How to Apply to Port Moresby Business College

Port Moresby Business College offers a range of diploma and certificate programs in business studies. For the Grade 12 students or non-school leavers, this article will guide you through the application process. Find out the entry requirements and contact details to ensure a smooth application experience.

Note that the Port Moresby Business College takes in students from the National Capital District and Central Province schools. But, this should NOT stop you from applying if you are coming from a different province but residing in Port Moresby.

Diploma Programs

Port Moresby Business College provides the following diploma programs in Business Studies, certified by the Department of Education (PNG):

1. Diploma in Accounting

2. Diploma in Business Computing

3. Diploma in Management

4. Diploma in Office Management

5. Diploma in Hospitality Management

Diploma Programs Entry Requirements

To be eligible for these diploma programs, you need to meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Grade 12 completion or Certificate Programs from a reputable institution
  • Application forms are available at the college.

How to Apply to Port Moresby Business College - Application Form PDF 2024 Download

Certificate Programs

Port Moresby Business College also offers certificate programs that serve as pathways to diploma and degree programs. The certificate programs are accredited by the Department of Education and include:

1. Technical Training Certificate

2. Certificate in Accounting

3. Certificate in Office Management

4. Certificate in Management

5. Certificate in Business Computing

6. Certificate in Hospitality Management

Certificate Programs Entry Requirements

To qualify for these certificate programs, applicants should fulfil the following criteria:

  • Grade 12 completion or Grade 10 with Matriculation Studies equivalent to Grade 11 and 12.
  • For scholarship applicants, an application form can be obtained from your secondary school.
  • Self-sponsored applicants can obtain application forms directly from the college.

How to Apply as a Grade 12 School Leaver

If you are a Grade 12 student, follow these steps to apply to Port Moresby Business College:

1. Discuss with your school's deputy principal (Academic) and express your interest in studying at Port Moresby Business College.

2. The deputy principal will guide you through completing the online school leavers form via the DHERST National Online Application System (NOAS). You have the option to select Port Moresby Business College as one of your five choices.

How to apply as a Non-School Leaver

Non-school leavers should contact the college directly to obtain an application form and additional information regarding the application process for Port Moresby Business College.

The entry requirements for different programs at Port Moresby Business College are as follows:

  • Technical Training Certificate Programs (Two-Year Program): Grade 10 with credit in Mathematics and English, with no fails in other subjects.
  • Technical Training Certificate (One-Year Program): Grade 12 with credit in Mathematics B, English, and a Business Studies-related subject.
  • Diploma in Business Studies (Two-Year Program): Grade 12 with B passes in Mathematics, English, and a Business Studies allied subject. Grade 10 with credit in Mathematics and English, with no fails in other subjects. Minimum of two years of relevant work experience.

National Qualification Framework (National Qualification Programs)

For base learning, there are no minimum requirements as the assessment is based solely on the student's competency to perform tasks in each module before progressing to the next level of the program.

The minimum entry requirements for short course programs are determined by the college. Contact the college for more information.

How to Apply to Port Moresby Business College

Port Moresby Business College offers a variety of diploma and certificate programs in Business Studies. Whether you are a Grade 12 student or a non-school leaver, understanding the application process and meeting the entry requirements is crucial. 

For the latest information on applications and admissions, visit the college or use the provided contact details below:

  • Port Moresby Business College Address: P.O. Box 5675, Boroko, N C D, Papua New Guinea
  • Telephone: 325 2233
  • Principal: 325 3792
  • Deputy Principal: 325 2356

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