you to inform you on specific details.
- (3) If your Study Program receives scholarship awards from the National Government, you may be eligible for financial support through the Tertiary Education Student Assistance Scheme (TESAS). Your TESAS status is also indicated in this National Selection List. Please log in to the NOAS ( and check MyStatus section any time before the 22nd December 2018 for further details on how to access your scholarship. [DHERST , Press Release 2018]
2025 from your NOAS MyStatus
Grade 12 school leavers should not be concerned about the upcoming PDF selection list, as you should already know your selection status for 2025 from your NOAS MyStatus. Although the school year is approaching quickly, there's no need to worry. Citizens and stakeholders must remain patient.
Since 2018, DHERST has excelled in:
- Online School Leavers Application (NOAS)
- Online Selection System (NOSS)
- Compiling and quality-checking selection listings
- Liaising with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country
- Publishing acceptance listings for all HEIs
Concerns should only arise if DHERST goes past mid-February. Until then, the department needs support from the PNG government, institutions, parents, citizens, and stakeholders to continue their excellent work.
DHERST HELP Loan Application for Tertiary Institutions in PNG
The NBC News reported earlier this year that a Temporary Declaration Form which is similar to HELP Loan Application Form was issued by the Secretary’s office to all tertiary institutions and colleges in the country.
Many students who applied for loans this year got assistance from their universities and colleges to do that. But what about next year, 2023?
This new article has the latest on DHERST Students Loan Program - Click on the link to find out about the timeline and application eligibility criteria.
The information is sketchy at the moment. But, here is information available form to us from what the former higher education secretary had said about the HELP loan.
Help application online 2023
- Visit DHERST website
- Access DHERST HELP electronic application app
- Download the 2023 application form,
- Complete the application form, and
- Send them back to DHESRT before the deadline.
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Management of HELP Students Loan Funds
Recommended readings for HELP students loan
How to Download TESAS List Continuing Students (And Check Your HECAS Status)
----------You should read this article about DHERST expectations for Continuing Students and share it with your friends----------
Steps to Download TESAS List for Continuing Students
1. Access the Official DHERST Website:
2. Navigate to the TESAS List Section:
3. Download the TESAS List in PDF Format:
- Double-check that you are downloading the correct year's TESAS list (e.g., 2025).
- Save the downloaded file in a secure and easily accessible location.
How to Check Your TESAS Status?
- Open the Continuing Students TESAS Awards List saved PDF on your device.
- Use the 'Search' Icon: Utilize the search function within the PDF viewer.
- Type in Your SLF Number, Name or Institution ID Number: Ensure you enter your full name (surname and given name) for accurate results.

Downloading TESAS List Issues
Advisory Notice for Continuing Students - 2025
Additional Resources and Contact Information
Reference articles for further reading:
- TESAS stands for Tertiary Education Students Assistance Scheme. There are two categories of TESAS. See this post for more info on TESAS.
- Changes to TESAS and the introduction of the HELP student loan scheme.
- Higher Education Help Program News Article - READ MORE.
- Check this page to download the DHERST TESAS Award list for New Intakes (SL & NSL) and Continuing students - download the PDFs here
Leave a comment and let us know about your visit.
TESAS: Grade 12 Guide to Securing a Tertiary Institution Government Scholarship
- If you do not know your GPA, see how to calculate it ⇦.
- You can also find out why your choice on SLF has a big impact on selection⇦.

Research the program of your choice thoroughly
First, research the program of your choice thoroughly. The students' services and administration officers will provide the necessary help. Start with the answers to the following questions before completing and submitting the application form:- What is the minimum GPA requirement? This question will help you to identify whether you are a hot, warm or cold applicant.
- How many spaces are available? Knowing the number of intakes every year gives the applicant a picture of the space there is. According to the Grade 12 stats, five students are applying for every space available under government scholarships.
- When is the closing date for submission? Getting the time right is important too - your application must not be too early or too late.
- What to do when you've made a submission? Always follow up with the Student Services or Administration for updates.
- What if you are not selected after having applied? Do not stop there. If you have done the first three steps properly (and are convinced you are the likely candidate), go to the institution and demand the reason why your application was rejected. This must be done before the start of the academic year.
Make every effort to secure a government scholarship
Once the door is opened for you, get in, do well academically and apply for a second-year scholarship. Make no mistake, you must perform well and maintain your GPA in the first year.
Importantly, on successful completion of semester one ask your lecturers, Admin and Student Services staff for help with completing an application for securing your scholarship.
Follow up with DHERST Scholarship Office
About PNG Insight
PNG Insight is an education blog. It aims to highlight the key developments in the education sector in Papua New Guinea. Started in 2014 on Google's blogger (now self-hosted on WordPress), PNG Insight strives to be a platform for critical thinking and discussions; and a source of information.
You can follow us on Twitter (@PNG_Insight) for information on Education and Development in Papua New Guinea.
GPA: How To Calculate Grade Point Average and Why You Should Know It
Three stand-out reasons why you should know your GPA
- if you are looking for a job, it is useful to know your GPA;
- or if you are applying for a scholarship, many overseas institutions will ask for your GPA;
- or as a new student or continuing student, you should be mindful to stay above a GPA of 2.0, in some cases 2.25 - these are magic numbers! Fall below and you are out, or your parent self-sponsor you.
That means that universities are not places for students scoring a GPA below 2. Questions should be asked as to how they got their foot in if they had.
PNG Unis GPA Info
- Calculate Grade 12 GPA
- GPA for PNG Universities Selection
- Why you should know the University GPA
- GPA Uni Entry, Scholarship or Work
- TESAS Info for Students
- Grade 12 Guide to TESAS
- How to apply for TESAS Non-school Leavers
- Apply for TESAS after admission