Showing posts with label EDUCATION NEWS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EDUCATION NEWS. Show all posts


The PNG Education Department has released the 2025 Grade 11 selection lists for National Schools of Excellence and Secondary Schools in PNG. These lists were published on December 18, 2024. You can download the PDF files from the PNG Insight pages.

PNG Education Department has released the 2025 Grade 11 selection lists for National Schools of Excellence and Secondary Schools in PNG

NOTE: The Education Department website is VERY SLOW.

Disclaimer: We do not produce and publish these lists - we only make them available here for our visitors. For issues related to the slow connection to the education department's website or any questions about the Grade 11 selection lists PDF, please contact the education department.


The Education Department through Measurement Services Division has announced the dates from the release of Grade 10, Grade 12 mainstream, and Grade 12 STEM students.

The results will come out in the first week of December 2024. For the exact dates, refer to the screenshot below. 

Screenshot of my png exam result dates december 2024


Note that the MyPNGExamresults.Com portal is still offline at the time of this notice. Understandably, they are working are the backhand towards the exam results release dates.

Here are some resources that will help you to access your results when they are released: 

Grade 12:
Grade 10:

PNG Grade 12 National Online Application System (NOAS), Key Dates, 2024 DHERST Selections and 2025 Acceptance Lists

The Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) has released critical information regarding the 2024 Grade 12 School Leavers Application for universities and colleges in Papua New Guinea. This announcement details the essential steps and timelines that Grade 12 students must follow to ensure a seamless transition from secondary school to higher education in 2025.


  • Grace Period Commences: 12:01 am, 9/12/2024
  • Grace Period Ends: 11:59 pm, 14/12/2024
  • Selections Day: 18/12/2024

NG Grade 12 National Online Application System (NOAS), Key Dates

The Grade 12 exams in Papua New Guinea concluded in October 2024. As the education department works on marking and finalizing the results, parents and students are eagerly waiting. 

The exam results play a crucial role in the selection process for tertiary education institutions. This period is vital for students as they prepare to make informed decisions about their future academic and career paths.

Current (2024) Grade 12 School Leaver Applicants

All Grade 12 students must obtain their National Online Application (NOAS) credentials from their school principal and patrons. 

Parents and guardians must ensure that their children secure these credentials before leaving school after the national examinations. If Grade 12 students do not have the NOAS credentials, go back to the schools and get them before the school close-up for the Christmas holiday. This step is fundamental as it grants students access to the online application system, the gateway to their higher education journey.

STAT-P Test Bookings

The booking period for STAT-P tests, mandatory for certain programs, has officially closed. Students who have already booked should verify their booking and payment status. For any queries, students should contact the respective institutions via email:

  • PNGUoT:
  • UoG:
  • PAU:

Following these steps will help prevent last-minute complications and ensure students are well-prepared for their next academic phase.

2024 NOAS Grace Period

Once the national exam results are released, students will have the opportunity to make their final program choices during the Grace Period. 

The Grace period starts on 2nd December at 12:01am and concludes on 5th December at 11:59pm, allowing students to adjust their applications based on their results and make informed decisions.

UPDATED: This year’s Grace Period is now rescheduled to commence on the 9th of December 2024. The grace Period ends on December 14th, 2024. The deferral of Grace Period is to allow the Department of Education to complete all quality vetting of Grace 12 final results.

Launching of 2024 National Selections for 2025

The National Selections will be officially launched by the Minister for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, Hon. Kinoka Fotune Feo, on 18th December 2024. This day is the official Selection Day for NOAS for the 2025 academic year.

This event marks the successful selection of the 2024 Grade 12 students in PNG. After the launch, DHERST places unsuccessful students in the Admission Pool to seek the availability of spaces and give them placement.  

The final acceptance lists will be announced before the academic year starts - this is when the final selection comes out with the full list of TESAS Awards for 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions (Grade 12 School Leavers)

How will I access my NOAS student account?

The NOAS student account can be accessed through the online portal at Only Grade 12 students who have received their credentials from their school or a matriculation centre can log in using the confidential details provided in the NOAS Invitation letter.

I have entered my NOAS credentials but have not received the email confirmation link. What should I do?

To enhance security, DHERST has implemented additional features, including an authentication email. Students must use the same personal email address entered in the NOAS MyData. Upon the initial login attempt, an email with a security link is sent to the student’s email address. Follow the instructions in this email to complete the setup of their NOAS MyData. The link is time-bound and expires after 4 hours. If the link expires before activation, students must follow the instructions in the NOAS invitation letter to receive a new link. Ensure your email browser is up-to-date and use your personal email address.

