2025 PNG Education Institute (PNGEI) Application Form and Course Information

The  PNG Education Institute (PNGEI) contributes toward the professional development and training of teachers, both in the in-service and pre-service programs. Here is some information about PNGEI application forms and programs. 

2025 pngei application form

2025 PNGEI application forms

The 2025 PNGEI Application Form is likely to have the following residential programs similar to the previous year's programs (get in touch to find the latest courses on offer at PNGEI):

1. Bachelor of School Leadership and Management - (2 yrs full-time)
2. Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching, Secondary /Tertiary (1 yr full-time)
3. Post Graduate Diploma in Inclusive Education (1 yr full-time)
4. Diploma in Teaching English, Primary - In-service (6 months full-time)
5. Diploma in Teaching Mathematics /Science, Primary - In-service (6 months full-time)
6. Diploma of Teaching Technical Vocational Education - Pre-service (1 yr full-time)
7. Diploma of Vocational Education Training - In-service (28 weeks)
8. Diploma in Education Junior Primary - In-service (1 yr full-time)
9.Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education - Pre-service (both School Leavers & Non-School Leavers), (2 yrs full time)

Interested applicants are advised to request for the application forms through the following email addresses:

1. tkaleo.tk@gmail.com
2. Caroline_Yariyari@education.gov.pg


The closing date for the 2025 application is around July every year. The applicants who have completed the application forms for entry into PNGEI, take note of the date when submitting your applications.

It is important to ensure the 2025 applications are sent together with the required documents before the closing date.


Send application 

The applicants must complete their applications and send them to the  PNG Education Institute using the address below:

      PNG Education Institute
      P O Box 1791
      National Capital District

Or, you can scan all your documents and send them to Caroline_Yariyari@education.gov.pg or tkaleo.tk@gmail.com

Those who scan and email documents note that at the time of registration, PNGEI will ask for your original application fee receipt.

Ensure you keep your original receipts safely and provide them at the time of registration if you are offered a space to study at PNGEI.

Programs info

Details of the courses are available through the links provided at the bottom. In brief, PNGEI offers the following programs:

  • Bachelor of School Leadership & Management
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Tertiary /Secondary)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Inclusive Education
  • Advanced Diploma in Teaching English Primary (In-service)
  • Diploma in Teaching Mathematics / Science Primary (In-service)
  • Diploma of Teaching Technical Vocational Education (Pre-service)
  • Diploma of Vocational Education Training (In-service)
  • Diploma in Education Junior Primary (In-service)
  • Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education (Pre-service)


Application Form and Instruction (download) 

Interested candidates wanting to study at PNGEI can now download the information package online. Get the information about the (detailed) course structure, program requirements, finalised fees and more from the links provided below. 

We will let you know as soon as the acceptance list is out. See below what PNGEI say about the release of the list.

PNGEI 2025 Acceptance List

For the applicants who have been waiting for the 2025 PNGEI acceptance list, here is what the institution said about it on its Facebook page last year.
'For those who are requesting for the Acceptance Lists, we would like to advise you all that the full acceptance list of all programs should be published here (on this page) early next week. Keep eyes for more updates on our Facebook page. 
Thank you and Congratulations to those who have been selected to study here at PNGEI.' [PNG Education Institute (PNGEI) Facebook post]

So, if you have applied to study at PNGEI in 2025, check for the updates here or on their Facebook page. 

Recommended for you

Here are two further study programs that you might like. 

If you are a non-school leaver and want to apply to secure a university placing, check out this post - NSL Application Forms 6 PNG Universities

Join PNG Insight on Twitter and Facebook for more information on education and development. 


Unknown said...

Please let me know when the 2021 application comes out.

PNG Insight said...

The application form for PNGEI comes out around June/July each year. Send an email to the contacts listed in the article for the latest application form and course information.

Anonymous said...

Please send me a application form for 2021

Sebastian said...

Dear Admin, is the 2021 Application form for Diploma in Primary Education (pre-service) out?
Please make it available for interested persons to download.

Dunphy Roo said...

Administration could you please send the application forms for 2021 for diploma primary education if available.

Unknown said...

Send me application forms for 2021 for vocational diploma teaching

Unknown said...

