Check 2025 DHERST Tertiary Selection Lists For Non-School Leavers, School Leavers and Continuing Students (PDF DOWNLOAD TIPS)

This article provides essential access links and information on how to check the 2025 DHERST Tertiary Selection Lists for higher institutions in Papua New Guinea. It aims to help you determine two key things:

  • When PNG universities publish their non-school leavers' and continuing students lists.
  • When DHERST (Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology) releases the Grade 12 school leavers intakes.

2024/2025 Update:

The Grade 12 School Leavers ONLINE Selection, which started in 2018, has proven to be a significant advancement. This system allows DHERST, the government, and stakeholders to precisely track how many Grade 12 students are selected for universities and colleges. 

DHERST has announced the key dates for the Grace Period and the launching of the Grade 12 NOAS Selection. 

Approximately a week after the launch, the School Leavers and Non-School Leavers TESAS (HECAS/EAS) list will be released. You can then download the NSL & SL Selection Lists PDF for the new academic year.

PDF selection list 2024 for UoG, UoT, UPNG, WPU, UNRE, PAU, DWU PDF

Checklist for 2025 DHERST Tertiary Selection List

This table provides the status update. We will continue to update this table as DHERST and the universities publish the 2025 DHERST Tertiary Selection Lists For Non-School Leavers, School Leavers and Continuing Students.

  • The Continuing Students should know their status for 2025 before they go for the Christmas Holiday. If you are a continuing student and do NOT know your TESAS status, call your university and find out. 
  • 2024 Grade 12 School Leavers can check their selection status on the 16th of December 2024.
  • Non-school leavers applying to study in any of the tertiary institutions in the country will have to check the university they apply to. The universities will release the list of 2025 Non-school Leavers either on their website or in the newspapers. 
  • DHERST will publish the final selection list for Grade 12 school leavers, non-school leavers and continuing students together with their TESAS status around mid-January 2025
Here is a summary table for the 7 PNG Universities. PNG Insight will update this table to give you the latest 2024/2025 selections for PNG universities.

Use the Table to Check 2025 DHERST Tertiary Selection Lists For Non-School Leavers, School Leavers and Continuing Students

Click on the link (Pending) to see last year's PDF lists. We will change 'pending' to 'publish' with the PDF for Continuing Students, Grade 12 New Intakes and NSL Intakes have been released by respective universities. 

So, bookmark or charge this page on your profile and come back later for the updated list for the following PNG universities:  UPNG, UOG, UNRE, PAU, DWU, UNITECH and Western Pacific University


2024 for 2025

Continue Students 

 (Uni & Colleges)

NOAS New Intake































We will update this table as the 2025 DHERST Tertiary Selection Lists are released by the institutions and DHERST.

National Online Application Systems Selection Launching

Note that DHERST will release the University and Non-University Selection Lists after the launch date of 16 December 2024. Meanwhile, Grade 12 School Leavers and Non-school Leavers can view their selection STATUS through their individual National Online Application Accounts.

For continuing students and overseas students, check the table to see if your institution publishes the 2025 Non-School Leavers (NSL), Grade 12 School Leavers (SL) or Continuing Students (SC) listings, as and when we update the lists this year.

2025 DHERST Tertiary Selection Lists For New Intakes and Continuing Students

The two groups of new intakes are the Grade 12 school leavers and non-school leavers, whereas the continuing students are students progressing to years 2, 3, and 4 or have continued on from the other programs last year.

The universities also publish the list of post-graduate students on their websites around this time of the year. So be sure to check their websites if you have applied for a post-graduate study.

One important thing to check is the student's status on the selection/admission lists. We mention it because the status indicates whether you are on the govt scholarship (TESAS) or not. 

If you are indicated as SELF, you are either a self-sponsored student, an overseas-based student or a corporate-sponsored. You'll have to make the fee arrangements before registering at the university you are selected to attend.

PNG Tertiary Institutions Selection Status Update 2024/2025

Many universities tend to release the PDF lists of Continuing Students List before the New Students Lists (i.e. the Grade 12 School Leavers and Non-School Leavers) list for 2025.

From past experience, the Grade 12 selection list for the tertiary institution in the country will be published by DHERST on its website. 

The DHERST selection list contains the names of new intakes for the universities and non-universities. It is a comprehensive list. Here is what it said around this time last year.

''The selection list for school leavers to university has not been released by DHERST yet, though they have promised to release it on the 8th of January 2021. Understandably, a public holiday was declared on this day, and we hope DHERST will let the public know about the change of date, soon.''

When will 2025 DHERST Tertiary Selection Lists for Non-school Leavers Be Published?

In the past, the non-school leavers' selection list is usually published after the school leaver and continuing students lists. this is because the NSL PDF lists are published by the universities and colleges of your choice, not DHERST.

This is not the case anymore!

In 2024, the Non-school Leavers has gone online via the NOAS. DHERST will do the selection for BOTH SCHOOL LEAVERS AND NON-SCHOOL LEAVERS. Isn't that GREAT!?

