Showing posts with label College. Show all posts
Showing posts with label College. Show all posts

List of Papua New Guinea Universities and Colleges | Apply for 2025

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to universities and colleges in Papua New Guinea! If you're looking for the latest information on higher education institutions in PNG, you've come to the right place. 

In this article, we'll provide you with a curated list of universities and colleges, along with direct links to informational pages where you can get information on:

  • application forms and admission,
  • program offers,
  • non-school leavers and school leavers' GPAs,
  • institution contact details, and 
  • more.
(Click here to get the latest on the 2025 GPA for Teachers and Colleges in PNG)

The Grade 12 School Leavers ONLINE Selection started in 2018. It is the best thing that happens. The online selection helps DHERST, the government and stakeholders know exactly how many Grade 12 students are selected for universities and colleges. 

In a recent media statement, DHERST resorted to also bringing the NON-SCHOOL LEAVERS Selection ONLINE. Universities and colleges are not going to make the selections. So, what does that mean for you as a non-school leaver applicant? Find out here

Whether you're a prospective student or a non-school leaver seeking admission details, we've got you covered. Join us as we explore the exciting educational opportunities available in Papua New Guinea and discover how to make your dreams a reality. Click on the links to get more information on GPA, the application process and admission.

PNG university and College application form 2024

PNG Insight provides information for some of the universities and non-universities in the country. If you want the latest info on Acceptance Lists and Admissions. Programs to study, history of the institutions, etc., you will find the info via the links.

Click on the links to go to the university or college info page.

List of PNG Business Colleges

List of PNG Technical Colleges

List of PNG Universities

List of PNG Nursing Colleges

Want to work in the Health Sector? Click on the link to find out how to become a health worker in Papua New Guinea. Alternatively, check out the college info via the links below.

PNG Nursing College Application form 2024 download

List of PNG Teachers Colleges

Want to become a teacher or education officer in PNG? The best pathway is through one of PNG's Teachers' Colleges, but you must have a GPA above the required threshold. Find out here.

Also, click on the blue links to go to the info page where you can get vital information on the Application, Selection and Acceptance list and College Admission.


Note that there are some unregistered teachers' colleges operating in PNG. Non-school leavers should be careful when applying to unregistered colleges as they are NOT recognised by the DHERST.

PNG Nursing College application form download

Other colleges

PNG Insight has curated this extensive compilation of Papua New Guinea colleges and universities here, but we need your help to make it even better. 

If we've left out on any college in your vicinity (or need to update your university/college info), we invite you to share your insights by leaving a comment below. This will help us create a definitive resource for all the institutions in the country.

Balob Teachers College Application 2025 and Selection Info and Updates

Balob Teachers College offers a diploma in primary teaching and enrols 600-700 students every year, about half of them female students. If you want to apply for college or get information about courses and selections, this article will help you.

Find out how to apply as a non-school leaver or school leaver - use the tips below to contact Balob Teachers College.

Download the School Leavers (New Intakes) Selection Lists PDF for your teachers college.

Balob Teachers College Application Form 2024, Selections 2025 and Accpetance List PDF

How to apply to  Balob Teachers College?

There are two ways to apply to Balob Teachers College: as a school leaver and a non-school leaver.

Apply as a non-school leaver

Balob Teachers College does not have a website or social media account where you can get information on courses, applications and selections. The college relies on the media to disseminate information to new students. 

The best way to get a Balob Teachers College application form for 2025 is to get it from the college.

But, what can you do if you are not in Lae or anywhere nearby? The college often asks for proof of ID before issuing new application forms. This can be hard - here are some suggestions to help you - see below for non-school leavers' application timeframe.

Here are 5 ways to get an application form, even if you're not in LAE.

  • 1) Call a family member/friend you know personally to get it for you.
  • 2) Call the college and ask for the latest application form and fees.
  • 3) Travel there yourself to get it - this can be an expensive exercise. 
  • 4) Ask a Facebook/social media friend you know to send it to you.
  • 5) Ask a current student to help you out.

The five ways above are practical ways to get the BalobTeachers College non-school leaver's application form 2025. 

Apply as a school leaver (Grade 12)

 Balob Teachers College option for Grade 12 students who want to become teachers. 

All you have to do is to put it down as one of your options when you complete the National Online Application Form on the DHERST website.

The best tip here is to make it your first or second choice so that you have a higher chance of getting in. You can do that at school with the help of your deputy principal.

If you do not make that choice yet, do not worry. You can make adjustments to your final choice during the Grace Period DHERST gives you.

GPA for entering Balob Teachers College PNG

Each college in PNG selects the best students. That means that they choose students with high GPAs. 

Read about GPA for PNG teachers' colleges.

DHERST (Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology) sets a GPA threshold of 2. Some institutions have raised it to 2.25.

Generally, you must have a GPA higher than 2 to get selected. Inversely, you must maintain a GPA higher than 2 to remain a student at Balob Teachers' College to get relegated.

For registration purposes, PNG Education Department requires that teachers' college graduates should have a GPA of 2.4. (see the report here)

Taking all GPAs into consideration, you should maintain a bare minimum of 2.4 to remain competitive in during selections.

Contact  Balob Teachers College

You can contact the principal and admin office for information on school leavers and non-school leavers.

Balob Teachers' College
P O Box 2127
Lae, Morobe Province
Ph 4724311 / 4724355

Contact person/s
Mr Jack Hawap (Deputy Principal, Admin)

When does Balob Teachers' College NSL application open?