What should I do if I have missing subject combinations, misspelt names, or incorrect gender?

Students should promptly report any errors in their subject combinations, names, SLF numbers, or gender to their School Principal or Deputy Principal. The Principal will communicate these corrections to the Department of Education Measurement Services Division (MSD), which will update the data before providing it to DHERST.

What should I do if I misplaced or forgot my password?

If the Invitation Letter containing your Username and Password is lost, consult your School Principal to reissue the letter. For those who have reset their password via the NSR link but have forgotten it, utilize the "Forgot my Password" option to reset it.

Why am I unable to see some programs and HEIs in my NOAS account?

The NOAS account only displays programs for which students are eligible based on their subject combinations. DHERST assures all 35,000 registered Grade 12 student applicants that ample time will be provided to complete their applications. Students should read and understand the program requirements, quotas, and residential statuses while making their choices. Regularly accessing the NOAS MyStatus portal will provide updates and crucial information.


The PNG Grade 12 National Online Application Systems (NOAS) play a vital role in shaping the academic futures of students. By adhering to the key dates outlined, participating in the 2024 DHERST Selections, and accessing the 2025 Acceptance Lists, students in Papua New Guinea can ensure a smooth transition to higher education. 

DHERST remains committed to supporting students throughout this critical phase, providing them with the tools and information needed to make informed decisions about their academic and career paths.

Source: Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (Accessed 29/10/2024)

How to Resolve Issues with NOAS Login Password and Username at ApplyDHERST.GOV.PG Account

Having trouble with your DHERST NOAS login details? You're not alone. Whether it's a forgotten password or username, these issues can be frustrating. 

In this guide, we'll explore how to handle problems related to your DHERST NOAS login password and username for your 2024 account at This guide will help you access your account smoothly and get back to focusing on making your online application. 

If the guide here does not solve your problems, check out the contact details and helpline where you can reach out to DHERST for assistance. 

ApplyDHERST.GOV.PG account login 2024

Grade 12 School Leavers: Recovering Your DHERST NOAS Login Details

Grade 12 school leavers in Papua New Guinea typically receive their DHERST NOAS login credentials, including their Username and Password, through their schools. This essential information is provided in an Invitation Letter, which allows students to access the National Online Application System (NOAS) for further education opportunities.

If you have misplaced or forgotten your password, here’s what you can do:

1. Lost Invitation Letter: 

If the letter containing your Username and Password is lost, consult your School Principal to have the letter reissued.

2. Forgotten Password: 

If you have previously reset your password using the NSR link but have forgotten it, utilise the "Forgot my Password" option on the NOAS login page. This feature will guide you through the necessary steps to create a new password and regain access to your account.

How to Apply Online with NOAS as a Non-School Leaver

For non-school leavers applying through the DHERST NOAS in 2024, this new initiative is an excellent solution. The online application is free and convenient. Here are the steps you need to follow to solve any login issues.

1. Using Your Previous NOAS Credentials

Can You use my old NOAS Username and Password to log in as a Non-School Leaver? No, you cannot use your previous Username and Password. 

To reactivate your account, you must contact DHERST and complete an NSL form. This step is crucial to ensure that your updated academic information is accurately reflected in your application. Follow step 2 to get yourself sorted out.

2. Steps to Apply Online with NOAS as a Non-School Leaver

2. 1. Complete an NSL Form: Obtain the Non-School Leaver (NSL) Form from DHERST and fill it out with your SLF number and other required details.

2.2. Verification: Submit the completed form for verification. After DHERST verifies your details, they will issue an Invitation Letter containing your Username and Password.

2.3. Login and Activate Your Account: Use the Username and Password from the Invitation Letter to log in to the NOAS portal and activate your account. This will allow you to make your program choices starting from October 20th, 2024. This timeline ensures that all matriculation/FODE updates of your academic results are imported into your NOAS account to verify your eligibility for higher education institution (HEI) programs.

VIDEO: Here is how to apply via NOAS as a Non-school Leaver.

ApplyDHERST.GOV.PG Account Login

Successfully managing your DHERST NOAS login details is crucial for both Grade 12 school leavers and non-school leavers. Whether you need to recover a forgotten password or apply for the first time, following the outlined steps will ensure a smooth process.

If you encounter any other issues with your ApplyDHERST.GOV.PG account login, please share them in the comments below. This is the first year of the Non-School Leavers NOAS application, and your input can help others navigate any challenges they may face.

