Steps for My Payslip Online Registration Papua New Guinea Education Department

The Papua New Guinea Education Department initiated a web-based app called the MyPaySlip Application to facilitate teachers' access to their payslips online. It (the online payslip) was launched on 27th June 2019 in Port Moresby. The application is also available as a mobile app on Google Play.

This article provides details for those new and registered teachers on how to Register, login to the Tisa Payslip and Download the payslips online.

How to Register and Download' your payslip online

Here are the steps for teachers in Papua New Guinea to register and download their payslip via the 'My Online Payslip' portal:
  • Gather Required Information: Collect your Teaching Service Commission biodata (full name, file number, registration year), current ID (School ID/NID), current mobile number, and your address/school.
  • Submit Information: Provide this information to your school inspector.
  • Registration: School inspectors will process your registration and forward it to the Education Department's ICT team. A password will be generated for you.
  • Access the Portal: Visit the 'My Online Payslip' portal (
  • . Enter your username (file number) and password provided by the ICT team
  • Download Payslip: Once logged in, you can view and download your payslips
Teachers pay slip education download

How to download teachers' payslip on Tisa Online App

To download your teacher payslip, you'll have to log in to Tisa Payslip online. For mobile phone users, you may have to download the Tisa payslip app on Google Play.

1. Go to
2. Enter your Username and Password
3. Download the teacher payslip.

Access teachers' payslips on the Tisa Mobile app

The online payslip app is available via this link.

The URL link is

You cam also go to the Google Play Store, and install the Tisa Payslip app.

How to register

Only the teachers who register with their credentials will access their online payslips. That means that two things need to happen before teachers can access the payslips.

First, the teachers must register. The education department - TSC - needs to clearly articulate the 'how to register' guidelines to teachers so that they can register.

Meanwhile, there are indications that school provincial inspectors, with the help of the Education Department IT branch and app developers, will facilitate Tisa Online Payslip registration.

Second, teachers who register will be provided with login credentials. This is done as a security measure. In fact, this is a better way to safeguard your login details. And, also make sure no one other than you sees your payslip online.

Teachers registration details

As mentioned earlier, school inspectors (elementary, primary and secondary school inspectors) will be the point of contact for registration. 

So, teachers will have to provide the inspectors with their Teaching Service Commission (TSC) biodata. This includes your personal details such as:

  • First and last names
  • File number
  • Mobile number
  • Gmail/email address, and
  • Recent passport-size photo.

In anticipation of the rollout of the Tisa Online payslip system, TSC would have communicated with the school inspectors regarding the manual registration process. For more information, contact your local inspectors or TSC direct.

Related info - Teachers Online Payslip

The teachers can access their payslips online using smartphones, laptops personal computers, or mobile devices with a connection to the Internet.

teachers pay slip download - how to register for png teachers payslip

Clarity on 'how to register for teachers' payslips online

The challenge now is for the education department (and TSC) to roll out the registration across the country, efficiently and effectively. So that all teachers are registered with the Tisa Payslip Online. 

Finally, for clarity about 'how to register' (how to get your login credential', what to attach and who to see...) for the Tisa Payslip application refer to the Education Department website.

You can also get information and application forms from your provincial school inspectors.  

In the meantime, leave your email in the comment area, or subscribe to the PNG Insight mailing list for updates. You can also join this blog on Twitter or Facebook.

Legacy Online Payslip for PNG Teachers

In the past, the Finance Department facilitated the wss online payslip for PNG public servants through this link Though it was very useful, the finance department could not maintain it. All public servants registered on the wss network lost the ability to access their payslips online. 

This *new* online payslip for PNG teachers will, certainly, give the teachers the ability to check their payslips online. Furthermore, the online application is likely to address other pay management problems, such as ghost teachers/public servants, that may have existed at present.

One-position-one-pay concept 

It will also ensure the one-position-one-pay concept is achieved through the online payslip - a better approach to monitoring the teachers' pay.

During the launching of the online payslip Education Secretary, Dr. Kombra, has called on teachers across the country to use the term three holidays to register for the online payslip.

PNG Teachers Maths Resources

(Maths Resources for Teachers & Students: If you are a Grade 8, 10 0r 12 teacher or parent, check out our FREE Maths Exam Resource and find out how to help your children.)




Unknown said...

Still waiting for my payslip online password.what happened?
Any help please..I did registered but no password have been sent to my email. .

PNG Insight said...

If you are applying from outside of NCD, see your inspector - your point of contact.

