Showing posts with label Education system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education system. Show all posts

STEM Education in Papua New Guinea and the Transition to Standards-Based Curriculum

In the evolving landscape of education, the integration of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects has become a global priority, and Papua New Guinea (PNG) is no exception. 

As a nation rich in cultural diversity and natural resources, PNG recognises the importance of equipping its youth with the skills and knowledge to thrive in an increasingly technological world. 

The implementation of STEM education within the country's education system marks a significant step toward achieving this goal.

STEM Education in Papua New Guinea and the Transition to Standards-Based Curriculum

Exploring STEM Subjects in PNG: A Holistic Approach to Learning

STEM education in PNG encompasses a comprehensive range of subjects, collectively aimed at nurturing critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation among students. The core STEM subjects studied in PNG include:

1. English - Language & Literature: Effective communication is a cornerstone of success in any field. English language and literature provide students with the tools to express themselves articulately and comprehend complex ideas.

2. Mathematics: Mathematics is the language of patterns, logic, and quantitative analysis. It provides the foundation for understanding and solving real-world problems.

3. Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics): The sciences unlock the mysteries of the natural world. Biology, chemistry, and physics cultivate an understanding of life, matter, and energy, fostering curiosity and scientific inquiry.

4. Technology (ICT): In an era dominated by technology, information and communication technology (ICT) skills are essential. Students learn to harness the power of digital tools and navigate the digital landscape.

5. Engineering: Engineering principles drive innovation and the creation of solutions to complex challenges. Engineering education encourages a hands-on, practical approach to problem-solving.

Furthermore, the curriculum can expand to include additional subjects based on the specific offerings of educational institutions. However, these core subjects constitute the foundation of STEM education in PNG.

SBC TEXT BOOKS - Transition to Standards-Based Curriculum

Embracing Change: The Shift to Standards-Based Curriculum (SBC)

Recognising the need for a comprehensive educational framework that aligns with global best practices, PNG's education department is undergoing a transformative shift from the outcomes-based curriculum (OBC) to the standards-based curriculum (SBC). This transition reflects a commitment to providing a more structured, cohesive, and learner-centered educational experience.

The SBC is built upon a hierarchy of learning standards, each serving a distinct purpose:

1. National Aims and Goals: These overarching aspirations guide the entire education system, setting the direction for student development and societal progress.

2. Content Standards: These define the specific knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire at each grade level.

3. Benchmarks: Benchmarks outline the expected milestones of student progress, serving as checkpoints to assess achievement.

4. Evidence Outcomes: These outcomes articulate the tangible skills and abilities students should demonstrate to showcase their learning.

5. Topic/Learning Objectives: Objectives break down content into manageable units, enabling focused instruction.

6. Lesson Objectives: Lesson objectives guide daily teaching and learning activities, ensuring alignment with broader goals.

7. Performance Standards/Indicators: These indicators offer criteria for evaluating student mastery of concepts and skills.

Cultivating Essential Skills and Values

The SBC places emphasis not only on academic proficiency but also on the development of vital skills and values. Students are encouraged to cultivate:

Cognitive Skills: Critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities are nurtured to foster a deep understanding of complex issues.

21st Century Skills: In a rapidly evolving world, skills such as adaptability, collaboration, and technological literacy are crucial for success.

STEAM Principles and Skills: STEM education is enriched by incorporating arts and design (STEAM), promoting interdisciplinary thinking and holistic innovation.

Spiritual Values and Virtues: Ethical and moral values are integrated into the curriculum to shape responsible and compassionate citizens.

Communication Skills: Proficiency in reading, writing, and effective communication prepares students to express ideas clearly and persuasively.

Essential Values and Attitudes: The SBC instills qualities like resilience, empathy, and a commitment to lifelong learning.

Curriculum Connections: Unifying Learning Objectives

The transition to SBC brings about a fundamental shift in education delivery. The focus is on understanding and making connections between various aspects of learning. 

The formulation of learning standards is intricately linked to national aims, goals, and overarching principles. 

The curriculum is designed to empower students to navigate the complexities of the modern world, contribute to sustainable development, and drive positive change.

STEM Education in Papua New Guinea and the Transition to Standards-Based Curriculum

In conclusion, the introduction of STEM education in PNG and the subsequent shift to the standards-based curriculum signal a progressive leap toward holistic, learner-centric education. 

