PNG Grade 12 National Online Application System (NOAS), Key Dates, 2024 DHERST Selections and 2025 Acceptance Lists

The Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) has released critical information regarding the 2024 Grade 12 School Leavers Application for universities and colleges in Papua New Guinea. This announcement details the essential steps and timelines that Grade 12 students must follow to ensure a seamless transition from secondary school to higher education in 2025.


  • Grace Period Commences: 12:01 am, 9/12/2024
  • Grace Period Ends: 11:59 pm, 14/12/2024
  • Selections Day: 18/12/2024

NG Grade 12 National Online Application System (NOAS), Key Dates

The Grade 12 exams in Papua New Guinea concluded in October 2024. As the education department works on marking and finalizing the results, parents and students are eagerly waiting. 

The exam results play a crucial role in the selection process for tertiary education institutions. This period is vital for students as they prepare to make informed decisions about their future academic and career paths.

Current (2024) Grade 12 School Leaver Applicants

All Grade 12 students must obtain their National Online Application (NOAS) credentials from their school principal and patrons. 

Parents and guardians must ensure that their children secure these credentials before leaving school after the national examinations. If Grade 12 students do not have the NOAS credentials, go back to the schools and get them before the school close-up for the Christmas holiday. This step is fundamental as it grants students access to the online application system, the gateway to their higher education journey.

STAT-P Test Bookings

The booking period for STAT-P tests, mandatory for certain programs, has officially closed. Students who have already booked should verify their booking and payment status. For any queries, students should contact the respective institutions via email:

  • PNGUoT:
  • UoG:
  • PAU:

Following these steps will help prevent last-minute complications and ensure students are well-prepared for their next academic phase.

2024 NOAS Grace Period

Once the national exam results are released, students will have the opportunity to make their final program choices during the Grace Period. 

The Grace period starts on 2nd December at 12:01am and concludes on 5th December at 11:59pm, allowing students to adjust their applications based on their results and make informed decisions.

UPDATED: This year’s Grace Period is now rescheduled to commence on the 9th of December 2024. The grace Period ends on December 14th, 2024. The deferral of Grace Period is to allow the Department of Education to complete all quality vetting of Grace 12 final results.

Launching of 2024 National Selections for 2025

The National Selections will be officially launched by the Minister for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, Hon. Kinoka Fotune Feo, on 18th December 2024. This day is the official Selection Day for NOAS for the 2025 academic year.

This event marks the successful selection of the 2024 Grade 12 students in PNG. After the launch, DHERST places unsuccessful students in the Admission Pool to seek the availability of spaces and give them placement.  

The final acceptance lists will be announced before the academic year starts - this is when the final selection comes out with the full list of TESAS Awards for 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions (Grade 12 School Leavers)

How will I access my NOAS student account?

The NOAS student account can be accessed through the online portal at Only Grade 12 students who have received their credentials from their school or a matriculation centre can log in using the confidential details provided in the NOAS Invitation letter.

I have entered my NOAS credentials but have not received the email confirmation link. What should I do?

To enhance security, DHERST has implemented additional features, including an authentication email. Students must use the same personal email address entered in the NOAS MyData. Upon the initial login attempt, an email with a security link is sent to the student’s email address. Follow the instructions in this email to complete the setup of their NOAS MyData. The link is time-bound and expires after 4 hours. If the link expires before activation, students must follow the instructions in the NOAS invitation letter to receive a new link. Ensure your email browser is up-to-date and use your personal email address.

What should I do if I have missing subject combinations, misspelt names, or incorrect gender?

Students should promptly report any errors in their subject combinations, names, SLF numbers, or gender to their School Principal or Deputy Principal. The Principal will communicate these corrections to the Department of Education Measurement Services Division (MSD), which will update the data before providing it to DHERST.

What should I do if I misplaced or forgot my password?

If the Invitation Letter containing your Username and Password is lost, consult your School Principal to reissue the letter. For those who have reset their password via the NSR link but have forgotten it, utilize the "Forgot my Password" option to reset it.

Why am I unable to see some programs and HEIs in my NOAS account?

The NOAS account only displays programs for which students are eligible based on their subject combinations. DHERST assures all 35,000 registered Grade 12 student applicants that ample time will be provided to complete their applications. Students should read and understand the program requirements, quotas, and residential statuses while making their choices. Regularly accessing the NOAS MyStatus portal will provide updates and crucial information.


The PNG Grade 12 National Online Application Systems (NOAS) play a vital role in shaping the academic futures of students. By adhering to the key dates outlined, participating in the 2024 DHERST Selections, and accessing the 2025 Acceptance Lists, students in Papua New Guinea can ensure a smooth transition to higher education. 

DHERST remains committed to supporting students throughout this critical phase, providing them with the tools and information needed to make informed decisions about their academic and career paths.

Source: Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (Accessed 29/10/2024)

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