2024 for 2025 Grade 11 Selection Lists for Momase, Highlands, Southern, and New Guinea Islands Regions

PNG Insight has received numerous questions about the 2025 Grade 11 selection for the Momase, Highlands, Southern, and New Guinea Islands regions. Last year, some principals released their Grade 11 selection lists ahead of the official announcements. So, when exactly will the official 2024 for 2025 Grade 11 Selection Lists for these regions be published?

2024 Grade 11 Selection Lists for 2025 - Update

Past Release Dates: A Reference Point

PNG Insight has tracked education and development trends in Papua New Guinea since 2014. The following dates, which we have recorded and analysed over the years, may be helpful for reference. 

Note that since 2020 (inclusive), selections have been conducted online, but the release date still falls around mid-December, similar to when the selections were conducted manually. No impact on effectiveness and efficiency.

Click here to join PNG Insight on Google and get the latest updates.

Year – Release Date

2024 - Wed 18th December 2024

2023 – Wed 20th December 2023 (Online Selections)

2022 – Mon 19th December 2022 (Online Selections)

2021 – Wed 22nd December 2021 (Online Selections)

2020 – Wed 23rd December 2020 (Online Selections)

2019 – Tue 24th December 2019 (Manual Selections)

2018 – Thur 20th December 2018 (Manual Selections)

Visit PNG Insight Education & Development website for the latest updates for this year. Here are the links:

Grade 11 Online Selection

The General Education Services Division (GES) is responsible for leading and facilitating the release of the Grade 11 selection list, as detailed in this article. Since 2020, the Education Department has conducted the selection online. This simply means principals select students and submit their data to GES for finalisation.

With the streamlined online process, one might expect the selection to take place in less than two weeks after the Grade 10 results are released. Two weeks was the timeframe when principals and provincial committees flew to Port Moresby for manual selection. 

(Note that DHERST Grade 12 selection takes LESS THAN 35 SECONDS. That's a fact, here is the PNG Insight's video on YouTube of the DHERST secretary explaining the process.)

Grade 11 Selection List for 2025

Some secondary schools have released their own Grade 11 selection lists for 2025, either on notice boards or social media. 

While this may seem convenient, be aware that these lists are unofficial unless officially signed by the Education Secretary. If the Secretary's signature and date are absent, disregard the list as invalid.

If the Education Secretary's signature and date are present and current, it implies the Grade 11 selection lists are ready. They are now in the hands of the GES Division and the ICT Division of the Education Department.

Unfortunately, even with the online system, there will be a wait. Patience is key.

Discussion Points (Grade 10 Results and Grade 11 Selections)

The Department of Education should prioritise the inclusion of both the Grade 10 Exam Results Release Date and the Grade 11 Selection Publication Date within the official Education Calendar. Or at the least, inform the public like what the higher education department (DHERST) did this year.

Doing so would provide clear direction and a definitive timeframe for the Measurement Services Division (MSD) and General Education Services Division (GES) to work towards. 

This clarity would not only benefit the MSD and GES, but also students, parents, principals, and the general public. These events, being national and recurring, deserve planning and transparency. There's no need to keep people guessing.

We hope this information clarifies the current situation and provides some reassurance to students and parents awaiting the official Grade 11 selection list.

Last Year's Grade 11 Selections PDF Download


PNG Insight is an education and development blog started in 2014. Since then, we've followed the Grade 10 and 12 Exams and Grade 11 and 12 selections with keen interest. 

Leave a comment below and let us know what you think, and how we can improve the information we bring to you.  

You can also join us on YouTube and Twitter and participate in the discussions on Education and Development in our beautiful country.

My PNG Exam Slow: What to Do

The My PNG Exam Results.Com portal has been experiencing a significant increase in traffic, leading to slower response times and delays in accessing exam results. This surge in visitors can be attributed to the portal's popularity and the release of exam results. 

While the portal's infrastructure has been designed to handle regular traffic, the sudden influx of users has put a strain on its resources.

My PNG Exam Results.Com portal slow 

The My PNG Exam Results.Com portal's slow performance has caused delays and frustration for students seeking their exam results. Most websites on shared hosts and slow cloud servers often do not perform well under heavy traffic. 

A dedicated cloud server close to or within PNG can resolve this issue by providing exclusive resources, ensuring faster response times even during peak traffic. The education department should prioritise this migration to guarantee a seamless user experience for all.

Here are suggestions to help you check your exam results. 

Access your PNG exam results quickly and easily through the My PNG Exam Results platform, available at Get your exam results anytime, anywhere, and stay updated on all the latest information regarding PNG education.