Unknown said...

I've registered for the online payslip access with my senior school inspector and I was instructed that I will receive my password through my email shortly. However, this has never happened. It's taking almost two months now and I'm still in the cloud floating to receive my password. Could TSC or whoever responsible give me a solution to such a prolonged delay?

PNG Insight said...

The Salary at Fincorp house Port Moresby will act if the inspector has submitted your application. It seems your inspector may not have submitted your application. Try and re-launce it.

Unknown said...

Need to see my current payslip

Unknown said...

I have registered with online application to access my payslip, through school inspector almost 3 months ago the reply was my password would be sent to my registered email, however,I have not received it yet,what happened, please help me out.

Unknown said...

Iam happy that I have accessed my payslip online. But the problem is that I can not locate the registration form to register my teachers. Please help me out.


PNG Insight said...

You can get the registration form from your school inspector.

Unknown said...

I am Tuna Justine. I am still waiting to receive my password through my email address. I am now unable to access my payslip. if there is a problem with wrong email address then flowing is the active one that I am using.
All my personal information is with NCD Secondary Schools Inspector. Please reply to my problem if I am sorted out regarding this case.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

I want to register my online payslip can someone please assist..

Elijah Takarr said...

I am really happy to access my payslip online. Thanks TSC for the improvement of the service. A way forward.

PNG Insight said...

Glad you can access your payslip online. Well done.

Unknown said...

Please I really need a payslip right can the admin assist for registration.

Unknown said...

I have registered my bio data through school inspector and I have not received my password, what happened,can someone help me. thanks Bonny Sumon

Unknown said...

A very big thank you to TSC and the NDoE for the online payslip. Just a comment and a sugestion here is that, instad of seeing our inspector to do the registration, can we have an online application where we can provide our information to do the registration. And our passwords can be sent through the emails or phone numbers that will be provided.

Unknown said...

I had registered for online payslip with the senior schools inspector in AROB last year in October but have not received my default password since. Can you help by resending my default password please. I want to access my payslip.


Unknown said...

Finding hard to registered can the department of education ICT team create a specific page for pay slip registration.

Making Mays block Gumine teachers Simbu Province.

Unknown said...

I have register with my senior school inspector in Madang but I did not receive my password in my gmail.All my information are with him...Please is there anything I can do or if it is possible for you to activate and send my password please...really need to have the latest payslip for my loan.Its being 2 weeks nau.

Unknown said...

What about registering the school fone so that any teacher can access their payslip with their passwords. This is to cater for those who are comfortcomfortab with one touch fones.

Otto MILINDRA said...

Need help in accessing my payslip online. Thank you...

Unknown said...

Looks like the inspectors or those who are responsible for inputting teachers data are not doing enough, reasons why most teachers are not receiving their password. Also teachers in the pool will not be able to access their funds from TSL,..this App needs alot of improvement..

Unknown said...

I appreciate and has been accessing my pay slip online since registration. However, I have experienced that from pay dated; 08/11/19, 22/11/19 06/12/19 and from pay dated 28/02/20 to 11/09/20 (as well as the last two pays - no pay slip to date) my total gross salary and total deductions are incorrect. While the net salary seems correct, the deductions are half of what should be on my pay slips.

Having tried getting any response from (TSC -Salary) in the province, I request those responsible check this out. Please could those concern (salary officers), check your inputs as I have not been able to access loans from especially TSL due to having deductions to TSL on my pay slips showing half of what was to have been deducted.

Thank you
Philip Kaswa

Tisa said...

Got registered by my inspector this month but still haven't recieved my password yet from my email account..please advice..thank you.

Unknown said...

Is there any other ways which I can register directly online with TSC and the SALARY.
Please can someone assist or advice me. Thank you

Samson Kunangel


Unknown said...

I am a teacher in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Our IT specialists in the Education department of Bougainville are not awarnessing the payslip online requirements and majority of the teachers do not have access to their payslip.

We do not access freely,instead we pay for our payslip in stationaries here in buka for k15.00 per slip.

I wonder how these business outlets access the payslips when we teachers cannot.

I'm sure there are other ways we can access it ,which is not made known to us.

Thanks for your response

PNG Insight said...

Your should NOT pay to receive you payslip. It's criminal. Report the matter to police.

The school inspectors were task to facilitate the payslip registration in the beginning. It would better to get the inspector to arrange for this, or speak directly to the Education Department ICT people.

If you get to one of them, they'll be able to help you.