As PNG continues to evolve on its educational journey, the integration of STEM principles and the standards-based curriculum will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the nation's future.

The Most Important System: Future Of Our Nation Depends On Its Education System - PNG

Analysing the Education System From Within

David, it is worrying to see our education system - the system we've  gone though - has been battered over time. Your observation should be a concern for every parent. We know that education is our  future, our children are our future. The education system is the MOST important system in the country. 

Any change within the system must be backed by proper research and planning. Lack of it has resulted  in regression as evident today. 

Education leaders and politicians who are responsible for the education to the people have to start asking questions. 

They have to find answers to the questions: What can be done to improve the education system from here on? Will the change in structure and curriculum improve the education system? Will the planned phasing out of Gr 8 exams improve standard of examinations? Will the infrastructure developments bring better change? Have we seen an improvement in standard of education  through the government's Free Education policy?

I think there is no magic bullet. The deteriorating education standard we see today has resulted from years of unplanned and ill-advised policies. It is now time to ask ourselves 'what went wrong' and fix it.

Being Specific About What Needs to Be Changed - Positive Change

 We need to be specific when we talk about change. There are many changes going on at the mo. What 'good' change do we want to see? A good change (in my opinion) that is happening is the curriculum change OBE to SBE. Another good change also happening (but at a very slow pace) is government acting on Ganim's Report 12 recommendations. What else needs to be done to improve the system of education?

Proper Researches and Reviews Must be Happen prior to Changes in Education System

In April/May 2014 a parliamentary committee on education (PRCE) was investigating and reporting on teacher's appointment process, salary & remuneration (leave fares), functions of TSC and NDoE. The review was done at a time when teachers were having problems with leave fares. The government accepted the review and its 12 recommendations in January this year and allocated over K7.8 million to fund its implementation. Having followed development in education closely, I think this is the best thing the govt has done. But, I have yet to see the result on the ground though it has been nearly 10 months since the govt has accepted the review in principle. Here is the link to the stories I have been following

Ganim Report Is An Example of a Proper Review

The report recommends:

1. Review of functions and responsibilities of the DoE and Teaching Services Commission (TSC) in the Management of teachers’ salaries and entitlements.

2. TSC to review Teaching Services Act 1988 Section 9.

3. Review of relevant sections of the Teaching Service and Education Acts on appointment policies and procedures with the view to transfer off powers and functions to the Provincial Education Board.

4. Extension of tenure appointment from current three years to five years.

5. Review of ALESCO pay system enabling it to accommodate processing of all salaries and entitlements.

6. Transfer of full ALESCO Pay System and powers to the Provincial Education Board.

7. Payment of teachers’ leave fares direct into their accounts.

8. Annual teacher manpower update to be conducted in the first quarter of the school year.

9. TCS to assume financial autonomy as a separate entity of State as per the Teaching Services Act 1988.

10. Review of policy, process and procedures in the administration of retrenchment, retirement and resignation of teachers.

11. Review of a centralized modern electronic teacher information database that is easily available for provincial education authorities and other relevant stakeholders to have access.

12. Review of the TCS administrative and manpower structural requirements and resourcing the Commission, enabling it greater autonomy to effectively and efficiently administer and regulate powers and functions.

Reflection On Change - Use Education As A Medium of Change

A lot of changes in the education system have been going on at the National level (NDoE) this year. The obvious one is the change in structure, called the 2-6-6. With this structural change comes curricular change too - moving from Outcome-Based Education (OBE) to Standard Based Education (SBE). A much talked about change, yet little is known.

Many do not know what it is, not even the education minister. He has no idea whether the structural change will have an impact on the current curriculum or not. Teachers will have to go through trial and error as they did OBE. 

Again, this year the NDoE will have come up with National Education Plan 2015 - 2024. This plan is the road map for education in Papua New Guinea for the next 10 years, but the documents are not out yet as I write.

So, why are the structural (2-6-6) change, curricular change and NEP 2014-2024 important? All provincial governments should consider ways to fine-tune the education system in each of the 22 provinces.

It is time for every provincial education authority to take charge. They should not wait for autonomy - a word closely related to procrastination. If provincial governors and senior education officials, who are responsible for the change, want quality education they must take the lead to make a change.