I need application form and entry requirements for PNGEI 2021. Could you please send me the forms through this email nelsonwene50@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I need application forms for 2021 diploma in primary teaching. Send me through my email martinaemilindaaisi1994@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Send me application forms for 2021. Vocational diploma teaching
# kusnago@gmail.com

GA DU said...

Dear Sir/Madam.
i need application forms for 2021 Diploma in Teaching Vocational (TVET).
Please kindly send me on this email address. veroronny43@gmail.com
Thank you...

Waimalo Peter said...

I need application form for Early Childhood Diploma program. Please email the form via my email address: wpeterkra53@gmail.com.

Thank you very much for your response.

Unknown said...

I Mr OnKo Kanem as primary
Teacher for six years experienced am requesting for 2021 application form.please send it quickly before closing date so that I'll fill the form and send it.

Unknown said...

Would you please kindly email me an application form for the Post graduate diploma in teaching please?

Please send it through email written below.


Interested applicant.

Thanks for your prompt respond.

Unknown said...

Please kindly send me application for 2021 intake - Diploma of Vocational Education Training (In-service)

Thank you and kind regards,
Mangella Maur

Unknown said...

Diploma of Vocational Education Training (In-service) (28 Weeks)

Confirm if the above course is run on weekend basis as well especially for working class.

My email address is bridgitte.romi@gmail.com

Thanks and kind regards,

GA DU said...

Dear Administration Team
Could you kindly send the application form for 2021 in Diploma of Teaching Technical Vocational Education .
Please kindly send on my email address; veroronny43@gmail.com
Kindly await for your prompt response .

Unknown said...

Please assist me with application form for 2020, email me back through this email address. judymaia43@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Dear admin
I am kindly asking for an application form for vocational teaching

Unknown said...

Please email me the application form for 2021 at genahenari@gmail.com
Thank you

Unknown said...

Please any late application for the school

Melanie Y said...

Dear Sir/Madam
Please send me a 2021 application on Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education. Email is myadamatti@gmail
Thank you

Unknown said...

What is the fee for diploma in junior primary-1 year course

Unknown said...

When will the application for 2022 comence

Unknown said...

Please let me know the application for 2022.ie when will it commence and please send me the form for diploma in teaching mathematic primary (inservice)

Unknown said...

Please do tell me whenever the 2022 application commences

Unknown said...

Dear Admin Team
Could you kindly send me an application for 2021 Technical collage Sponsorship through my gmail address, fjboiyu37@gmail.com.
Kindly awaits for your prompt response.
Thank you

Unknown said...

Please forward me 2021 application form to apply for next year.

Unknown said...

Dear team,
Could you kindly send me a application form for 2021 please,TVET COURSE

Am very interested please.
Below is my Gmail address.
Gmail: matpil.kepo@gmail.com

Your response will be highly appreciated.


Unknown said...

Dear admin,can you please tell me when is the 2022 application commences thank you launga tom

Unknown said...

Can you please let me know whenever the 2022 application commences thank you very much launga tom

Unknown said...

I am a Primary School Head Teacher I would like to upgrade my qualification by taking leadership course.can you provide 2022 application form for me apply. Thanks. Ketenga Leven email address levenketenga93.com pg

Emma Denis said...

I'm interested in taking this course in Early Childhood Teaching. Could you Kindly send me a Application form for 2022 for me to apply next year.

Thank you

Here is my Gmail address.

Unknown said...

Please I need 2021 application form for next year enrollment

Unknown said...

Is the enrollment for this year still open? I'm interested if so when should I sit for the Entry Test.

Kauga Jennifer said...


I'm interested in taking this course of Deploma in Education junior primary-in-service (1yrs full-time ). Could you kindly send me an applications form for 2022 for me to apply next year.

Thank you

Here is my gmail address


Unknown said...


I'm interested in taking the course Diploma in Teaching English, Primary - In - Service (6 months full - time) Please let me know if the application form for 2022 will be out and forward to me.

Thank you

My gmail address is robinjenny831@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Am interested to up diploma course in English for six months in 2022.Please, Could you kindly send me an application, including the state course fee.My Gmal: scholawangi2017@gmail.com

Petra Molean said...


I'm interested in taking the course Diploma in Teaching English, Primary - In - Service (6 months full - time) Please let me know if the application form for 2022 will be out and forward to me.