So, non-school leavers will also check their selection status on NOAS and find out about the 2025 DHERST Tertiary Selection Lists For Non-School Leavers at the same time as the school leavers.

DHERST resorted to also bringing the NON-SCHOOL LEAVERS Selection ONLINE. Universities and colleges are not going to make the selections. So, what does that mean for you as a non-school leaver applicant? Find out here

This video shows the then-higher education minister announcing the selection of non-school leavers to the NOAS initiative

Recommended articles: Selection Lists for Tertiary Institutions in PNG

In addition to this article, we have some information about selection lists for the Grade 12 School Leavers, non-school leavers and continuing students you might want to read: 

If you have any questions at this time, please leave a comment below.

About PNG Insight

PNG Insight is an education blog. It aims to highlight the key developments in the education sector in Papua New Guinea. Started in 2014 on Google's blogger (now self-hosted on WordPress), PNG Insight strives to be a platform for critical thinking and discussions; and a source of information.

You can follow us on Twitter (@PNG_Insight) for information on Education and Development in Papua New Guinea.


Unknown said...

Congrats all UPNG 2021 New Intakes, continuing, re-enrolment, AND NSL HOWEVER for SOL NSL???? Keen and Patiently awaiting SOL non school leaver acceptance list 2021####Thanks.

Marina said...

When exactly will the non school leavers list for dwu come out?

Unknown said...

When will the non school leavers for dwu will come out ,selected students are ready what about us

Unknown said...

Please Iam anxiously waiting to see the non-school leavers acceptance list for SOL, when will it be uploaded?

Unknown said...

When will the non school leaver acceptance list be put out?

Unknown said...

When will the wpu list released

Unknown said...

Please, what happened to Non school leavers acceptance list for school for the School of LAW?
Please let us know.

Unknown said...

Please, what happened to Non school leavers acceptance list for school for the School of LAW?
Please let us know.

Unknown said...

When will the continuing list for UoT be out?

Unknown said...

Why is it that the list for the Divine Word University St Benedict's School Of Nursing, Wewak Campus not in the continuing list for 2021?

Nelson Terry said...

When will the 2021 non school leaver list for DWU put out.

Anonymous said...

What about the Re-enrollment list for the School of Law ?
Please let us know when it should be published.

Troy James said...

What is wrong with the non school leavers list for dwu? Are we going to check at the university campus or what?

Unknown said...

Please upload the mart for self sponsor continuing students for 2021 year 2 3 and 4.

Unknown said...

Can any one update me on the divine word university non school leaver acceptance listings. When will it be published?

Unknown said...

When will the DWU Non school leavers list out?

Unknown said...

Non school leavers list for Saint Benedict school of nursing wewak please

Brian Jaybee said...

Please the 2021 NSL list for st Benedict's School of Nursing the DWU's branch.

Unknown said...

When will the readmission list for UOG be available?

Unknown said...

Please, When is the NSL kist for DWU coming out.

Unknown said...

When will the st Benedict's school of nursing, Kaindi, Wewak campus continuing students list for 2021 coming out..
Registration starts on Monday 8th Feb and the list is yet to be out.
Reliable sources please act fast.

Unknown said...

When will the selection list for dwu main campus come out all the schools will be progressing on Monday 8th February

Paul D.Kara said...

Please,published the selection list of non school leavers for dwu,because the schools will soon commence.

Wesley Takis said...

When will the non school leaver selection list will be released

Unknown said...

Please uog non school leaver

Unknown said...

Any updates for SOL NSL list?

Unknown said...

Will there be any supplementary list?

Vanvan said...


Unknown said...

Finally. Thank you!!

Unknown said...

When will the acceptance list for non school leavers for Melanesian Nazarene teacher college be released?

Unknown said...

When will be the 2021 confirm list for non school leavers come out for Divine Word University

Unknown said...

Please any updates on non school leavers acceptance list for teachers colleges in png..thankyou

Unknown said...

Can you please forward me 2022 NSL application form from UOG, Unitech Lae and UPNG...

Unknown said...

Plis may PNG UNRE up put out the readmition or re-enrollment list for sem... 2;(2021)

dinga.mosong said...

Please forward me 2022 NSL application form for UOG at,

Philip Sanuwom Konohary said...

Can you please send me a non school leaver application form for 2022. Bachelor in Secondary School teaching.

Unknown said...

I am waiting patiently for DWU acceptance lists 2022.

Unknown said...

When will be the UoT NSL acceptance list be published?

Unknown said...

When will be the NSL acceptance list for DWU be published?

Enos komo said...

When will the non school leavers name list published for dwu,Pau, and for the Lutheran school of nursing

Unknown said...

When will the acceptance list for tertiary institution come out.. I've only seen DWU, what about the others

Unknown said...

Waiting for the NSL selection list for UOG. When will it be punished

Unknown said...

Your current selection is done online. So, why is it taking too long to release the listings for all Unis in for 2022.

Unknown said...

Please when will non school leaver list 2022 coming on media

Unknown said...

When will the NON School leavers acceptance list for 2022 be out on the media

Unknown said...

