Cannibals of Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is an amazing country north of Australia, to the west is West Papua (under Indonesia) and to the east is the independent state of Papua New Guinea. 

It's a big country in the Pacific. Now, you are here because you want to know about the Cannibals of Papua New Guinea. So let me tell you.

Cannibals of papua new guinea

Are there Cannibals in PNG?

No human is ever seen eaten alive when they venture on Papua New Guinea trips, though cannibalism was a tribal ritual practised only in certain parts of the country until the late 1800s.

These rituals are blown out of proportion with limited understanding of the practises and why they happened.

There is a preconceived idea that there are cannibals in PNG.

In fact, many of the articles are fake news. 

The articles about cannibalism proliferated by major online websites do NOT present facts. 

They are completely misleading the naïve readers and they do believe them, unfortunately.

Expect the Unexpected Papua New Guinea Trips

Living and working or visiting PNG can be a challenge. 

But with those challenges come great rewards. 

When you live or visit PNG, it is like travelling to a land of diverse cultures and people.

The common saying here is ‘EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED’. PNG is the land of surprises.

Papua New Guinea is a changing country. It has a thriving metro city with entertainment, hotels, parks, resorts and restaurants and games venues.

Travelling to outer parts of the country is by air. If you want to see a natural tropical paradise, you come to PNG. 

If you don't believe me, see my PNG stories here on YouTube. These clips are mainly taken from my Samsung mobile phone. 

Visitors are welcome to venture on Papua New Guinea trips and experience the diverse cultures and people of Papua New Guinea.

Online news about cannibals in PNG

Many international visitors to PNG know that the articles on cannibals in PNG are fabricated lies.

Often, the stories were retold based on some old tales, or by YouTubers and one-minute travellers who lack an understanding of Papua New Guinea.

Therefore, do not be naive and believe in online news and a social media channel that runs stories on cannibals in PNG in the 21st century.

Stories of Cannibals in PNG

Some examples of misleading stories on cannibalism in PNG.

The article titled Korowai People of Papua New Guinea (2017,2009) is a clear example of misinformation. 

The article said less about the indigenous skill and ability of the people to build houses on stilts and more about cannibalism. 

These articles showed recent photo evidence of a stilt house and none of the Korowai eating human flesh!

Korowai are not Papua New Guineans

Korowai tree house
IMAGE: @Whistling Spear

Furthermore, the people of Korowai are not Papua New Guineans. 

They are from the West Papua in Indonesia. 

And, they are not cannibals either.

Another fake article was titled Cannibals on Kokoda (2016). It receives wide online coverage because the couple nearly died whilst walking Kokoda unprepared. 

This was a trip that could have ended up in disaster because the couple was stupid.

So, next time some idiots with limited knowledge of geography and the world tell you about the Korowai or Cannibals of Papua New Guinea, tell them to FO.

Read the full story here 

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