2G/3G Network Users

If you're on a 2G network, it may be difficult or impossible to access the portal. Consider moving to an area with better network coverage, preferably near a telecom tower, to improve your connection. 

For those with a 3G or faster network, try accessing the portal during less congested periods, such as early mornings or late evenings.

My PNG Exam Result App

Smartphone users can now access their exam results with greater ease and efficiency by utilising the My PNG Exam Result App. This mobile application, available on the Google Play Store, offers a streamlined experience tailored specifically for mobile devices. 

Unlike accessing the portal through a web browser, the app significantly reduces loading times and provides a more stable connection, ensuring that you can quickly retrieve your results without the frustrating delays often encountered on the web portal.

Mobile-Laptop Hot-Spotting

If you need to access the portal on your laptop, consider using mobile data to hotspot the device. This method allows your laptop to connect to the internet through your mobile phone's data connection. 

While it may not be as stable as a dedicated internet connection, it can provide access to your exam results when alternative options are unavailable.

This uses up a lot of data, but it will work fast.

Best Practices for Optimal Performance

If the portal remains sluggish, try clearing the cache and cookies on your device before attempting to access it again. 

This simple step can often resolve temporary performance issues. Additionally, avoid refreshing the page excessively, as this can further slow down the portal.

Urgent Access for Grade 12 Students

For Grade 12 students, particularly those seeking admission to higher education institutions, accessing their exam results promptly is crucial. 

Knowing your exam results can provide valuable insights when adjusting your NOAS applications

If you have urgent needs, consider accessing the portal during off-peak hours or through the My PNG Exam Result App.

Patience and Understanding

The My PNG Exam Results.Com portal is currently experiencing congestion due to high traffic volume.

Please be patient and understanding as it will improve when internet traffic slows down. In the meantime, consider using the recommended alternative methods to access your exam results.

How to Access My PNG Exam Results 2024 for Grade 12 (The Top Performing Schools)

The Grade 12 Exam results 2024 for Secondary Schools and National Schools of Excellence have yet to be publicised. Last year's results, including the National Schools of Excellence STEM exam results,  came out on the 8th of December. This year the results come out on Thursday the 5th of December 2024.

The exam results are released, and parents and students can access the results at online portal. It is not a government website, but an outsourced gig, an initiative of the Measurement Services Division. 

Join PNG Insight on Google and stay in touch as we will bring you the latest as it happens 

To access the Grade 12 results, 
  • visit My PNG Exam Results online portal, 
  • enter your username and password and 
  • login. 
It is as easy as that! If you have any problem, check out the instructions here, as well as a video guide by PNG Insight.

How to Access Grade 12 Exam Results in 2024

This video explains how to access your Grade 12 exam results through the My PNG Exam Results Online Portal. Once logged in, you can then view and download your exam results in PDF format. 

Top-performing secondary and national schools of excellence

The education department usually releases the ranks of the top-performing secondary and national schools of excellence during the release of PNG Grade 12 Exam Results for Grade. 

So, in case you are wondering, below is the list of top Grade 12 Schools in the country last year - see if you can spot a school in your province in anticipation of this year's rankings coming out :)

Check out PNG Insight on YouTube for information on Grade 10 & 12 Selections - click here

Top 10 Govt and Agency Schools, Grade 12

  • 10. Goroka Secondary School (EHP)
  • 9. St Gabriel's Secondary School (Western/North Fly)
  • 8. Marianville Secondary School (NCD)
  • 7. Lihir Secondary School (New Ireland)
  • 6. Cameron Secondary School (Milne Bay)
  • 5. St Ignatius Secondary School (Sandaun)
  • 4. Busu Secondary School (Morobe)
  • 3. St Charles Secondary School (NCD)
  • 2. Mt Hagen Secondary School (WHP)
  • 1. Paglum Adventist Secondary School (WHP)

Private Schools: Top Performing Secondary Schools in PNG 2023

  • 10. OLSH Vunapope Secondary School (ENBP)
  • 9. Nonu Institute Private School (NCD)
  • 8. Sacred Heart (Vunapope) International (ENBP)
  • 7. Goroka Grammar (EHP)
  • 6. Pom Grammar (NCD)
  • 5. Highlands Lutheran International School (Enga)
  • 4. OLSH International (New Ireland)
  • 3. St Joseph International Catholic College (NCD)
  • 2. Hagi  International School (WNBP)
  • 1. Paradise College (NCD)

National Schools of Excellence Rank 2023

  • 6. Wawin (MRI 93.53%)
  • 5. Aiyura (MRI 94.96%)
  • 4. Port Moresby (MRI 97.13%)
  • 3. Passam (MRI 98.16%)
  • 2. Kerevat (MRI 98.37%)
  • 1. Sogeri (MRI 99.17%)

The compilation of the top-performing schools from 2019 to 2022 is available here. Check to see which schools have been performing consistently in the Grade 10 and Grade 12 exams.

