2023 UNAM Student Portal, Application Form and Moodle e-Learning Management System (LMS)

The University of Namibia (UNAM) is the largest higher education institution in Namibia with a growing student population of over 30,144. 

UNAM student portal and the e-learning platform are what makes the institution stands along with (or stand out from) the other universities in Africa.

In this article, we provide information on UNAM's student portal and the Moodle e-Learning Management System (LMS). 

Read on to find out how to effectively use the UNAM Student Portal and Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) in 2023.

UNAM student portal application form 2023

What is UNAM Student Portal?

Unam portal is an online portal that enables current students to gain access to academic information as well as updates regarding the welfare, support and learning materials provisions.

UNAM Student Portal is the web front (like a gateway) to the University of Namibia’s programs and other learning-related materials. The students will have to have their user names and passwords to gain access to the portal. Therefore, all students must register and open an account before commencing studies at the university.

Find out how to login to UNAM Portal and access the UNAM iEnablers and other features that not many people know about, click here

How to register for 2023 UNAM Student Portal

If you are a prospective student, not registered at UNAM, you have to go through the following steps:

  • Apply, 
  • Register, 
  • Change personal information, 
  • Get academic and other information and 
  • Make payments.

When you have registered, you can use your username and password and login into the student portal. 

UNAM Courses, Requirements & Application for 2023

If you want to apply to study at UNAM, the best place to get the best and most reliable information is at the university's website. 

Based on past observations, the UNAM student application form 2023, both online and offline, has a due date is June of every year. 

UNAM evaluate applications and does the selection for 2023 based on Grade 12 August 2023 results or November 2023 results (if available). The Office of the Registrar will provide all provisional admitted students with correspondence including registration dates, tuition fees and orientation programmes, thereafter. 


UNAM Student helpful resources

Here are other helpful resources that you might find useful:
  • NAMCOL Student Portal Login Info
  • IOL Student Portal Login and Support Services
  • NSFAF Students Portal Login for Higher Institutions

Change Student Portal Password

For security reasons, you should change your password to a stronger password. Here is how to change your password.

Have your Cellphone number and email address ready.

  1. Visit this link by copy-and-paste into an Internet Browser.: www.office.com
  2. Enter your student email address. i.e. yourstudentnumber@students.unam.na
  3. Enter your UNAM student portal password, and click on Sign In.
  4. Follow the prompt & select NAMIBIA (+264) >Enter your cellphone number >Make sure that “Text me a code” is selected and click on NEXT.
  5. Enter the number sent to you by SMS and click NEXT >wait for the 'SUCCESS' message.
  6. Follow the prompt > CLICK on the X button to Exit
  7. Change Password: Enter your Old Password (the UNAM student portal one). Enter a New Password, and Confirm the new password.
That's it. You are set. Do not disclose your password to anyone!

Uses of UNAM Student Portal and Moodle LMS

It seems that there there is a misunderstanding about the uses (or purposes) of UNAM Student Portal and UNAM Moodle LMS. In fact, the online teaching and learning will be done through the Moodle Learning Platform, rather than the Student Portal.  

The university mentioned that as part of the remote Learning and Teaching strategy of the University, these two platforms (student portal and LMS Moodle) will complement each other.

UNAM MOODLE LMS 2023 (Learning Management System)

Moodle provides for effective student-centred learning through active interaction with fellow students, learning content or activities. 

Something that cannot be done to the same extent through the Student Portal.  It further provides opportunities for mobile learning through the Moodle Mobile app and assessment through the use of mobile devices. Please click on the following links:

  • To download the Moodle mobile app:  https://download.moodle.org/mobile/
  • More information/learning materials about the Moodle mobile app: https://docs.moodle.org/38/en/Moodle_app

Uses of UNAM LMS Moodle

Students and staff should use Moodle for the following:

  • Access to all registered modules
  • Access to all remote Learning and Teaching activities
  • Student-Lecturer interaction
  • Download learning materials for offline access
  • Collaborative learning
  • Instant feedback on online tests and other assessments

UNAM Student Portal - UNAM student application form 2023

Students and staff should continue to use the UNAM Portal for the following:

  • Proof of Registrations, Academic Records and Progress Reports
  • Inter-Account Transfers and Refunds
  • Financial Statements
  • University Notices
  • Lecturer notices to Students 
This information is provided to help the students from Namibia. It is compiled from university manuals, handbooks and online resources that are available to the general public.

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