PNG Insight admin

Unknown said...

Please I've recently updated my bio data with the school inspector Mr.Francis Hari however I've not received my password as yet. Could the education department ICT personal step in and help me, thanks. Suffered Teacher. Bonny Sumon Sandaun Province.

Unknown said...

I have registered on pay slip online but I have lost my phone and forgot my password and the email address. Could you please help me get my pay slip online.

Jimmy64 said...

Can access my payslip but cannot download download indicates error

Unknown said...



John pulung said...

Those who lost their password, how do they re register?

Unknown said...

I'm Joshua K Ketan of Western Highlands Province. My inspector told me that I was successfully registered and I will be given a password through my email address but to date nothing evantuated. It was last year and still waiting for the password from the IT specialist. Help please.

Unknown said...

I suggest that the TSC should create an online registration form for all teachers to fill online and submit for verification & give back the password via email or phone so that the teacher can access his/her payslip.Online registration is so much faster than the school inspector's registration

Unknown said...

This arrangement of seeing school Inspectors for Tisa payslip registration is no convenient as they are either too busy or unable to help. If there is another way of regist
ering, please advise. Thank you.

Unknown said...

I forgot my password and I need help..

Unknown said...

I lost my phone and my forgot my password. The phone that I lost contains my old gmail is very hard for me to get new gmails.

Unknown said...

Last year I lost my phone and forgot my password. I asked for new password and I haven't got to date. How can I retrieve my new password? Can the admin advice me on how to get a new password. And at this point of time we have no inspector (Tabubil inspectorate has passed on). No one has been appointed and it is difficult to travel down to kiunga.

Unknown said...

I myself to lost my phone and also can't remember my password. I rang the inspector who registered me and he mentioned to me that I will have to see the ICT officers at Fincorp Level 5 to help me. I suggest if there should be a change password system developed in this Online payroll system.

Unknown said...

Extreme thanks to TSC and the NDoE for the online pay slip. Just a comment and a suggestion here is that, instead of seeing our inspector to do the registration, can we have an online application where we can provide our information to do the registration. And our passwords can be sent through the emails or phone numbers that will be provided.


Liksen Mandali

Unknown said...

Can you provide a link where teachers can submit their payslip registration application for fast processing and more coverage..


Supan said...

I need payslips please can you help now. My File # 10072013

Unknown said...

I lost my password. Need a new password. Currently we have no inspector in Tabubil cluster who can assist me. Can anyone assist me. Need it(my password) urgently.

Unknown said...

I have registered but didn't get my password

Yakawe said...

I entered the wrong email address. How can I change it?

Uwako Fave Sokove said...

I am accessing my payslip but can't download. It's been a month now. Whats the problem with the server? Need an explanation asap or please recitfy the problem asap . Thank you

Samm Maba said...

How can I generate my own payslip, please someone advise me on the procedures to create my own password

Nathan Karu said...

I have registered for online payslip and able to download my payslip but after losing my phone I cannot access my payslip any more because I forgot my password.I tried to log in using forgot password fill in the required information like Name and file number but after login it respond error therefore can you help me how I could recover my password again

Unknown person said...

Are the payslips for 2015 also online? I have resigned and am working in a private institution.
I am tracing up TISA Education pom and no-one is responding. I believe it would be more convenient if I can get my payslips online.Please confirm if I can access 2015 payslips online as well.
Thank you for your attention.

Northsmen said...

A Chinese store in Goroka is charging K15 to teachers to access their payslips.
I believe the passwords are supposed to be issued only by school inspectors of the province. At the moment, some teachers having installed the mypayslip app can not log in to their account to access their payslips.
Please clarify on this and how can this be possible if we haven't got our passwords but can get our payslips through other means.
Thank you.

PNG Insight said...

That's not supposed to happen. How can a Chinese shop/owner have access to this important document?

Naikmopo said...

Can someone help me register to excess my payslips.

Elton Peter said...

I can't download my payslip because I have changed my ID size photo. When trying to download it, it was saying the image is too large to display. I need help here.

Daniel TETAC said...

I was trying to download my payslip but I couldn't because the message appear error saying the image is too large to display. I need help. Please assist soon. This is my contact address.

Daniel TETAC said...

Please assist, reduce my id photo size so that I can easily download my payslip.

corncern teacher said...

what is the new link that we will use to get our payslip?.. because the one that we are using it now gives us the result of september 2022

Hilton Paul said...

I can't download my new updated payslip



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