Top performing secondary schools in PNG 2023

Here are lists of top schools in Papua New Guinea in 2023. St Charles Lwanga and Paglum Secondary Schools are the best in their grades. Private schools like Paradise College, Goroka Grammar, and Hagi International are also doing well. The Department of Education announced the ranks on the 8th of December 2023 during the release of the Grade 10 and Grade 12 exam results.

Check out PNG Insight on YouTube for information on Grade 10 & 12 Selections - click here

Discover the best schools in Papua New Guinea! 📚 Rankings, growth, and exciting STEM initiatives. 🎓 Don't miss the success stories! 🇵🇬 #PNGInsight

Top 10 Govt and Agency Schools, Grade 10: Top performing secondary and high schools 2023

  • 10. De La Salle Secondary School (NCD)
  • 9. Gordon Secondary School (NCD)
  • 8. St Joseph Tari Secondary School (Hela)
  • 7. Mercy Secondary Secondary School (ESP)
  • 6. Kama SDA Primary & Junior High School (EHP)
  • 5. Pidipai Secondary School (Enga)
  • 4. Cameron Secondary School (Milne Bay)
  • 3. Mt Hagen Secondary School (WHP)
  • 2. Marianville Secondary School (NCD)
  • 1. St Charles Lwanga Secondary School (NCD)

Top 10 Private Schools, Grade 10: Top performing secondary and high schools 2023

  • 10. Goroka Grammar International School (EHP)
  • 9. Hagi  International School (WNBP)
  • 8. Lae Christian Academy (Morobe)
  • 7. Pom Grammar (NCD)
  • 6. Lihir International School (New Ireland)
  • 5. Kokop College (NCD)
  • 4. Kimbe International School (WNBP)
  • 3. OLSH International School (New Ireland)
  • 2. St Joseph International College (NCD)
  • 1. Paradise College (NCD)

top 20 secondary schools in png 2023

Top 10 Govt and Agency Schools, Grade 12: Top performing secondary schools in PNG 2023

  • 10. Goroka Secondary School (EHP)
  • 9. St Gabriel's Secondary School (Western/North Fly)
  • 8. Marianville Secondary School (NCD)
  • 7. Lihir Secondary School (New Ireland)
  • 6. Cameron Secondary School (Milne Bay)
  • 5. St Ignatius Secondary School (Sandaun)
  • 4. Busu Secondary School (Morobe)
  • 3. St Charles Secondary School (NCD)
  • 2. Mt Hagen Secondary School (WHP)
  • 1. Paglum Adventist Secondary School (WHP)

Top 10, Private Schools: Top performing secondary schools in PNG 2023

  • 10. OLSH Vunapope Secondary School (ENBP)
  • 9. Nonu Institute Private School (NCD)
  • 8. Sacred Heart (Vunapope) International (ENBP)
  • 7. Goroka Grammar (EHP)
  • 6. Pom Grammar (NCD)
  • 5. Highlands Lutheran International School (Enga)
  • 4. OLSH International (New Ireland)
  • 3. St Joseph International Catholic College (NCD)
  • 2. Hagi  International School (WNBP)
  • 1. Paradise College (NCD)

The compilation of the top-performing schools from 2019 to 2022 is available here. Check to see which schools have been performing consistently in the Grade 10 and Grade 12 exams.

When is My PNG Exam Results 2024 for Grade 10 and Grade 12 Release Date?

The Grade 10 and 12 Examination marking are in the final phases and the Measurement Services Division of the education department is doing quality checks and updating the 2024 exam marks. So, what will the education department publish the Grade 10 and 12 exam results on the My PNG Exam Results portal? The actual date has yet to be announced, but here are the dates for last year. 

The dates will give you an insight into the 'expected exam results release date' for the 2024 examinations. 

In 2023, the Grade 10 and Grade 12 results were released on the 8th of December. This was with a week's delay and inconvenience to the Grade 11 and 12 selection as we recorded it below. Read on to find out.

Latest Update: The education department announces the result release date for Grade 10, Grade 12 and Stem results - check the date here.