One change in a system like the education system will have a ripple effect in the next 10 to 14 years. That means that the 10-year National Education Plan which starts this year and ends in 2024 will have an impact on 10 generations.

So, with this change must come to a 14-year strategic plan to follow up on children who start his/her early learning years now. By doing this will enable the planners today to track the progress (and achievement) of a population – the generations – that goes through the change and allow planners to compare and contrast OBE to SBE.

In fact, monitoring students as well as effecting the new system makes education outcomes attainable and measurable. Without doing this would mean that the Papua New Guinea education system is heading down a part of ‘scrape-and-replace’ like what happened to OBE after 22 years. The last thing any developing education system would want to see is a failing system.

So how practical can provincial education authorities are in taking a leading role – and a proactive one – in the fine-tuning education system in their localities?

Take for instance, Simbu Province has 5 secondary schools producing grade 12 annually: Rosary Secondary School - Kondiu, Kerowagi Secondary School, Yawe Moses Secondary School, Gumine Secondary School and Muaina Secondary School. There are 4 classes per grade – i.e. 4 classes of grade 9, 4 classes of grade 10, 4 classes of grade 11 and 4 classes of grade 12. At 35 students per class, a school’s population would be 560 students.

What does this benchmark number mean? Senior education officers, parents and leaders have to see that having lots of secondary schools does not mean all is good. In fact, it is the opposite – more secondary schools is a recipe for disaster. Fact.

Look, each secondary school in Simbu would have produced only 140 (35 x 4) grade 12s annually. So, 5 would produce 700 grade 12s every year.

In fact, if 3 secondary schools take in grades 11 and 12 (and done away with grades 9 and 10) this would have increased grade 12 classes to 8 (and grade 11 classes to 8 too.)

This means that one secondary school would be producing 280 (35 x 8) grade 12s annually. Now, 3 secondary schools would be graduating 840 students - 140 students more. 

Perhaps the most important thing here is the fact that Simbu Province does not have to have many secondary schools to be competitive in developing its ‘human resource’.

END: Nelson Mandela once said ' Education is the most powerful tool you can use to change the World'. This is true. You - the change-makers - can make it happen. 


This is what I mentioned is a discussion on how to improve student's performance.

"I think Simbu Provincial Government can take ownership of education trends/changes locally instead of relying on NDoE. I like what *Benjamin mentioned above. For example, Simbu can do well if it concentrates its resources and reduces its secondary schools to only 2 or 3: expand on Years 11 and 12, tighten students' selection process, get the best teachers and administrators to teach and manage the schools, give them performance incentives, sponsor top students, etc. What Simbu Provincial Government needs to do is to align its plans with NEP 2015-2024 or make the adjustment to existing failures within the system. There is never a better time to start than now when changes are happening left-right-and-centre at the national level."

*Here is the commentary by Benjamin Sipa:

"This discussion is about over but to tell from what I know while having my other cousins and siblings attending those secondary schools and hearing from what they say I understand that we should do something different for the secondary & high schools of Simbu Province.

1. Grade 9 & 10 should not be made part of the secondary schools of Simbu, should be catered in designated high schools strictly. 

2. Ensure to equip only 3 secondary schools with highly qualified teachers, fully resourced facilities like science labs, computer lab, Library, textbooks and dormitories – do away with 6 secondary schools, in fact produce junk that even can’t speak and write better English. 
a. Too many secondary schools also allows for enrolling less qualified students who at the end brings overall performance of school down by average.

3. Provide good incentives for the 3 secondary schools teachers to attract and have them stay in Simbu secondary schools. Facilities and technical expertise goes hand in hand, if the Simbu Prov. Govt and Division of Edu. in Simbu are serious, should think about.

4. Most of qualified teachers would like to stay close to where they can have easy access to decent services. Rural outback secondary schools do imperatively miss the ingredients. Thus require re-strategize to produce best outcome as a province.

5. These are some things that I picked up when talking to some of those young folks who have enrolled in some of those secondary schools. Since we mentioned Gumine Secondary here in the discussion, at the beginning of last year, there were qualified graduates went there at the beginning of school year, they decided to leave the school after few weeks. The positions left were filled by people with lesser qualification. Should we change our approach or leave?!"



Public Holidays in PNG 2025

Public Holidays in PNG 2025