Thank you.

My gmail address petramolean@gmail.com

Unknown said...

When 2022 APPLICATION FORM out this year 2021 please inform me.

Unknown said...

Please I need 2022 application form..

Unknown said...

Please I need the 2022 application form for Bachelor in Education Leadership and Management.send via this email.dmkereng20@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Send 2022 non-school leaver application form through this Email address staipius43@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Please could you kindly send me 2022 NSL application form through this email address: asiidau007@gmail.com

Lalepa Rex Yapuna said...

Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Enquiring for 2022 NSL Application Form,

Please would you kindly forward me the subject item on my email address lalepa.yapuna@nbpol.com.

Your consideration and advice will be greatly appreciated.


Unknown said...

Hello , my name is Jeffrey Dunstan Kaman and am are elementary teacher teaching in Morobe Province in the Bulolo District, Way rural LLG for 10 years now and still waiting for teacher registration certificate. Thank you.

I need it urgently.
Jeffrey Dunstan Kaman
File Number. 10774014

Unknown said...

I need NSL APPLICATION FORMS 2022 for early childhood training.

Unknown said...

Dear Admin,
I James Niso currently teaching as tic here at Anglimp SDA elementary school in Jiwaka province would like to do my further studies in junior primary school,requesting for 2022 application.
James Niso.

Unknown said...

Hi.. I am a Primary School Teacher currently teaching in Western Province. I am Head Teacher and I would like to take up Bachelor of School Leadership and Management course and I am requesting 2022 application form. I am Mr Fogy Ika Ade and my email address...adefogy4@gmail.com Thank you

Unknown said...

I send emails requesting for the application for 2022 and there is no reply as yet.. stellalowe01022018@gmail.com is my email address.

Roma Francis said...

Please send me the non school leavers application form for the 2022 academic year through my email address: romaf653@gmail.com

Awaiting your prompt response,

Francis Roma

Unknown said...

Please kindly forward me copies of the PNGEI APPLICATION FORM,, I'm very much interested to apply for junior primary course

Unknown said...

Please i need the application forms for Diploma in Teaching Primary Science/Mathematics(Inservice) for 2022.

Unknown said...

Please send me application forms 2022 for Diploma of Teaching Technical Vocational Education (Pre-service)and Diploma of Vocational Education Training (In-service)to email btomur123@gmail.com.

Unknown said...

Please send me application forms 2022for Diploma in Early Childhood Care Education .

Unknown said...

Hi Admin
Please can you send me 2022 application forms for Diploma in Early Childhood Care Education. Email to genevievetoivita8@gmail.com

Better Books said...

Hi Admin,
Would please send me an application form for 2022 programs. I intend to Apply for a masters program under the School of Humanities and Social Science for the Post Graduate Program.

Email: swemanm@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Pls I need application form for 2022

Unknown said...

I just lodge my application for junior primary diploma last Friday ,application still open or closed.

Unknown said...

Send me an application for early childhood

Unknown said...

Please can you send me a application form for 2022 please

Unknown said...

I have completed BeD in leadership and school management this year 2021 at UOG through IDFL Mount Hagen open campus. I would like to take a postgraduate to become a lecturer at teachers colleagues. Could you please send me the application form if you are offering the program there. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Please sent me application forms 2022 for diploma childhood Education


Unknown said...

Is the application for 2022 academic year still open.

Unknown said...

Wanting to apply, can you please send me the application form so I can apply if it's still open.

Beastiari said...

interested please send application form to peteraina246@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Hello Sir/Madam
I needs application form for 2022 new intake.
Provided here are copies of my personal contact:
Phone (675) 70496134
Email: apamaidapi163@gmai;l.com
By: Dapi Apamai
Bulolo District, Morobe Ptovince

Unknown said...

Dear sir or madam, I need the application form for 2022.
Name: Ismael Ore
Email: ismaelore433@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I need an application , please send me one. Thankyou

Unknown said...

I am interested in taking up the diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education,Please could you kindly send me an application forward to this email address.litabekas85@gmail.com.Thank you you.Yours Sincerely.Lita Bekas

Unknown said...

Interested to apply.


Please am one of those applying for Diploma in Education Jnr Primary. Please do email me if I was one of those selected

Unknown said...

