2024/2025 UPNG Non-school leavers and school leavers acceptance (Info)

The information presented below is a compilation of news and instructions from the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) website. The information is for non-school leavers (who have applied to UPNG) and school leavers who applied through DHERST's NOAS (National Online Application System). 

The Grade 12 School Leavers ONLINE Selection started in 2018. It is the best thing that happens. The online selection helps DHERST, the government and stakeholders know exactly how many Grade 12 students are selected for universities and colleges. 

In a recent media statement, DHERST resorted to also bringing the NON-SCHOOL LEAVERS Selection ONLINE. Universities and colleges are not going to make the selections. So, what does that mean for you as a non-school leaver applicant? Find out here

2025 Acceptance list Study Online in PNG


Important selections note

If you are a non-school leaver and have applied to UPNG, the university (UPNG) will inform you when you are accepted into a program. 

For example, if you submitted the 2025 UPNG non-school leaver application, you'll hear directly from UPNG - not from DHERST.

The university will directly inform you via the acceptance letter and/or by publishing the acceptance list on its website. Then, you must accept the Offer Letter and let the UPNG know about your intention to take up the offer immediately.

RELATED ARTICLE: PNG Universities and Colleges Last Year's Acceptance List Info, TESAS, HELP Loan and Registration and Orientation - ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.

UPNG Acceptance Lists for 2025

The University of Papua New Guinea offers Diploma, Bachelor, Bachelor (Professional), Bachelor (Honours), Post-Graduate Diploma, Master, PhD and D.B.A. programs.

UPNG accepts School Leavers and Non-School leavers for admission into its Diploma, Bachelor and Bachelor (Professional) programs.

Here is what SL and NSL mean:
  • School leavers - Grade 12 school leavers seeking admission in the next immediate year
  • Non-School leavers - Prospecting students who completed Grade 12 in the last 5 years, including FODE and DODL students and international students.

Non-school Leavers Acceptance List

Due to limited space and resources, the University can only admit a limited number of new students into various programmes of study. As a result, competition is very high and priority is given to those with higher GPAs. 

Those seeking enrolment must satisfy the UPNG admission requirement.

The Non-School Leavers are selected based on their application in response to the University’s advertisement every year. The university does the selection and informs the students by publishing the 2025 non-school leavers acceptance list on each university's website. 

If you have a question about the 2025 Grade 12 selection process, PDF list, etc., please leave a comment below or check out this latest update on PNG Universities Non-School Leavers Selection.

School Leavers Acceptance List

School leavers are selected based on the options provided by the Department of Higher Education. DHERST does the selection online and informs the students of their AES or TESAS statuses.

The 2025 school leavers' selection list will be published on the DHERST website like it did in the past unless things have changed. However, it seems that the selection will continue as normal this year. 

So, check this blog post here or the DHERST website for the latest info in regards to the 2025 school leavers online selection list.

UPNG postgraduate programs

The University advertises for postgraduate programs such as Bachelor (Honours), Post-Graduate Diploma, Master, PhD and D.B.A. programs. Candidates with a good Bachelors degree are eligible to apply for Bachelor (Honours), Post-Graduate Diploma and Master programs. 

Candidates with a good Master degree are eligible to apply for the PhD program and D.B.A. program. The University selects the candidates for these programs from among those who apply against its advertisement every year.

Acceptance letters

The University sends offer/acceptance letters to all candidates selected for various programs in addition to advertising the names of selected candidates for various programs in the prominent newspapers in the Country. 

The candidates who accept the offer letters are requested to pay the relevant yearly fee in full and register themselves for the program for which they are accepted usually in February of the year concerned. 

The process of admission ends with the registration of the students for the program for which they are accepted.

If you have any questions about the 2025 Grade 12 selection process, PDF list, etc., please leave a comment below or check out this latest update on PNG Universities Non-School Leavers Selection.


Janet S said...

When is the accepted list for non-school leavers 2021 coming out.

Unknown said...

Waiting to hear the result for 2021 non school leavers acceptance....

Unknown said...

When will be the publishing of 2021 non school leavers acceptance list?

Unknown said...

When wii be the non school levers selection list?


When will be the non school leavers selection list out?

Unknown said...

When will the non school leavers selection list is made public

Unknown said...

When is the selection list for non School leavers for 2021 coming out

Unknown said...

When will the selection list for the non school leaver 2021 come out.

PNG Insight said...

Hi Sendrick, which university are you applying to? The best thing to do is to check the university's news and notices for any announcements re. dates for publishing of 2021 non school leavers.

Unknown said...

Still waiting reply from UPNG non school leavers acceptance letter or list for 2021 selection. Ta

Unknown said...

Upng acceptance list 2021

Unknown said...

Hi when is the acceptance list for 2021 non school leaver coming out

Unknown said...

Still waiting for the acceptance letter. Please notify me. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Pls notify when the the acceptance list for nsl applicants comes out. Thanks

Unknown said...

Any update for non school leavers application list for 2021

Unknown said...