When will the 2022 Non school leavers acceptance list for UOG be out in the media

Unknown said...

Please Non school leavers list for Gaulim teachers college 2022

Unknown said...

What happen to the non school leavers for DWU? Any explanation?

Unknown said...

When will the list 2022 non school leavers Acceptance list for upng will be out..

Neme said...

When will the 2022 NSL acceptance lists for the universities and colleges be out?

Nangurau Faik said...


Unknown said...

When will be non school leavers list for httc will on

Unknown said...

When will be the non school leavers list for Pau

Unknown said...

When will be selection list for Port Morsby Techical Collage

Unknown said...

when will the selection list for the University of Vudal of agriculture be posted

Unknown said...

When will the continuing list for DWU's other campuses be published.

Unknown said...

When will the St Benedict Kaindi issued the 2022 acceptance list?

Unknown said...

When will the UNRE published its 2022 NSL acceptance list for 2022

Unknown said...

When will the confirmation letter from dbti to be issued at dherst website

Unknown said...

When will be the upng selection list for non school lever be update?

David Eria said...

What's wrong about the acceptance list for uot bulolo campus for school leavers 2022..

Unknown said...

When will the selection list for 2022 admission come out

Unknown said...

When will the acceptance list for DWU's institution be announced as well as the Tessa state... please let us know ....

Unknown said...

When will 2022 Tertiary Instuitions selection list be out?? Especially DBTI

Unknown said...

When will selection list for 2022 school leaves and non school leaves be available?

Unknown said...

When will selection list for 2022 non school leavers be available?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

When will upng selection list available with acceptance letter ?

Anonymous said...

When actly is the UPNG non school list 2022 batch will publish?

Sol said...

When will the acceptance letter for DWU comes out.

Unknown said...

When will the the selection list for Rev Maru Memorial Teachers College be out.Any updates please let me know if any one available to reply.

Unknown said...

When will UPNG publish its continuing students list? It seems like it is always the last one in publication every year..

Unknown said...

When will the PNG UNRE 2022 students continuing list be published? Please let me know the updates if possible


Unknown said...

Is the acceptance list for Polytech out yet or no

Unknown said...

Am a continuing student of Melanesian Nazarene Teacher's College. Could be kind enough to let me know about the HECAS list for the above mentioned institution, please.

Your response is much appreciated.


Unknown said...

When will the 2022 acceptance list for rumginae school of nursing be up?

Eddie Baili said...

When will the 2022 UPNG acceptance list forschool leavers be published?

Unknown said...

When will pom tech school leaver be published?

Unknown said...

When will UNRE release 2022 non-school leavers acceptance list?

Unknown said...

Is the selection list for gaulim teachers college is already published

Unknown said...

When will the non school levers for UNRE be release

Unknown said...

When will be the acceptance list for kaindi teachers college be uploaded.

Ronald Marcel said...

When will the Acceptance letter for UNRE be uploaded? Really need the Readmission letter for sponsorship, time is continuing down, here is my email address:

Unknown said...

When will the acceptance letter for Holy trinity teacher's be uploaded?

Unknown said...

When will the admission pool students name be published? As I am one of them.

Unknown said...

Upng non school leavers please.

Unknown said...

When will the Admissions pool students name be published?and the offer letter?As I am one of them.

Unknown said...

When will Gaulim Teachers College non school leavers list for 2022 be published??

Unknown said...

Non school leavers selection will be released?..Had upgrade msrks at DWU-MC at Holy Trinity Teachers college in 2021 and lodged application and asking you if you could kindly assist me to release the selection list of 2022 non school leavers.Could you kindly email on the email address provided

Moranu Stella said...

When is the Non School leaver acceptance list for Balop teachers college will come out,please? The applicants need to know.

Unknown said...

When will be list for 2022 non school leavers acceptance list for teachers collage please let's us know.

Unknown said...

When will they publish the 2022 non school leavers acceptance list for holy trinity teachers collage please let us know.

Unknown said...

West New Britain schl of nursing acceptance letter has released or yet to be??

Unknown said...

Non school leavers list for Malanesia Nazarane Teachers college

Unknown said...

When will you publish the non school leavers name list for gaulim teachers college for the academic year 2022

Jimwatson929@gmail. Com said...

We are still waiting for the acceptance list Kaindi Teachers college

Unknown said...

When will be the non school leavers list for BALOB teacher college be publish? Please gave us updates!

Unknown said...

When will the acceptance list for non school leavers gaulim teachers college come out

Unknown said...

May anyone show me the 2022 nal acceptance list for png unre

Unknown said...

Can anyone show me the 2022 NSL acceptance list for PNG UNRE

Lyanda said...

Still waiting when DWU will release the nsl list for 2023, the above table presents the list releasd by dherst only.Please days are getting close. We want to know if our names are in that list so that we can prepare in advance. Thanks

PNG Insight said...

DWU NSL list are out already. They were the first to release it. Check the link.

zingu said...

Can a staff from MADANG TECH CONTACT ME ON This # for my queries? 74531765



Public Holidays in PNG 2025

Public Holidays in PNG 2025