How to Resolve Issues with NOAS Login Password and Username at ApplyDHERST.GOV.PG Account

Having trouble with your DHERST NOAS login details? You're not alone. Whether it's a forgotten password or username, these issues can be frustrating. 

In this guide, we'll explore how to handle problems related to your DHERST NOAS login password and username for your 2024 account at This guide will help you access your account smoothly and get back to focusing on making your online application. 

If the guide here does not solve your problems, check out the contact details and helpline where you can reach out to DHERST for assistance. 

ApplyDHERST.GOV.PG account login 2024

Grade 12 School Leavers: Recovering Your DHERST NOAS Login Details

Grade 12 school leavers in Papua New Guinea typically receive their DHERST NOAS login credentials, including their Username and Password, through their schools. This essential information is provided in an Invitation Letter, which allows students to access the National Online Application System (NOAS) for further education opportunities.

If you have misplaced or forgotten your password, here’s what you can do:

1. Lost Invitation Letter: 

If the letter containing your Username and Password is lost, consult your School Principal to have the letter reissued.

2. Forgotten Password: 

If you have previously reset your password using the NSR link but have forgotten it, utilise the "Forgot my Password" option on the NOAS login page. This feature will guide you through the necessary steps to create a new password and regain access to your account.

How to Apply Online with NOAS as a Non-School Leaver

For non-school leavers applying through the DHERST NOAS in 2024, this new initiative is an excellent solution. The online application is free and convenient. Here are the steps you need to follow to solve any login issues.

1. Using Your Previous NOAS Credentials

Can You use my old NOAS Username and Password to log in as a Non-School Leaver? No, you cannot use your previous Username and Password. 

To reactivate your account, you must contact DHERST and complete an NSL form. This step is crucial to ensure that your updated academic information is accurately reflected in your application. Follow step 2 to get yourself sorted out.

2. Steps to Apply Online with NOAS as a Non-School Leaver

2. 1. Complete an NSL Form: Obtain the Non-School Leaver (NSL) Form from DHERST and fill it out with your SLF number and other required details.

2.2. Verification: Submit the completed form for verification. After DHERST verifies your details, they will issue an Invitation Letter containing your Username and Password.

2.3. Login and Activate Your Account: Use the Username and Password from the Invitation Letter to log in to the NOAS portal and activate your account. This will allow you to make your program choices starting from October 20th, 2024. This timeline ensures that all matriculation/FODE updates of your academic results are imported into your NOAS account to verify your eligibility for higher education institution (HEI) programs.

VIDEO: Here is how to apply via NOAS as a Non-school Leaver.

ApplyDHERST.GOV.PG Account Login

Successfully managing your DHERST NOAS login details is crucial for both Grade 12 school leavers and non-school leavers. Whether you need to recover a forgotten password or apply for the first time, following the outlined steps will ensure a smooth process.

If you encounter any other issues with your ApplyDHERST.GOV.PG account login, please share them in the comments below. This is the first year of the Non-School Leavers NOAS application, and your input can help others navigate any challenges they may face.

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