Anxiously waiting for UPNG List 2021. When is it coming out?

Unknown said...

Please advise on the selection of students in private schools into tertiary institutions.

Unknown said...

When is the exact time for upng non school leaver selection coming out.

Unknown said...

If I student gpa has been achieve and is not been selected. Can he or she have a chance to get in to study by self sponsor be please

Unknown said...

When will the acceptance letter for new intakes come out

Unknown said...

How do I get the application form for non school leaver

Unknown said...

This is really great......

Unknown said...

Please send me the non school leavers selection list for 2021

Unknown said...

When will UPNG selection list for 2021 comes out.

Unknown said...

Please when will UPNG put up none - school leaver acceptance list for 2021 academic year.

Unknown said...

When is the list of post graduates 2021 coming out?

Unknown said...

Where can I find the acceptance liat for Gr.12 into UOG?

Unknown said...

Still waiting for the NSL'S List for 2021.
When will the acceptance list will be out?

Unknown said...

When will the selection list for upng
2021 out

Unknown said...

UNRE list out yet?

Unknown said...

Why is a student with upper required GPA not accepted in the University of interest with first 3 choice in the same university. Also not considering the 4th and 5th choices. Why are selectors doing selections not of their interest. BIG CONCERN. No wonder there are a lot of unnecessary drop outs.

Unknown said...

How will an individual receive his or her acceptance letter- through their email account or through their NOAS account?

Unknown said...

Please when is upng going to advertise selections list of accepted students for 2021 academic year????

Unknown said...

UPNG SL acceptance list for 2021 not out yet. DHERST said 8th of Jan 2021. Now we are in mid Jan 2021.
DHERST must also give us ample time for school fees.

Unknown said...

When is the selection list for 2021 upng coming out?

Unknown said...

When will the upng non school leavers acceptance list be out?
Please advice.

Unknown said...

Pls notify me of upng non school leavers selection list

Unknown said...

When will UPNG Publish the 2021 school leavers acceptance list?

Jephtha said...

When is the 2021 acceptance list for NSL comming out

Unknown said...

When will the UPNG school leavers selection list will be out.

Unknown said...

When will the list of school lever 2021 come out?

Unknown said...

When will the TESAS award list for new intakes and continue students come out

Unknown said...

When will the selection list for school leavers be published.Students need to know of the scholarship category as well. Can this be fast tracked & the list be published?Also.is the acceptance letter going to be given after publishing the list.

Unknown said...

When will the non school leavers list will be out

Unknown said...

Parents need to prepared in advance in terms of school fees and others for their kids. please publish the list. We all are focusing you UPNG

Unknown said...

When will the non school leavers list for divine word university will be out.

Unknown said...

When will be the non school leavers list for UPNG will be out

Unknown said...

When will be the school leavers list for UPNG will be published

Unknown said...

January is almost up, when is the selection list for upng coming out

Unknown said...

If you've already received notice from your noas account that you're selected, does that guarantee that you will receive an offer?

Concern Parent said...

We are running out of time the start of school year is nearing and yet the selection list for upng is still not out please update . Concerned parent

Unknown said...

Please still waiting when is the nsl selection listing for upng. Please do update us we still waiting

Unknown said...

I didn't receive any notification about accepting my offer and it's not my fault so please if there was any error please do inform me. The date set was 8th -11th but during this time frame I didn't receive any notification at all .

Unknown said...

Please, let us know what's wrong with the school of LAW non school leavers acceptance list?
It states "Non Available"
Please let us know as soon as possible.

Unknown said...

When is the selection of non school leavers coming out.please notify me.January is ending now.

Unknown said...

Any continuing list for Madang Technical College?

Mr Yadi

Unknown said...

Non school leavers for the school of law selection list still not out...

When will it be ?

Unknown said...

school of law for non school leaver is a snail pace. other disciplines have released names but SOL simply cannot meet up the deadline. please improve your process and service to cater for everyone.

Unknown said...

School of Law is Sick! Necessary Authorities need to carry out an appropriate investigations into their conducts.i believe that the SOL system is indeed corrupted by corrupt officers in the system!
That is why SOL is very slow pace snail in releasing NSL acceptance list.

Unknown said...

I have graduated from the highlands regional college of nursing in 2020 and would like to continue with bachelor program. Am I eligible?

Unknown said...

Dear Admin, could you please send me the application form for BCN(Emergency nursing) for UPNG? thanks.

Unknown said...

Dear admin, can you please send me a UPNG NSL application form for 2022 new intake please..

Unknown said...

Please let me know if the NSL Application form for UPNG is available,and pleased provide a link to download if it is ready.

Jonah Toa said...

Can I have an application form pdf sent to my email address, please

Unknown said...

When is non school leavers applications be available for 2022...

Unknown said...

Please can I have an Application form for Non-school leaver new in-take for 2022 School Of Medicine and Health. Can send me via email ; albertanita28@gmail.com.

Unknown said...