For the last two years, Balob Teachers' College non-school leavers' application forms come out in May. If you are planning to apply for next year, make sure you are in Lae in May to get the NSL application form. 

The application closes at the end of June. 

You will have a month to complete the application and hand it in.

Balob Teachers' College Acceptance List 2025

The acceptance list for Balob Teachers' College for non-school leavers and school leavers will come out before the academic year starts. 

The non-school leavers who applied straight to Balob Teachers College will have to check the college for the non-school leavers acceptance list 2025.

As for the Grade 12 school leavers who applied through the National Online Application System (NOAS), check the higher education website for the DHERST Acceptance List 2025.

If you have any questions, check out this link for information on selection dates and acceptance lists for tertiary institutions in PNG.

About Balob Teachers College 

Balob Teachers College is located in Lae, Morobe Province and is run by the Lutheran Church. 

The college has been training primary school teachers for nearly 60 years. It offers diploma in primary teaching and enrols 600-700 students every year, about half of them are female students.

Diploma in General Nursing in PNG - Australia Awards

Nursing scholars and graduates contribute to quality health outcomes across PNG including in rural and remote communities.

The Australian Government in partnership with the Government of Papua New Guinea will offer scholarships to undertake a Diploma of General Nursing in 2023 at the Lae School of Nursing and Lutheran School of Nursing

This scholarship is for study in PNG (not in Australia). It is open to women and men. 

Applicants must have completed grade 12 or matriculation upgrade prior to 2022.

Women and people living with disability are strongly encouraged to apply.

[Check out the latest information on Australia Awards Scholarship for 2023]

Diploma in General Nursing in PNG - Australia Awards

This information first appeared here:

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Australia Award Diploma in General Nursing, you must meet the following requirements:

  • be a non-school leaver (i.e. have completed Grade 12 prior to 2021)
  • meet the conditions of entry for the institution(s)
  • be a citizen of PNG and residing in PNG at the time of application
  • not have been convicted of a criminal offence
  • not have been terminated from a previous Australia Awards scholarship or expelled by an Institution for misconduct or academic failure
  • demonstrate a commitment to working as a nurse in PNG including in rural and remote health centres
  • have completed Grade 12 with a minimum GPA of 2.75 and a minimum B grade in Biology, Chemistry and Language and Literature, C grade in Advanced Maths or A grade in General Maths; OR
  • have matriculation upgrade (DODL/FODE) minimum GPA 3.0 and minimum subject grades as above.

Contact Australia Awards

For further information contact the Australia Awards In-PNG Scholarships team:


Telephone: 3211 766 / 7373 3800

Mobile: 7014 1974 or 7275 9270 or 7073 5219 or 7051 1405


How to apply to a nursing school in PNG? If you want to become a health worker in Papua New Guinea, check out this page.

Gaulim Teachers College Application, Acceptance and Admission info

Gaulim Teachers College is located in the Gazelle District of East New Britain Province, around 30 minutes drive out of Kokopo Town. The college is heavily subsidised by the PNG Govt but under the patronage of the United Church of Papua New Guinea.

Gaulim Teachers College is a primary teachers training institution.

Gaulim Teachers College application form pdf 2024 - The Entry Requirements to study at Gaulim Teachers college are C & B grades or above in the Grade 12 certificate or equivalent for those applying as non school leavers. The required GPA for Gaulim Teachers college




P.O.BOX 1343,



How to get Gaulim Teachers College application form?

Contact the student admin directly and ask for the form to be sent to you, If you do not get a response, here are some suggestions to get an application form.

  • Ask a friend/family or go to Gaulim Teachers College and get an application form for you.
  • Contact a student of Gaulim Teachers College on Social Media and ask him/her to help you.
  • Contact a Lecturer, tutor, registrar or employee of Gaulim Teachers College to help you out.
  • Visit  Gaulim Teachers College and get an application form.
You must use the official application form to apply. Make sure that the form has the recent date and year, college stamp, PNG Education Department Emblem and College Emblem.

Check out the list of all the Teachers Colleges in PNG and find out how to apply.

General info for new Gaulim Teachers College students

Some of this information (contact details, eligibility, attachments, etc) is provided on the application form, but here are five things that you should know. So, ask your Guidance teachers or the college registrar prior to applying to Gaulim Teachers College these 5 questions.

  • What is the CUT-OFF GPA for this year?
  • Can I submit my college Application Online too?
  • Who can I contact to know the Selection list/status?
  • What can I do if I am not selected?
These questions will help you to secure a place to study at Gaulim Teachers College.

5 Recommended Colleges in PNG

Gaulim Teachers College Acceptance List 2024

The acceptance list for Gaulim Teachers College for non-school leavers and school leavers will come out before the academic year starts. 

  • The non-school leavers who applied straight to Gaulim Teachers College will have to check the college for the non-school leavers acceptance list 2024.
  • As for the Grade 12 school leavers who applied through the National Online Application System (NOAS), check the higher education website for the DHERST Acceptance List 2024.

If you have any questions, check out this link for information on selection dates and acceptance lists for tertiary institutions in PNG.

About the college

Gaulim Teachers College is a National Institution providing teacher education for Primary School Teachers, also an Agency Institution of the United Church of Papua New Guinea. The teachers' college in the Gazelle District of East New Britain Province. 



Public Holidays in PNG 2025

Public Holidays in PNG 2025