Women in Business in Papua New Guinea: Constraints and Challenges

The role of women in business and leadership in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has been a subject of exploration and analysis for many years. Find out what is Women in Business in PNG, and what are the Successful models, challenges, and empowerment initiatives. Learn about women entrepreneurs and their economic impact.

In this latest article, we take a look at other help available to 'Women in Business in Papua New Guinea. Click here to find out.

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PNG Insight photo file: Small Business Couple, Mt Hagen, WHP

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Women in Business in Papua New Guinea

In October 2008, an AusAID study was conducted to profile women's businesses and explore issues faced by female entrepreneurs in the country.  

This article summarises the main findings of the study (link here, PDF) and presents recommendations for donors, the government, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to consider for empowering women in business and leadership in PNG.

Background on Women in PNG

The PNG government has made progress towards gender equality, with initiatives like the Equal Participation of Women plan in the PNG Constitution (Section 2, Paragraph 5). 

However, compared to other Pacific countries, PNG still faces significant challenges in achieving gender equality and women's empowerment. 

Factors such as cultural and social discrimination, limited resources, and lack of support from both men and women hinder the progress of women in business and leadership roles.

Women Doing Business in PNG - Key Barriers

Women entrepreneurs in PNG encounter various barriers that affect their economic development and business growth. The constraints on women's economic development stem from broader gender inequalities in the country. 

Limited access to productive resources, especially land, poses significant challenges for women. Moreover, women face difficulty in accessing finance and formal sector employment, with only a small percentage holding senior managerial positions.

Poor provision and maintenance of infrastructure, such as roads, transportation, and electricity, also hinder women's economic activities, especially in the informal sector. (Here is an example of a Road Connection in Western Highlands Province)

Women often become targets of unfair trading practices and anti-competitive behaviour, affecting their business operations. Lack of awareness of laws affecting business activity, poor legal support, and absence of sex-disaggregated data are additional barriers faced by women entrepreneurs.

Women in Busines in PNG - Find out what is Women in Business in PNG, and what are the Successful models, challenges, and empowerment initiatives? Learn about women entrepreneurs and economic impact.   should provinces support women in business
PNG Insight Photo File: Mothers Selling Strawberries near Roadside


To address the barriers faced by women in business and leadership, several recommendations have been proposed:

1. Access to Land/Property

Review gender-neutral or discriminatory land laws to promote women's economic empowerment. Prioritise widows in CEDAW (UN Convention on the Elimination of all Discrimination Against Women) shadow report consultations and provide assistance to rural and remote areas. Invest in legal aid offices and hotlines for widows.

2. Legal/Regulatory Issues

Conduct awareness-raising training on laws, legal processes, contracts, intellectual property, and Fair Trade, especially in the mining sector. Support capacity-building in PNG's legal system and land administration to address discriminatory land laws and practices.

3. Access to Finance and Business Training and Education

Conduct a feasibility study on women's business incubation centres and microloans such as SMEs. Offer business and financial mentoring to address cultural and familial challenges for women entrepreneurs. Study different entrepreneurial cultures in different provinces to develop appropriate program designs.

4. Access to Regional Value-Added Markets 

Assist farming communities in accessing Fair Trade and organic certified product markets. Coordinate trader tours to meet with craft, jewellery, and fashion producers to stimulate business partnerships.

5. Women's Business Advocacy and Networking

Support the establishment of a Women's Chamber of Business with provincial branches. Generate ideas for promoting women's business networks and networking opportunities. Engage media to promote positive stories of successful women entrepreneurs.

To read about why it is important for women to be empowered in business ventures, CLICK HERE

are woman successful in business in png


Empowering women in business and leadership in PNG requires addressing the key barriers they face. 

By implementing the recommendations provided in the study, the PNG government, donor agencies, and NGOs can create an environment that fosters gender equality, supports women's economic development, and promotes inclusive business growth. 

Supporting women in business and leadership roles will not only benefit individual women but also contribute to PNG's overall economic growth and development.

To find out about Business Colleges in PNG, click here. (How to apply, GPA requirement and all you need to know as a Grade 12 student wanting to study business at a college or university next year)

FAQs about Women in Business in PNG

1. What is Women in Business in Papua New Guinea?

Women in Business in Papua New Guinea refers to the participation of women in various economic activities, including entrepreneurship, formal and informal businesses, and agricultural endeavours. It encompasses women's roles as business owners, managers, and employees in the country's diverse economic sectors.

2. What are successful business models for women in PNG?

Successful business models for women in Papua New Guinea vary depending on the sector and location. Some successful models include women-owned microenterprises in the agricultural sector, women artisans and craft producers promoting Fair Trade and organic products, and women entrepreneurs in the service industry. Additionally, women who have access to financial literacy training, mentorship, and support networks tend to have better chances of success in business.

3. Who are the women in business in PNG?

Women in business in Papua New Guinea come from diverse backgrounds and communities. They include women entrepreneurs, farmers, artisans, small-scale miners, and women engaged in various service-oriented businesses. These women play a vital role in contributing to the country's economy and local communities.

4. What are the key challenges faced by women in business in PNG?

Women in business in Papua New Guinea face several challenges, including limited access to land and property rights, lack of financial literacy and business skills, difficulty accessing finance, and cultural barriers that limit their economic opportunities. They also need help in terms of infrastructure limitations, poor legal support, and limited networking opportunities.

5. How can women's economic empowerment be promoted in PNG?

To promote women's economic empowerment in Papua New Guinea, it is essential to address these challenges. This can be achieved through initiatives such as:

  • Reviewing and reforming gender-neutral or discriminatory land laws to ensure women's land ownership and decision-making rights.
  • Providing business training and financial literacy programs tailored to women's needs.
  • Creating women's business incubation centres and offering mentoring and support for women entrepreneurs.
  • Facilitating access to regional and international markets, such as Fair Trade and organic markets, for women producers and exporters.
  • Establishing a Women's Chamber of Business to promote networking and advocacy for women entrepreneurs.

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