Would very much appreciate your assistance with an application form to be considered for studies. Very interested in studying Dip in Teach Tech/Voca Edu

Unknown said...

Kindly ask for your assistance with an application form to do studies. Very interested in the program for Diploma in Teaching Technical/Vocational Education.


Any information of the 2022 selection list

Unknown said...

Hi! Administration any information about non school leavers for 2022?

Unknown said...

Any information about non school leavers. I am applying and waiting for the result if I am accepted please let me know cause my sponsor need the acceptance letter to assist me. Thankyou.
Titus William from Kulit Elementary school.

Unknown said...

What is taking so long for you people to release the 2022 selectionlist na acceptance letter in order for us to prepare ourselves for school and stuff

Unknown said...

I want to apply for 2023/intakes.

Unknown said...

Please email me the acceptance letter to this email marumkelly26@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Please would like to do my PGDE at PNGEI so if application for 2022 come out let me know I'm interested .

Unknown said...

Dear sir/ Madam,
Could email me application form for primary teaching


Waiting for your feedback,

Kaimaron Jonathan

Unknown said...

Can you please send me the Application forms to my Email.mkhardymax28@gmail.com

Unknown said...

When should the national selection of 2022 results come out

Unknown said...

Please email mi the acceptance letter to this email tagunebongi709@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Dear sir/Madam

I am ITAM Roban current final year student at university of Goroka taking Diploma in early childhood education. I am interested to taking diploma in junior primary by next year 2023. With due respect, I enquire would you send me a 2023 PNGEI application form through this email address. robanitam@gmail.com.your respons will be highly appreciated.

Samm Maba said...


Can the officer please forward 2022 application form

Unknown said...

I need an application for 2023

Unknown said...

Please could you send me the application form for 2023 pre inservice in bachelor in primary education

Unknown said...

Can you notify me when will be the time you may release out the application forms?

Jeffrey Lapu said...

Please Admin could you kindly send me application to study at PNGEI 2023.Application to be emailed through my email address.lapujeffrey@gmail.com.

Duap said...

Please admin could you kindly send me application form of 2023 primary teaching(diploma) before close date.

Unknown said...

please sent application form for 2022 to hagenadmin@ufl.com.pg
please i am really intrested

Shylee said...

I need an application form for 2023 intake..can you please send it through my email address(shirlybruce207@gmail.com)

Berebei Seventh-Day Adventist Church said...

Is the Application still open for next year 2023?

Unknown said...

Would you send me the application for 2023 admission.please send it through my gmail

Greg Akola said...

Would you kindly email me the application form for 2023. Am interested to take up leadership and management.your action is acknowledged, email is: wasiwams@gmail.com

Arthur Yasi said...

please sent application form for 2024 to my email:wbcadata@gmail.com
please i am really interested

Samuel Gerson said...

Dear Sir/Madam,

I need a 2023 application form for Pre_school with its registration requirements.
Thanks much!

Andrew Manga said...

Please send me application form for 2024 admission via my email: mangaandrew1@gmail.com
Appreciate you response.
Andrew Manga

Caspar Sait said...

Can you send me an application form for 2024 enrollment. my email address is; cassisight@gmail.com

Georgina Abraham said...

Please can you send me a non school leavers application form for 2024 new intake to my email address; georginaabraham9@gmail.com
Highly appreciated
Georgina Abraham

Georgina Abraham said...

I am interested to study in your institution so please send me the non school leavers application form
Georgina Abraham

Kaupa Anita said...

I'm interested in PNGEI. I completed my Diploma in Don BoscoTechnical Institute at DBTI. I wish to take Postgraduate in Teaching secondary schools because am volunteering teaching secondary for 5 years now.

PUBLIC said...

Please how can I download the PNGEI Application Form.
I desperately want to apply for the 2024 application form.

thank you need your reply...ASAP!!

PUBLIC said...

Iam interested and apply to PNGEI.iAM an ICT Trainer in Mapex Training Institute
need to take up PGD in Tertiary/Secondary and willingly interested in 2024 Application Form.

please could you send it through my Email: rimbajohnson7@gmail.com or contact me on 74731763.

thank you very much for your kind understanding and look forward to hearing from you in near future



Public Holidays in PNG 2025

Public Holidays in PNG 2025