My PNG Exam Results

The late Minister Uguro stated that the results would be published online, allowing parents and students to easily access them. He also mentioned that the Education Department is currently working on a system to recognise the country's top-performing students, teachers, and schools.

First Assistant Secretary of the Measurement Services Division of the Education Department, Arulappan Packiam, said that his division is still conducting quality checks and data entry to ensure that students receive accurate marks.

Want to know, exactly, how the Grade 12 selection takes place? Find out here

My PNG Exam Results 2023 Grade 10 Exam results online

Impact of Grade 11 Selection

IMPORTANT: THIS IS A RECORD OF WHAT HAPPENED LAST YEAR, 2023 (Join PNG Insight on Google and stay Updated on the latest on 2024 Exam results)

The General Education Services Division, a sister division of MSD, scheduled the Grade 11 selections for 2024 from the 4th - 8th of December. However, with the release of the Grade 10 results pegged to the 8th of December, GES will have to re-schedule the Grade 11 selection. 

This means that GES selections for Grade 11 students to the National Schools of Excellence and Secondary Schools will start after the exam results come out. 

If you are a Grade 10 or Grade 12 student who wants to get your final marks (and Grades re-checked), here is how to do it.

My PNG Exam Results 2024 - Grade 12 results online

Grade 12 (DHEST) Online Selection

The Grade 12 students will have plenty of time to adjust their choices on the National Online Application System (NOAS).

As soon as students see their results, they can log in to their NOAS accounts and adjust their school leavers' choices by checking their ''My Back Up Programmes" and "My Eligible Programmes". Read about the difference between these two choices here.

Fr Jan Czuba, Acting Secretary of the Higher Education, Research and Science Technology Department (DHERST), stated that tertiary student selections would be made after receiving Grade 12 exam results from the Education Department.

NOAS My Back Up Programmes" and "My Eligible Programmes - DHERST

Check My PNG Exam Results

Students can check their Grade 10 and Grade 12 results online. Here is an article that explains how to check the My PNG Exam Results 2024 online.

In conclusion, the release of the My PNG Exam Results 2024 for Grade 10 and Grade 12 is eagerly awaited by students and parents. The Education Department is working diligently to ensure that the results are accurate and published on the scheduled date of the 8th of December.

Grade 11 Selection for 2025 School Year: Updates on the PNG Grade 11 Selection List PDF

The Department of Education (DoE), through the General Education Services (GES) Division, will officially announce the dates for the Grade 11 National Selection for the 2025 academic year. This selection will occur in two formats: National Schools of Excellence Grade 11 Selections and All Provincial Secondary Schools Grade 11 Selections.

Following the benchmark set in the Education Secretary's Circular #3/2020, the online selection process ensures a streamlined and transparent approach. Principals of Secondary Schools and National Schools of Excellence (NSOE) will be integral to the selection panel, with laptops and internet connectivity being crucial for their participation.

Grade 11 Selection 2025 - png grade 11 selection list 2024 pdf

Recommended article: How Does Grade 11 Selection Take Place?


Selection Requirements

Principals are instructed to bring the following to the selection venue:

  • Boarding spaces
  • Gender requirements
  • Total number of students to be selected
  • Grade 10 SLFS E-Copies (manual copies will not be accepted)

Principals will receive passwords, internet data, links, and regional hotline/help desk information by the 5th of December 2024 to facilitate the online selection.

Instructions for Students Selected to NSOE

Students selected to NSOE will be required to travel to their respective schools. Top academic students will be designated to pursue the STEM curriculum at NSOE. The SLF (School Leaver Forms) must reach GES by November 2024.

This information is from the recent Grade 11 National Selection Committee chairperson's circular. The message aims to ensure a streamlined and efficient process for Grade 11 National Selection for 2025 academic year.

Key Points: Grade 11 Selection List PDF)

  • Grade 11 National Selection for the 2024 academic year will take place in early December 2024
  • The online selection process will align with the previous year's methodology.
  • Selection venues are the Diowai Conference Room at the Port Moresby National School of Excellence for GES, MSD, GD, ICT Technical Team, and NSOE Principals, and recommended venues in provincial capitals for provinces.
  • Principals are instructed to bring to the selection venue the total number of students to be selected, boarding spaces, gender requirements, and Grade 10 SLFS E-Copies.
  • Principals will receive passwords, internet data, links, and regional hotline/help desk information before selections start in December 2024.
  • Students selected to NSOE will be required to travel to their respective schools. Top academic students will be designated to pursue the STEM curriculum at NSOE. The SLF (School Leaver Forms) must reach GES by November 2024.

