Study at DODL UoT 2024 Application Form, admission and course information

 DODL Application UoT Pathway: The Department of Distance Learning (DODL) at the University of Technology (UoT/Unitech) is an important partway for Non-school leavers who want to pursue a study at UNITECH.

DODL application form 2024

UoT/Unitech Non-school leavers & DODL selections

The grade 12 students and undergraduates selections fall into three main categories of applications: 

  • Grade 12 School Leavers, 
  • Matriculation/DODL, and 
  • Non-school leavers

The School Leavers are the Grade 12 students whose selection is done by DHERST (Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology) and passed onto UoT. 

The non-school leaver's applications are through UoT and done by the university. So, if you are a DODL, students you'll find it easy to apply given that there is a clear pathway to get into a first-year program. 

The Grade 12 school leavers (and non-school leavers) selections for UNITECH happen (around November) of each year based on the result of the Grade 12 national examinations (in October). 

DODL Matriculants Apply to UoT 2024

For the DODL students, apply to Unitech or other tertiary institutions in the country before the due date. Usually, the Grade 12 students' selection takes precedence. (See the links for information about Unitech DODL).

PNG UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY has a limited number of spaces given the availability of learning spaces, boarding and lodging rooms, academic resources, etc. This means that the competition for admission to a program of study is usually very high.

Students aspiring to enter UNITECH through DODL must compete against the Grade 12 school leavers and non-school leavers in the country to secure a space. In order words, DODL students at UNITECH must perform exceptionally well in the national examinations to get a UNITECH placement.

Do prepare well, study hard and apply for further study.

DODL Study Centres in PNG

Currently, DODL has 21  affiliated study centres and Adult Matriculation centres around the country. Check out your location study centres in your province for more information. 

•Bugandi Secondary School •Bulolo Study Centre •Dregerfhen Study Centre •Elison Enterprise •Enga DODL Centre •Gerehu Study Centre •Goroka Secondary School •Hutjena Study Centre•Institute of Continuing and Further Education •Kainantu Study Centre •Kimbe Study Centre •Kundiawa DODL Study Centre •Lae Secondary School •Tusbab DODL Study Centre •Malabunga Secondary School •Malahang Technical High School •Markham Open and Distance Learning Institute •Mogol Secondary School •Mt Hagen Study Centre •Nimamar Franchise University Centre • OTDF Community Education Services •Sepik Matriculation Centre •Port Moresby Institute of Matriculation Studies

Appy to a college in PNG as a non-school leaver - opportunities 

Hope this information helps you to apply to DODL matriculation study centres and complete your education. 

If you are a non-school leaver looking for an opportunity to study in PNG, check out the list of application and admission info.

Here is the page where you can get more information about the 2024 application form. Please, visit the Unitech DODL page here. If you have any questions, leave a comment below. 

How to enrol at FODE?

If you want to upgrade your marks at FODE or at any University Open and Distance Learning Centres, here is some information that you'll find useful. Click on the link to read more. 

Leave a comment and let us know what you think about applying as a non-school leaver or upgrading your marks for next year. 

1 comment:


Interested to upgrade my marks at DODL. However, need more information about registration.
Kimbe DODL Centre



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