Online Application UNITECH Non-school Leavers Info

Non-school leavers (NSL) can now apply online to UNITECH. Here is the instruction for UNITECH online application.

Before you proceed onto applying online, do ensure you have all the required documents and read through the Entry Requirements section.

UNITECH Application Form 2023 PDF- How to Apply Online

PDF Colour Copies of Documents

All documents are to be strictly in colour copy converted into pdf before uploading. File naming of each document should be like this:  yourfullname_typeofdocument (e.g) = Samuel Kuri_Grade12 Certificate

Automatic Disqualification 

Applicants seeking re-admission should take note that if you have previously failed 2 times in the first year or a total of 3 times during your program of study then you are automatically disqualified for re-admission into that program.

Application Fee

A non-refundable application processing fee of K 50.00 is to be deposited into: 
PNG University of Technology, 
Account Number: 1000 386581, 
Bank of South Pacific, Lae Branch. 

Mobile Phone Transfers will not be accepted.

Internet banking transaction is allowed and that applicants send a copy of the transaction receipt as part of the documents required to be uploaded at the end of the application.

UNITECH Online Application Requirements 

All required fields having an (*) must be filled in with details – any omission will INVALIDATE this Application.

All academic certificates & transcripts must be officially certified within the current year by a registered COMMISSIONER OF OATHS employed by the government (including district courthouses). 

Statutory Declaration Form will NOT be accepted(Download the PNG State Declaration Form)

The Commissioner must clearly state on each coloured photocopy that they have inspected the copy of the documents and confirm that: 

(A) the original copy shows no evidence of fraudulent alterations, and

(B) the coloured photocopy is a true copy of the unaltered original.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Iam personally motivated and have a greater interest to apply online to pursue my studies in the field of Business Accountancy at the Papua New Guinea University of Technology



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