Past Updates for Reference

Do you think the Education Department should include the dates for the publication of Grade 10 and 12 examination results and Grade 11 selection on the Education Department Calendar? Let us know what you think here.

PNG EDUCATION UPDATES: Grade 10 Exam Results Release Date and Grade 11 Selection Lists 2025

The Grade 10 Exam Results Release Date and Grade 11 selection process in Papua New Guinea (PNG) are important moments for students. It is when they find out if they can go to Grade 11. 

The release of Grade 10 exam results and the Grade 11 selection is a three-month-long process that involves many different people, including the Department of Education, school principals, and provincial representatives. 

This article will explain the timeline of events, the selection criteria, and why this process is so important for students, parents, and guardians. 

2024 Exam Results, and Grade 11 Selection 2025

Timeline of Events: Grade 10 Exam Results Release Date, and Grade 11 Selection

Here is a step-by-step timeline of the key events related to the Grade 10 exam results and Grade 11 selection process:

October: National Examinations

  • Grade 10 students across PNG take their national exams in October each year.
  • The week after the exams, selected Grade 10 teachers in each province mark the exams and record the students' scores.
  • Provincial Examination Supervisors (PESs) and provincial marking committees coordinate the making in each province
  • The PES sends the Grade 10 results to the Measurement Services Division of the National Education Department in Port Moresby.
Click here to check out the expected release date of the Grade 11 Selection List by the Education Department.

Grade 11 selection list 2025

November: Data Checks and Release of PNG Grade 10 Exam Results

In November, the Measurement Services Division (MSD) of the Department of Education checks the Grade 10 students' scores to make sure they are accurate.

This is a very important step because it makes sure that the student's information is correct before the results are released to the selections.

Once the MSD has checked the scores, they release the results for Grade 10 students to the Grade 11 selection committee and also publish the results online.

December: Grade 11 Selection

Two key education entities are involved in the Grade 11 selection process: the General Education Services (GES) of the Department of Education, and school principals or provincial representatives.

  • The MSD processes the Grade 10 exam results and makes them available online.
  • The GES and principals use these results to select students for Grade 11.
  • The selection process can take up to two weeks to finish.
  • Once the selection process is finished, the GES publishes the Grade 11 selection list on the Department of Education's website.
Click on the link to get more information about Grade 10 and Grade 12 Selections.

Grade 11 Selection: Weighted-Score System vs. Circumstance

Weighted-Score System

The weighted-score system is the primary method for selecting students for Grade 11 in Papua New Guinea. Students are assigned a weighted score based on their performance on the Grade 10 national exams, with higher scores given to more difficult subjects. Students with the highest weighted scores are selected for Grade 11, regardless of their province or other circumstances.

Watch this video to find out how the Education Department uses this system to select students.

Selection by Circumstance

In addition to the weighted score system, there are several other factors that can influence the selection of students for Grade 11. PNG Insight lists the 5 main factors below.

Academic performance: 

A student's academic performance on the Grade 10 national exams is still a very important factor in the selection process, even if they are selected based on circumstance. 

Number of spaces available: 

There are only a limited number of spaces available in secondary and national high schools.  Students may miss out on selection for Grade 11 even if they do not have the highest weighted scores.

Parental requests: 

Parents and guardians can write to school principals to explain why they want their child to go to a particular school. Principals may consider parental requests when selecting students for Grade 11, but they are not obligated to do so.

Special circumstances: 

In some cases, special circumstances such as family reasons or job transfers may allow principals to select students for Grade 11 at their schools. Principals may consider special circumstances when selecting students for Grade 11, but they are not obligated to do so.

Student preferences: 

Students can indicate their preferences for secondary and national high schools on their School Leavers Forms (SLF). Principals may consider student preferences when selecting students for Grade 11, but they are not obligated to do so.

Significance of the Grade 10 Exam and Grade 11 Selection Process

The Grade 10 exam and Grade 11 selection process is a very important event in the lives of PNG students, parents, and guardians. The outcome of this process determines a student's eligibility to continue their secondary education and pursue their academic dreams.

For students, the Grade 10 exam and Grade 11 selection process is a crucial milestone in their academic journeys. It is a time for them to reflect on their academic progress and set goals for the future. It is also a time for them to seek support from their parents, teachers, and mentors.

For parents and guardians, the Grade 10 exam and Grade 11 selection process is a time of great anticipation and anxiety. They want their children to succeed and have the best possible opportunities for the future. However, they are also aware of the challenges that their children may face in the competitive selection process.