Need an application form for 2022.Medicine and Health Science. Can send via email.banakatob@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Kindly requesting NSL application form for the 2022 Intake.

The requested form can be forwarded me through the email address provided below:

Kind regards.

Unknown said...

Has UPNG application for 2022 academic year closed already or not yet? I wish to apply for School of Business and public policy.

Unknown said...

Kindly requesting info as to the releasing of the 2022 nsl application form

Unknown said...

Eagerly waiting for 2022 non school leavers form,

Florence Jill Eluh said...

Please email me 2022 non school leavers form for bachelor degree in law

Unknown said...

Please inform me on 2022 non school leavers form for bachelor in business

Unknown said...

Please email me 2022 non school leavers application form for bachelor degree in law

Unknown said...

Please email me 2022 non school leavers application form for bachelor degree in law.

Unknown said...

Please email me 2022 none school leavers application form for diploma in prosecutions.

Unknown said...

Please email me 2022 none school leavers application form for diploma in business and public policy please.

Unknown said...

Please email me the 2022 non school leavers application form for school of huminities.
Thank you

Unknown said...

Please can you emailed me the application for non school leaver application for 2022

Unknown said...

Can you please email me with the application form for 2022 school of physical science new intake form. I really need one ASAP.

Rawneeyx said...

Sorry for interrupting, could you send me the 2022 Non School Leaver's application form for the Law School via email please.

Unknown said...

Can you please email me with the application form for 2022 science Foundation new intake form..I really need it...

Unknown said...

When will the acceptance list for non school leaver for 2022 out for political science.Thanks

Unknown said...

Isn't the 2022 non school leaver acceptance list out yet for DWU?

Unknown said...

When should the list for 2022 be out

Paul Kunump said...

what are the locations/centres and dates for this year grade 12 leavers to enter University of Technology?

Unknown said...

When will the selection for non school leavers be out for 2022.

Thomas Akipa said...

Please advise when is the selection for 2022 Non School Levers coming out..

Gwen said...

When will the selection for 2022 non school leavers be out. Please advise.

Unknown said...

When will the selection list for 2022 non school leavers be out.please inform us.

Amos Patel said...

Please can someone inform when will be the nsl acceptance list for 2022 will be released,

Unknown said...

Please inform when will the acceptance list for non school leavers 2022 for UPNG be release?

Unknown said...

I met requirement with my GPA(3.0)but how comes I never got selected to any of my five choices,can someone help me please.

Unknown said...

Please can someone inform when will the selection list for non school leavers be released

Unknown said...

When will online selection for non school leaver be published.?

Unknown said...

Please inform us when is the non school leavers list will come

Unknown said...

How will I know if I'm eligible for taking up the courses I'm applying for and when will the list be published.. thanks

Unknown said...

Hi Admin, when will the 2022 school leavers offer letters be sent to respective students who are selected to UPNG?
Concerned parent

Unknown said...

Non school leavers Acceptance list for 2022

Unknown said...

When will the acceptance list for non- school leavers 2022 be published?

Unknown said...

When will UPNG release the acceptance list for its new intake students list for 2022?

David Eria said...

When will the 2022 acceptance list for UOT bulolo campus be published?

Unknown said...

Can you please email me the 2022 UPNG intake list.

Unknown said...

Any information of the final selection for 2022 intakes

Unknown said...

Can you email me the 2022 acceptance list for UPNG school of health science

Unknown said...

Email me UPNG acceptance list for Theater arts 2022,school of social science & Humanities

Unknown said...

When is the acceptance lists for 2022

Jeremiah Zuhaan Yanjuan said...

Any latest news for UPNG NON-SCHOOL LEAVER ACCEPTANCE LIST? University should submit acceptance list early so that Student will prepare for the academic year in terms seeking sponsorship and school fee assistance.
Please advice us in advance.

Unknown said...

Email me 2022 UPNG acceptance lists for UPNG School of health science.

Unknown said...

When is 2022 UPNG postgraduate acceptance list for School of Medicine and Health Sciences coming out..

Unknown said...

When will the non school leavers acceptance list be published on your website? We're almost getting near to the end the month.
We need to see whether we're accepted or not.

Unknown said...

When will the non school leavers acceptance list be published on your website? We're almost getting near to the end the month.
We need to see whether we're accepted or not.

Unknown said...

When will the acceptance list for non school leaver in 2022 come out??

Carrie said...

When will the 2022 acceptance list for non school leavers for school of law come out.

Unknown said...

Please advise when will be the results for non school leavers for continue student coming out?

Sala said...

When will be the acceptance lists for 2023 published

Bravo L Delta said...

How will I receive my acceptance letter from the institution that had selected me. Is it the department of higher education research science and technology are responsible for providing this acceptance letter to the individual students or how can anyone explain it to me.

Bravo L Delta said...

I was selected to go to Southern Cross University to study the course program under bachelor in information technology ( major in user experience ) and so how and when will I receive that acceptance or offer letter from SCU in POM.



Public Holidays in PNG 2025

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