The Grade 10 exam and Grade 11 selection process in Papua New Guinea is a critical event that shapes the academic journeys of students. The transparency and fairness of this process, along with the dedication of educational authorities, ensure that deserving students receive the opportunities they need to achieve their goals in life.



This information is based on PNG Insight's in-depth understanding of the exam process and workings of the education department's exams and selection process over the years. We are not affiliated with the education department, nor do we represent the department.

The education department does not publish the exact date for the release of the exam results and the Grade 11 selection list in the Education Calendar. It only announces the date when the results and selection lists are ready. That means that you will have to depend on news, social media, and PNG education website for the latest on Grade 10 (and Grade 8 and 12) results and selection.

Please note that this information is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for official information from the education department.

What It Means to Be in NOAS National Admission Pool (2024 Grade 12 Selections for 2025)

The Grade 12 students in PNG can check their NOAS selection status to find out if they have been selected in one of their five choices. The 2024 Grade 12 Selections for the 2025 academic year - NOAS Status Check - will be live after the Launch of Selection. That is when the Grade 12 School Leavers selection and Non-school Leavers will know the selection status, and find out if they are in NOAS National Admission Pool. But, what does that mean?

Do not fret. NOAS is an effective system that gives you a second chance. It also assists you to 're-adjust' your choices for the spaces available in the NOAS National Admission Pool. Use it before the final acceptance list PDFs are published.

Grade 12 Selections 2024 for 2025 -selection list PDF

DHERST NOAS National Admission Pool

It is important to confirm your selection to a higher institution as soon as you can. If you are not selected in one of your five choices, you may be put in the admission pool. 

If you are a student on DHERST's admission pool, you'll have to log in to your National Online Selection Account between now and before the academic year 2025 starts to see if you have been offered a placement at a university or college in PNG.

Students in the admission pool have to hope that they are considered for 6,000+ spaces, formally called quotas.

So, keep checking to see if you are one of the lucky ones from the admission pool admitted to a university or college.

Questions about Grade 12 Selections 2024

Here are some questions PNG Insight receives about selections, GPA and Admission Pool for Tertiary Institutions in PNG. We pick three common questions that many students ask and put answers to them.

Important: Note that the answers are based on experience over the years, intended to give clarity to the questions. It is in no way formal advice.
Q. I am not selected and I was put in an admission pull, will the DHERST select me according to my choices?
Brief answer: If you are in the DHERST Admission Pool, it means that you are likely to be considered IF there is a space available in the institution of your choice. Also, your GPA has to be higher than the other students in the pool to maximise your chance of being selected.

Q. I got a GPA of 2.6 and I was not selected by any of those five institutions where I should have been selected because I know that the nursing school's in the country have a minimum GPA of 2.4 and above. Why can't a GPA of 2.6 can be also selected?
Brief answer: Your GPA doesn't automatically guarantee you a selection to one of your 5 choices. Though it is the main selection criteria, there must be a spot available for you to be selected. Also, there are other students who may have a GPA above 2.6 applying to the same institutions or they may have made your second choice their first choice. They have the advantage over you. In the meantime, login to your NOAS Student Account before the academic year starts to confirm your final selection status from the Admission Pool.

Q. My GPA is 2.4 and yet I applied for teachers colleges in PNG that require a current GPA of 2.4 and above. Why I am not selected with such a GPA?
Brief answer: The current GPA of 2.8 for teachers' college is the threshold which is the borderline GPA. If you have a GPA close to the borderline GPA, you are last in the queue during the actual selection and also last in the queue in the Admission Pool. It's sad but true. Those students who have GPAs higher than the threshold with first-choice preference have a higher chance of being selected than those sitting at the borderline GPA.

Grade 12 Selections 2025 NOAS Status Check

As you read the three questions, you may have realised that the best thing to do is to get the five choices on NOAS right - spot on.

For now, if you are in DHERST Admission Pool, make sure you check your status regularly to see if there are any changes to your selection status. 

Also, check the final lists that come out on the DHERST website. 

The institution you apply to will publish its acceptance lists. You may want to check that too.

All in all, your NOAS student account is the right place to confirm your selection. If you have any questions about selections, please leave a comment below.

Non-School Leavers Selections Lists 2024

DHERST often releases the NSL selection list PDFs for the Teachers' Colleges, Nursing Colleges, Technical Colleges and other colleges in batches.

Check out the links for the latest NSL selections list for the institutions in PNG:
Note that DHERST TESAS (HECAS & AES) Status list will be published on the Acceptances Lists so make sure you confirm if you are on a government TESAS scholarship. That is the important list that indicates students' scholarship status. 

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